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2011 Professional Risk Symposium: EPL, E&O and Fiduciary PRIVATE COMPANY D&O: MEETING EXPECTATIONS? Chicago, IL ~ March 24 & 25, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Professional Risk Symposium: EPL, E&O and Fiduciary PRIVATE COMPANY D&O: MEETING EXPECTATIONS? Chicago, IL ~ March 24 & 25, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Professional Risk Symposium: EPL, E&O and Fiduciary PRIVATE COMPANY D&O: MEETING EXPECTATIONS? Chicago, IL ~ March 24 & 25, 2011

2 PRIVATE COMPANY D&O: MEETING EXPECTATIONS? Moderator: Dennis Donovan, Executive Vice President, S.H. Smith & Company Panelists: Thomas Herendeen, RPLU, AFSB, Vice President, Management & Professional Liability, Philadelphia Insurance Companies Lisa Jones, Vice President, Chubb & Son Elizabeth “Liz” A. Roussel, Partner, Litigation, Adams and Reese LLP

3 Introduction with Historical Perspective Coverage Expansion and Impact on Types of Claims Seen  Anti-Trust  Competitor Suits  Consumer Protection

4 Key Highlights from Chubb 2010 Private Company Survey  Insurance purchase rates at about 25%  Fewer buyers today than in 2007! Why don’t they buy?  Who is Suing  Average Loss (settlements, judgments and legal costs) was $225,682

5 Policyholder Perceptions/Misperceptions  Reservation of Rights Letter  Insurance pays in full?  Role of Panel Counsel – upfront discussion

6 Role of Agent in Buying Process  Is it just a cross sell?  Do underwriters require a complete submission?  Automatic renewal pitfalls? Areas of Coverage Expansion and Withdrawal Economic Impact

7 What’s Next? Issues – Coverage – Trends  FCPA  Cyber  Side A for Private Companies

8 Questions?

9 PRIVATE COMPANY D&O: MEETING EXPECTATIONS? Moderator: Dennis Donovan, Executive Vice President, S.H. Smith & Company Panelists: Thomas Herendeen, RPLU, AFSB, Vice President, Management & Professional Liability, Philadelphia Insurance Companies Lisa Jones, Vice President, Chubb & Son Elizabeth “Liz” A. Roussel, Partner, Litigation, Adams and Reese LLP

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