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CFSR 2010 8.00 am Breakfast 9.00 am Scripture reading and focus 9.10 amPrayer in Groups 9.30 amSummary of Feedback Forms 9.40 am Group Discussions 10.30.

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Presentation on theme: "CFSR 2010 8.00 am Breakfast 9.00 am Scripture reading and focus 9.10 amPrayer in Groups 9.30 amSummary of Feedback Forms 9.40 am Group Discussions 10.30."— Presentation transcript:

1 CFSR 2010 8.00 am Breakfast 9.00 am Scripture reading and focus 9.10 amPrayer in Groups 9.30 amSummary of Feedback Forms 9.40 am Group Discussions 10.30 amRefreshments 10.45 amFeedback from Groups CLOSE11.40 amPrayer / 12 noon CLOSE Saturday 28th August 2010

2 CFSR 2010 Focus: Acts 2:40-42 Prayer & Vision Morning With many other words [Peter] warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. The Fellowship of the Believers They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

3 CFSR 2010 They were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37) Repentance, forgiveness Received the Holy Spirit 3,000 saved Prayer & Vision Morning They devoted themselves to (Acts 2:42) The apostles’ teaching The Fellowship The Breaking of Bread Prayer

4 CFSR 2010 Focus: John 13:33-35 Prayer & Vision Morning "My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

5 CFSR 2010 Jesus New Commandment (John 13:34) Love one another Christ’s example Not an option – a command! Prayer & Vision Morning The example of this divine, AGAPE, love within the Church becomes the driving force for our witness beyond the Church! The example of this divine, AGAPE, love within the Church becomes the driving force for our witness beyond the Church!

6 CFSR 2010 Feedback Forms Prayer & Vision Morning

7 CFSR 2010 Summary of Feedback Forms Prayer & Vision Morning 90 Forms returned – 25% by Filipinos – 25% by Khmers – 16 nationalities in remaining 50% – 68 from ‘Members or Attenders’

8 CFSR 2010 Prayer & Vision Morning ‘Providing Christian fellowship, nurture and outreach to the English-speaking community of Siem Reap.’ 4.3 – Fellowship Average score: 4.3 4.1 – Nurture Average score: 4.1 2.8 – Outreach Average score: 2.8

9 CFSR 2010 Summary of Feedback Forms Prayer & Vision Morning Encouragements Improvements Needed

10 CFSR 2010 Prayer & Vision Morning 1 outreach/ evangelism 2 welcoming/ follow-up 3 nurture/ discipleship 4 prayer/ small groups 5 singing/ worship/ sharing

11 CFSR 2010 Group 1 – Outreach/Evangelism Prayer & Vision Morning Does CFSR have a unique "mission field"? How can we reach them with the "good news" - both corporately and individually?

12 CFSR 2010 Group 2 – Welcoming/ Follow-up Prayer & Vision Morning How can we improve our welcome for visitors? How can we help those who are new to the church? How do we encourage more people to be involved in the life of CFSR? [Think about young people, short stayers, medium termers etc.]

13 CFSR 2010 Group 3 – Nurture/ Discipleship Prayer & Vision Morning How can we ensure that every person attending CFSR is fed spiritually? Is there a difference between "nurture" and "discipleship"? Explain your answer in Biblical terms.

14 CFSR 2010 Group 4 – Prayer/ Small Groups Prayer & Vision Morning Are small groups important for CFSR? Why? What should be the main focus of small groups? How can we encourage people to become involved?

15 CFSR 2010 Group 5 – Singing/ Worship/ Sharing Prayer & Vision Morning How important is praise & worship in the life of CFSR? How have we been doing and could we do it better? ‌ Should we give more opportunity for sharing at CFSR about the ministries of members? If so how can this be done?

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