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Creative Inventions and Robotics Tug Boat Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Inventions and Robotics Tug Boat Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Inventions and Robotics Tug Boat Project

2 Big Bud the Tug Need to haul a load of Premium Quality Junk to another land? Big Bud can do the job.

3 Tug Boat Engine Room Mount the Power Top Gear Train and an RCX on two 15 hole beams.

4 Tug Boat Cabin The walls will be 2.5 tall. Measure and mark with a pencil three 2.5 cardboard strips. 2.5 8.5 2.5

5 Tug Boat Cabin Cut out the three cardboard strips. 2.5

6 Tug Boat Cabin Measure 5.5 on two strips. You Know what to do on the third strip. 5.5 2.0 2.5

7 Tug Boat Cabin Cut out the two 5.5 x 2.5 strips. These will be the two cabin sides. Cut out the 6.5 strip. This will be the front of the main cabin. 5.5 2.5

8 Tug Boat Cabin Decorate the sides and front. Use blue, red and yellow pencils to shade the wood panels. Then outline the wood panels with a black pen. Cut out windows and doors. Then paste them on. Left sideRight sideFront

9 Tug Boat Cabin When all sides are decorated, then you can tape them together.

10 Tug Boat Cabin Wrap the sides around the engine room. Glue Popsicle sticks on top to make the structure strong. You can tape the sides to the base Its best not to put a back wall on so you can easily get to the RCX on/off buttons.

11 Tug Boat Cabin Cut a cabin roof. Then punch a hole through the roof with a pencil so the gear train shaft sticks out.

12 Captains Cabin Cut out a 3 diameter circle or use 3 circular container lid. Build the captains steering wheel and glue it to the circle.

13 Captains Cabin Cut out a 1.5 x 6 strip of cardboard and draw wood panels on it like you did for the main cabin. Then tape coffee stirrer sticks on the back. FrontBack 6 1.5

14 Captains Cabin Bend the sides carefully until they fit around the circle. You can tape the sides to the circle on the outside and the inside.

15 Captains Cabin Make the roof a little bigger than the Captains cabin.

16 Tug Boat Cabins Glue the Captains Cabin on top of the Main Cabin.

17 Tug Boat Sides Cut and sculpt a 1 x 1 strip of foam rubber for the sides of the tug.

18 Tug Boat Sides Glue the other side on. Now youre ready to add some decorations!

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