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Presentation on theme: "THE HUMAN ASSET THE FUTURE RETURN ON TODAY’S INVESTMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. High performance is not an option Start with the Fundamentals It’s about RESULTS (Achievement) It’s about HOW (Reputation) It’s about SUSTAINABILITY (Long Haul)

3 Focus  Mission — Vision — Values  Expectations (Alignment) People  Competence  Commitment Mindset  What Really Matters  Behavioral Norms High Performance (H.R. Perspective) Execution  Processes  Practices  Discipline Resources  Systems  Technology

4 Start with the Fundamentals 1. High performance is not an option 2. People are a key driver of High performance People are also a key driver of something else…..

5 What Is N o r m a l ?

6 What is Normal? Peter Drucker once said: “The only things that happen naturally in an organization are: Confusion Friction Mal-performance

7 What is Normal? Peter Drucker once said: “The only things that happen naturally in an organization are: Confusion Friction Mal-performance Everything else is the result of leadership.” Human nature is inevitable and it will bring out the best and the worst in people.

8 Start with the Fundamentals 1. High performance is not an option 2. People are a key driver of High performance People are also a key driver of DYSFUNCTION !

9 Start with the Fundamentals 1. High performance is not an option 2. People are a key driver of High performance 3. Change is inevitable Jack Welch “I’m convinced that if the rate of change inside an institution is less than the rate of change outside, the end is in sight.”

10 Start with the Fundamentals 1. High performance is not an option 2. People are a key driver of High performance 3. Change is inevitable 4. No matter what is done it better emphasize: Quality of Conversations Quality of Leadership Quality of Relationships If you do not believe these fundamentals, you might as well leave now.

11 What can H.R target to invest in today in order to impact these “fundamentals” and the many other challenges faced by an organization as it strives to be high performing in the future?

12 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future What can H.R target to invest in today in order to impact these “fundamentals” and the many other challenges faced by an organization as it strives to be high performing in the future? 1.Leadership vs. management; target both but understand the difference.

13 Leading - - - - - - - - - Managing Future Change Followers Present Control Actions Both Focus On: Who You Are Relationships Communicating

14 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 1.Make sure there is Clarity about expectations

15 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future What can H.R invest in today in order to impact these critical success factors and the many other challenges faced by an organization as it strives to be high performing in the future? 1.Leadership vs. management; target both but understand the difference. 2.Make sure there is Clarity about expectations 3.Make sure managers are Credible

16 Credibility Being consistent – DWYSYWD – Respectful TRUSTWORTHY Demonstrating you know what you are doing COMPETENT Being accountable – Not blaming – Action OWNERSHIP Showing enthusiasm – Positive mindset INSPIRING

17 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 4.A key catalyst of individual improvement is Self Knowledge You can’t act on what you don’t know

18 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 4.A key catalyst of individual improvement is Self Knowledge 5.When people are mindless they are dangerous; Be Intentional

19 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 4.A key catalyst of individual improvement is Self Knowledge 5.When people are mindless they are dangerous; Be Intentional 6.It is not about training it is about Application

20 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 4.A key catalyst of individual improvement is Self Knowledge 5.When people are mindless they are dangerous; Be Intentional 6.It is not about training it is about Application 7.A core principle of the culture needs to be Valuing Differences …… and that requires intense focus on Engagement

21 Effective Utilization of Team Members Synergy Developing the broadest perspective possible about the issue at hand Requires: Differences and Mindset Killed by: Fear – Ego – Sameness

22 2.Worth it: Better decisions = Better performance 1.If no innovation = Extinction Stagnation Why Bother?

23 ENGAGEMENT How we talk to people Balancing inquiring with advocating Creates the forum for differences to be aired Promotes learning Sends the message if valued or unwanted The enabler of synergy What is the primary tool to build such a culture?

24 Side Note on Engagement Gallop findings: There is a clear correlation between business growth and an engaged workforce Only 28% of employees are engaged Famous 12 questions (frames of mind) directly linked to performance (virtually all jobs)

25 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 8.Managers must be skilled to Coach in the moment

26 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 8.Managers must be skilled to Coach in the moment 9.Everyone will Make Mistakes; so prepare employees to be able to Recover

27 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future 8.Managers must be skilled to Coach in the moment 9.Everyone will Make Mistakes; so prepare employees to be able to Recover 10. Be thoughtful and careful about what you Measure

28 Measuring Results Leading Indicators Following Through on Application Plans Feedback (including survey work) Quality of Conversations Lagging Indicators Key Performance Areas Revenue Turnover

29 The Role of H.R. in Creating the Future How does H.R. get more of a voice: 1.Gorilla O.D. 2.Results 3.Patrick Lencioni’s “Biases” It sounds too simple You can’t measure it Problem solvers

30 Going from Good To Great “We can find pockets of greatness in nearly every difficult environment. Every institution has its unique set of irrational and difficult constraints, yet some make a leap while others facing the same environmental challenges do not. This is perhaps the single most important point in all of Good To Great. Greatness is not a function of circumstances. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.” Jim Collins



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