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A framework for Linked Data business models Michalis Vafopoulos 1/10/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A framework for Linked Data business models Michalis Vafopoulos 1/10/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A framework for Linked Data business models Michalis Vafopoulos 1/10/2011

2 Main issue Web of data: ① What is and Why is useful ② How can be sustainable? 2

3 Outline ① The Web of documents vs. Web of data ② Linked Data Principles ③ Web science perspective ④ Why Linked Data ⑤ It is the economy stupid! ⑥ Network externalities in the Web ⑦ Network externalities in Linked Data ⑧ A framework for Linked Data Business 3

4 The Web of Documents Simple, big and unstructured Organized in Silos But humans: are interested in Things, no documents & these Things might be in docs or elsewhere Limited capacity to extract meaning... 4

5 The Web of Data Analogy: a global filesystem ----> global database Designed for : human consumption -> machines first, humans later Primary objects: documents --> things (or descriptions of things) Links between: documents --> things Degree of structure in objects: fairly low ---> high Semantics of content and links: implicit --> explicit (Tom Heath) 5

6 Linked Data Principles 1.Use URIs as names for things 2.Use URIs so that people can look up (dereference) those names 3.When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information 4.Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things

7 The Web of Data: why? 7 encourages reuse reduces redundancy maximizes its (real and potential) inter- connectedness enables network effects to add value to data

8 Linked data = internet + http + RDF http://…/i sbn978 Programming the Semantic Web 978-0-596-15381-6 Toby Segaran http://…/p ublisher1 O’Reilly title name author publisher isbn http://…/i sbn978 sameAs http://…/ review1 Awesome Book http://…/ reviewer Juan Sequeda http://juanse hasReview hasReviewer description name sameAs livesIn Juan Sequeda name


10 Two magics of Web Science: the case of Linked Data

11 It is the economy stupid! 11 Network externalities: network goods indirect effects of consumption/production effects on agents not the originator outside the price system Positive, e.g. find information Negative, e.g. receive spam

12 Network externalities in the Web 12 fundamental source of value Web 1.0: links among documents Web 2.0: links among Users and their contribution Web 3.0: links among structured data

13 Network externalities in Linked Data 13 ① Building bidirectional and massively processable interconnections among online data ① Linked Data as an enabler for existing infrastructures

14 A framework for Linked Data Business models 14 ① Value Proposition what value the business creates ② Product/Services which service and to whom ③ Architecture how the value is created ④ Revenue Model sources and types of income


16 issues Incorporate in Web 2.0 (transition) Key issue for many business Do not worry about Google! Standalone data or LD services? Privacy becomes an issue LD services to control your personal LD flow? … 16

17 overview Web of data: ① What is and Why is useful ② How can be sustainable? Questions? 17

18 supplement 18

19 the 5 stars of open linked data ★ make your stuff available on the Web (whatever format) ★★ make it available as structured data (e.g. excel instead of image scan of a table) ★★★ non-proprietary format (e.g. csv instead of excel) ★★★★ use URLs to identify things, so that people can point at your stuff ★★★★★ link your data to other people’s data to provide context

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