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Lesson 6 Employers Are Always Hiring!* Employment Acquisition Negotiation Resource Ownership *Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 6 Employers Are Always Hiring!* Employment Acquisition Negotiation Resource Ownership *Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 6 Employers Are Always Hiring!* Employment Acquisition Negotiation Resource Ownership *Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC

2 Aspects of Negotiation Employer Negotiations An essential element in Customized Employment is negotiating job duties and employee expectations to align the skills and interests of a job seeker to the needs of an employer. This negotiation results in a job description that outlines a customized relationship between employer and employee. * ODEP, Applying Practical Solutions for Employment Success, Volume2

3 Easy Listening & Employment Facilitation Allow the employer to talk himself into employing the person “Selling” is not the point, nor is a conversation about “benefits” of employment Employers understand the benefits of having a dedicated worker Listen to what Colby says: How did Randon get the job?

4 The Importance of “Self- Representation” Only the jobseeker can represent herself, her passions and interests CRP personnel are facilitators only CE is the combination of the community, jobseeker, employers and provider personnel Control of the process to secure good employment is a partnership with agreed upon roles

5 Employment Generation Enable flexibility in the employer, the jobseeker and yourself Say “yes” to employer training! Employers may offer a job during the informational interviews Generation takes courage on the part of the jobseeker and the employer! Employment generation is the essence of CE

6 Use Your Representation Materials Be capable of showing aspects of yourself that help customize the experience for the employer(remember that people come together over shared interests) Talk about yourself and your experiences in relation to those of the employer, as an example fishing Create a list of skills and tasks that the jobseeker can exhibit that are of value to the employer

7 Be Sure to Make “Warm” Calls Much of employment negotiation begins during the informational ineterviews Please use those relationships tp foster employment Use recommendations creatively Once again, listen to the interactions between the jobseeker and the employer

8 Employment Expectations Always expect employment The employment goal: Pay a living wage Work hours include both production hours and social hour Integrated employer expectations

9 Resource Ownership MNTAT (Bob Niemiec) Powerpoint Presentation and review PASS overview Apply PASS to purchase of Work Resources: Tools Transportation Equipment

10 Lesson 6 Goals to Be Accomplished Resources secured to facilitate employment, if applicable Employment for the jobseeker Be ready to debrief on the CE process and outcomes Write success story

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