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Published byTristan Jordon Modified over 10 years ago
1 1 Strategic Programming in Java Pierre-Etienne Moreau Antoine Reilles Stratego User Day, December, 1 st, 2006
2 2 Context Protheo group, Nancy (C. Kirchner) 4 permanent researchers 12 PhD students Application domain: improve the quality of software semantics of (rule and graph based) languages: Rho calculus theorem provers: deduction modulo, termination rule based programming: Elan, …, Tom –4 PhD students involved –program analysis –compilation –certification –language design (constraint, business rule)
3 3 Motivations After 20 years of research in rewriting We are convinced that: specifying by rewriting is a nice idea But, we now want to: make rewriting usable in practice integrate rewriting into existing programming environments
4 4 Motivations Our approach: take the best of ASF+SDF, ELAN, Maude, and Stratego design and develop a set of Java tools that offer similar constructs: –algebraic data-type (Gom) –equational pattern matching (Tom) –strategic programming (Java Library + Gom) –simplification rules (Tom + Gom)
5 5 Short presentation of Tom A Java program is a Tom program import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … }
6 6 Tom adds algebraic data-types to Java Gom supports many-sorted first order signature import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … } %gom { module Term imports int String abstract syntax Bool = | True() | False() | Eq(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) Expr = | Var(name:String) | Let(var:Expr, e:Expr, body:Expr) | Seq(i1:Expr, i2:Expr) | If(cond:Bool, e1:Expr, e2:Expr) | a() | b() }
7 7 An algebraic term is a Java object Back-quote (`) to build a term import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); … } %gom { module Term imports int String abstract syntax Bool = | True() | False() | Eq(e1:Expr, e2:Expr) Expr = | Var(name:String) | Let(var:Expr, e:Expr, body:Expr) | Seq(i1:Expr, i2:Expr) | If(cond:Bool, e1:Expr, e2:Expr) | a() | b() } `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x")));
8 8 Tom adds pattern matching to Java %match supports syntactic and associative pattern matching import pil.term.types.*; import java.util.*; public class Pil { … public final static void main(String[] args) { Expr p1 = …; System.out.println("p1 = " + p1); …(pretty(p1)); } … } public static String pretty(Object o) { %match(o) { Var(name) -> { return `name; } Let(var,expr,body) -> { return "let " + pretty(`var) + " <- " + pretty(`expr) + " in " + pretty(`body); } … } return o.toString(); }
9 9 Summary Tom offers 3 new constructs: %gom: generate a typed data structure `: build a term %match: syntactic matching and list-matching Gom Tom Java Tom+Java Data structure Pattern matching
10 Demo
11 11 Strategies in Tom Tom is powerful, but clearly not enough There is no separation between Transformation and Control Question: s tarting from the JJTraveler library (J. Visser, OOPSLA 2001) s tudying ASF+SDF, ELAN and Stratego c an we design a powerful strategy language, usable in Java ? The answer is Yes
12 12 First inspiration: Stratego [E. Visser] Elementaty strategies Id Fail Transformation rule Basic strategies Sequence Choice All One Not Parameterized and recursive strategies Try(s) = Choice(s,Identity) Repeat(s) = Try(Sequence(s,Repeat(s))) Repeat(s) = mu x. Try(Sequence(s,x)) BottomUp(s) = mu x. Sequence(All(x),s)
13 13 Second inspiration: JJTraveler [J. Visser] public interface Visitor { /** Pay a visit to any visitable object. */ public Visitable visit(Visitable any) throws VisitFailure; } public interface Visitable { /** Returns the number of children of any visitable. */ public abstract int getChildCount(); /** Returns the ith child of any visitable. */ public abstract Visitable getChildAt(int i); /** Replaces the ith child of any visitable, and returns this visitable. */ public abstract Visitable setChildAt(int i, Visitable child); }
14 14 Visitor combination and traversal control module term T1 = a() | b() | f(arg:T1) T2 = … class T1 extends termAbstractType { termAbstractType accept(termVisitor v) { v.visit_T1(this); } interface termVisitor { T1 visit_T1(T1 arg); T2 visit_T2(T2 arg); } abstract class termAbstractType { termAbstractType accept(termVisitor v); } class termForward { Visitable visit(Visitable v) { return ((termAbstractType)v).accept(this); } T1 visit_T1(T1 arg) { return default.visit(arg); } T2 visit_T2(T2 arg) { return default.visit(arg); } } class Rule extends termForward { public Rule() { super(new Fail()); } T1 visit_T1(T1 arg) { // code that implements lhs -> rhs // … return new Fail().visit(arg); } This is a Strategy!
