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Texas Skyward User Group Conference Boot Camp For Administrators: Discipline Kim Lyons Santa Fe ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Skyward User Group Conference Boot Camp For Administrators: Discipline Kim Lyons Santa Fe ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Skyward User Group Conference Boot Camp For Administrators: Discipline Kim Lyons Santa Fe ISD


3 Discipline TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Entering an Offense Entering an Action Entering Discipline by Student Reports to Highlight –Discipline Detail –Discipline Summary –Number of Occurrences –Offense Referral –Setting up the Pre-PEIMS 425 Disciplinary Action Record Report 3

4 You can enter offenses from the Student Profile > Discipline Tab Discipline Discipline Entry from Student Profile 4

5 All of a Student’s Discipline records are listed. Details can be viewed by clicking the to expand the record Discipline Viewing the Student Discipline Details 5

6 Enter Discipline referral details for the offense Discipline Entering an Offense 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5 6

7 Discipline 1.Offense/Referral*: Select “Offense” from the dropdown list. 2.Offense*: Select the type of offense from the dropdown list. 3.School: Select the appropriate school code from the dropdown list. 4.Location: Select the location from the dropdown list (not a required field). 5.Bus: Select bus number from dropdown list. (Required only if offense occurred on a bus.) 6.Offense Date*: Change the Offense Date if necessary. This date should reflect the date of the offense. 7.Offense Time: Change the Offense Time (not a required field). 8.Parent Notified: Click if parent was notified of offense. 9.Points: If you use a point system, you would enter the points assigned for the offense 10.Incident: From dropdown list, Select New Incident – Incident ID will be populated automatically. Select Existing Incident to connect a student to another incident and enter the same Incident ID. 11.School Year: Select the appropriate school year, it should default to current school year. 12.Cost: Include cost of repairs (not a required field). 13.Discipline Officer: Select the appropriate discipline officer from the dropdown list. 14.Time Comment: Optional. 15.Campus ID: Campus ID number will be provided. 16.Referred By: Select (Staff, Student or Other) If Staff or Student, select name from the dropdown. If Other, enter Teacher or the other person’s first and last name. 17.Comments: Enter offense comments. Once all information has been entered, click the Save and Add Action button. Note: An Offense with a local offense code associated to a PEIMS action code will create a PEIMS 425 record with an offense code of 21 (violation of student code of conduct). The required fields are indicated with an * 7

8 Enter the Action assigned by the Campus Administrator Discipline Entering an Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8

9 The required fields are indicated with an * Discipline Entering an Action 1. Action: Select an Action from the dropdown list. 2. Suspension Type: Select the type of suspension (will default according to Action Code). 3. Ordered Date: Date you assigned the action. 4. Return Date: Required for TREx; Enter the date the student returns to the regular academic setting. 5. Total Time: Select the value and the type (Days). 6. Parent Notified: Click if parent was notified of action taken. 7. Points: Leave Blank. We do not use in our district. 8. Action Status: Select Open. Note: TREx will only send outstanding (open) discipline records. 9. School: Select the school code for which the action has been assigned. (example: for detention, ISS/SAC, or local DAEP – use home campus school code; for Off campus DAEP assignment or JJAEP assignment. 10. School Year: Select the appropriate school year. (Should default to current yr.) 11. Difference Reason: Enter the appropriate reason if serving more or less days than assigned. 12. Days Served: This value will calculate when you change the status to Served. 13. Follow-up Officer: Select the appropriate Discipline Officer. 14. Authorized By: Select the appropriate Discipline Officer. 15. Comments: Enter action comments. 16. Uncheck Create Action Detail Records From the Action Detail Default Values You Have Saved. Once all the information has been entered, click the Save button. 9

10 Discipline offenses can also entered from Office > Discipline>Entry by Student Discipline Entering Discipline by Student 10

11 Access Discipline reports from Office > Discipline > Reports Discipline Reports 11

12 All reports will have a template to define your criteria or you can use the Skyward Template Discipline Discipline Detail Report 12

13 Choose the desired ranges for your report Discipline Discipline Detail Report 13

14 Both Offense and Action details will be printed on this report Discipline Discipline Detail Report 14

15 This report is a summary for a student or students; not a totals report Discipline Discipline Summary 15

16 This report is a summary of incidences by student Discipline Discipline Summary 16

17 Use this report to get counts for your campus, grade level, etc. Discipline Number of Occurrences 17

18 It can be run as a detailed or summary report on offenses or actions Discipline Number of Occurrences 18

19 Use this report to list referrals by Teacher Discipline Offense Referrals 19

20 Discipline Offense Referrals It can be run as a detailed or summary report 20

21 Discipline 425 Disciplinary Action Record Report Setup Select the 425 Disciplinary Action Record from Texas State Reporting > PEIMS> Pre-PEIMS 21

22 End of presentation – Extra space for other notes Discipline 22

23 Texas Skyward User Group Conference THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! 23

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