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ACSA Membership: What’s in it for you? Region XV Leadership Retreat.

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Presentation on theme: "ACSA Membership: What’s in it for you? Region XV Leadership Retreat."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACSA Membership: What’s in it for you? Region XV Leadership Retreat

2 Trends: Who We Are Association of California School Administrators

3 ACSA Job-Alike Chart

4 What’s in it for you? Member Assistance and Legal Support. Last year we served: 46% - site administrators 28% - other job alikes 26% - Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent $1,000,000 liability insurance FREE Reassignment Termination EvaluationContract Assistance Association of California School Administrators

5 Legislative Advocacy School funding & Revenue Initiative Pension Reform Teacher/Principal Evaluations Common Core Standards Administrator Credentialing Weighted Pupil Formula Lisa Gonzales, VP of Legislative Action and ACSA member

6 EdCal News Leadership Magazine Research Best PracticesPosition PapersLegislation & Policy Current Job VacanciesCommittees and Councils Knowledge Resources Association of California School Administrators

7 Professional Growth Job-Alike Academies new and aspiring Experienced/Accomplished Workshops Budget and Finance Public Relations Strike Preparation Webinars and Online Trainings Coaching and Mentoring Credentialing Association of California School Administrators

8 Leadership Opportunities ACSA Online Community Member’s Only Events Connecting with Colleagues Association of California School Administrators

9 Plus… FREE $10,000 AD&D Insurance FREE financial planning – valued at $500 Timely email alerts on hot topics Family entertainment discounts Member’s only rates on auto & home insurance Association of California School Administrators

10 Getting the Most Out of ACSA Online Association of California School Administrators

11 Elevator Pitch Association of California School Administrators

12 Contest Overview The pitch must be delivered in under 30 seconds and should align with the new strategic plan by describing how, in your opinion, ACSA exemplifies the transformational change required in schools today. Videos can include messages from teams or individuals. One submission per region only. ACSA reserves the right to use any of the submissions in future marketing as necessary. Association of California School Administrators

13 Elevator Pitch Regions must submit their elevator pitch in video format. For ease, we highly recommend using smartphone and mobile devices to record your video. Video pitch must not be more than 30 seconds long. Video pitch must not be more than 30 seconds long. Video pitch must include the use of one ACSA logo prop – mugs, shirts, signage, etc. Video pitch must include the use of one ACSA logo prop – mugs, shirts, signage, etc. Association of California School Administrators

14 Elevator Pitch To submit, videos must be posted to ACSA's Facebook wall or emailed to Deadline for submission is August 15th. Deadline for submission is August 15th. Contest Prizes: Contest Prizes: Winning Region = $500 Winning Region = $500 Most entertaining = $250 Most entertaining = $250 Plus, all members featured in the region's video will receive a collegiate style ACSA t-shirt. Plus, all members featured in the region's video will receive a collegiate style ACSA t-shirt. Association of California School Administrators

15 Region XV Questions and Assistance Contact: Janet Alvarez, VP Membership Penny Fraumeni – ACSA Recruiter Association of California School Administrators

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