15 15 public class TopDown extends Sequence { public TopDown(Visitor s) { super(s,new All(this)); } TopDown(Rule) TopDown(s) = mu x. Sequence(s,All(x)) T1 t = `f(a,f(a,b)); Visitor v = new TopDown(new Rule()); v.visit(t); public class TopDown extends Sequence { public TopDown(Visitor s) { super(s,null); then = new All(this); } public class Sequence implements Visitor { public Visitor first; public Visitor then; … public Visitable visit(Visitable any) throws VisitFailure { return then.visit(first.visit(any)); } Sequence s All
16 16 Comparison with Stratego Each elementary strategy is an object Execution is done via interpretation (method call) Failure is implemented via Java exception
17 17 Elementary strategies in Tom A Rule is an elementary strategy Identity and Fail are also elementary strategies a strategy is built using ` “x” and “z” are parameters of sort String the rule is applied once, at root position %strategy RenameVar(n1:String,n2:String) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Var(n) -> { if(`n==n1) return `Var(n2); } } Expr p1 = `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x"))); Expr p2 = `RenameVar("x","z").visit(p1); > Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x")))
18 18 Basic strategies Big difference wrt. JJTraveler: BottomUp is user defined using the mu operator Expr p1 = `Let(Var("x"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var("x"))); Expr p2 = `BottomUp(RenameVar("x","z”)).visit(p1); > Let(Var(”z"),a(), Let(Var("y"),b(),Var(”z"))) public Strategy BottomUp(Strategy s) { return `mu(MuVar("x"),Sequence(All(MuVar("x")),s)); }
19 19 Key ingredients A strategy is a term can be built matched traversed Mu-expansion is done by applying a BottomUp Sequence Mu x Rule All x Sequence Mu x Rule All
20 20 How does it work? %typeterm Strategy { implement equals(t1,t2) } %op Strategy Fail() { is_fsym(t) make() } %op Strategy Choice(s1, s2) { is_fsym(t) get_slot(s1,t) get_slot(s2,t) make(first,then) } { VisitableVisitor } { t1.equals(t2) } { t instanceof Fail } { new Fail() } { t instanceof Choice} { t.getChildAt(FIRST) } { t.getChildAt(THEN) } { new Choice(first,then) } `Choice(Rule(),Fail()); is equivalent to: new Choice(new Rule(), new Fail()) We have Choice(x,y) << s `BottomUp(Expand()).apply(s) returns a new Strategy
21 Current library: basic.tom composed.tom
22 22 Parameterized strategies a strategy can be parameterized by values: a strategy can do side effects: %strategy RenameVar(n1:String,n2:String) extends Identity() { … } %strategy CollectVar(c:Collection) extends Identity() { visit Expr { v@Var(_) -> { c.add(v) } } Collection set = new HashSet(); `BottomUp(CollectVar(set)).apply(p1);
23 23 sometimes we need to recursively call the current calling strategy this breaks separation between rules and control solution: give the calling context as argument Strategies parameterized by a strategy `mu(MuVar(“s”),BottomUp(Rule(MuVar(“s”)).visit() %strategy Rule(s:Strategy) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { … `s.apply(body); } } `BottomUp(Rule()).visit() %strategy Rule() extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { … `BottomUp(Rule()).visit(body); … } } %strategy Rule(s:Strategy) extends Identity() { visit Expr { Let(v,e,body) -> { %match(s) { Mu(x, Choice(…)) -> { Strategy ds = `debugWeaver().visit(s); … `ds.visit(body); } Sequence Mu x All Sequence Debug Rule
24 Demo
25 25 From ASF+SDF, ELAN, Maude and Stratego From ASF+SDF list-matching (associative matching with neutral element) From Stratego traversal strategies (All, One) naming and semantics of operators From ELAN statically typed rules and strategies non-determinism experience no AC, no backtracking strategy as a term New in Tom identity based strategies strategy can be applied on a strategy notion of position
26 26 Identity based strategies %strategy Rule() extends Fail() { // a -> b // default: failure } Innermost(s) = mu x. All(x) ; ((s ; x) <+ Id) `Innermost(Rule()).visit(t); %strategy RuleId() extends Identity() { // a -> b // default: x -> x } InnermostId(s) = mu x. All(x) ; SequenceId(s,x) `InnermostId(RuleId()).visit(t);
27 27 Other nice features A strategy knows where it is applied (global information) useful to implement non-deterministic search (prover, model checker) Gom provides a hook mechanism useful to maintain terms in canonical form (sorted list) Anti-pattern matching car(white,!ecological) XML pattern matching (_*, x, _*, x, _*) -> { … } Strategy library for graphs useful for bytecode analysis
28 28 Conclusion There are many similarities with Stratego Integration of rules and strategies in a Java environment Pure Java implementation Main advantages: Tom and Java data-structures are compliant makes debugging easier any Java program is a Tom program no deployment problem Room for improvements: better integration into Java connection to SDF support for concrete syntax
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