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What’s Your CQ? Cultural Intelligence In a Multicultural Setting Melissa Pedersen Maria Brzeska.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Your CQ? Cultural Intelligence In a Multicultural Setting Melissa Pedersen Maria Brzeska."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Your CQ? Cultural Intelligence In a Multicultural Setting Melissa Pedersen Maria Brzeska

2 To understand the concept of “Cultural Intelligence” and how it is developed and enhanced To raise awareness of the need for cultural understanding and improved intercultural communication Objectives

3 FAQ’s About Recent Immigrants Compared to prior 2000 May live in ethnic enclaves but not clearly defined neighbourhoods Participate in mainstream politics Intermarry more often Are more highly skilled and educated Are entering a globally aware society more willing to engage in cultural exchange Source: Michael Adams, Unlikely Utopia, Penguin Canada, 2008

4 Canada’s Multicultural Society Multiple Cultures Intersecting Keeping their own Distinctions Forming the Fabric Organic Changing Society

5 We come not knowing what we don’t know!

6 Covert and Overt Shapes our perceptions, judgments and ideas about self and others Often unconscious Carried in our language Multilayered Organic Culture

7 A set of attitudes, skills and levels of awareness Lead to appropriate, respectful and relevant interactions with others Developing a mindfulness to observe and interpret without judgment Cultural Intelligence Idea first related to global business relationships Understanding how culture impacts behaviour is key to global business success Can be applied to understanding, predicting and integrating behaviour in a multicultural environment

8 Developing CQ Culture CentricCulture Relative Deny See “them” and “us” Polarize with one culture as “superior Minimize Cultural blindness Highlight commonality We are all alike Accept See the differences May respond inadequately Adapt Recognize patterns of differences Shift perspective and behaviour according to cultural context Integrate See patterns of differences Respond Effectively Incorporate a multicultural identity with a cultural perspective

9 It Starts with You Knowing YOU! Be aware of your own attitudes, biases and preconceptions Activity: Check Out Your Biases!

10 CQ: Developed through Communication On-going… Verbal/cognitive Behavioural Emotional… Interaction and Adjustments Communicating is everyone’s responsibility Verbal Intercultural Communication Who What Why Where When How X Behavioural Communication Body Language Actions Reactions Emotional Communication Big and small gestures Over-time reinforcement

11 Appreciating Differences and Commonalities Be curious! Activity: Find someone you don’t know and interview each other using the questions on the Activity Sheets. You can add your own questions, too. What things do you have in common? What is different? What did you learn about and from each other?

12 CQ and Body Language Every culture has a set of gestures that an idiomatic meaning. Activity: Look at the pictures in the handout. Discuss with your group what each gesture means in Canadian culture and your culture.

13 How to Increase CQ Break Assumptions Empathize Involve Open your mind Increase sensitivity Be wise Adapted from Neil Payne, Managing Director and Middle East Trainer, Kwintessential

14 Intercultural Scenarios Activity: Read through your Scenario. Discuss with your group where you think this situation is on the CQ Continuum and how you would proceed to help move the situation towards the Culture Relative part of the Continuum.

15 Developing CQ Culture CentricCulture Relative Deny See “them” and “us” Polarize with one culture as “superior Minimize Cultural blindness Highlight commonality We are all alike Accept See the differences May respond inadequately Adapt Recognize patterns of differences Shift perspective and behaviour according to cultural context Integrate See patterns of differences Respond Effectively Incorporate a multicultural identity with a cultural perspective

16 Developing CQ Start from YOU and what you don’t know that you don’t know …be interested …be curious Process is on-going and organic Can start with small things…food! Progresses to more in-depth knowledge Is not linear Communicate, communicate, communicate!

17 Any Questions

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