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SABOT Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training Ninth District - Eastern Region COMO. Lew Wargo, Sr. DSO-OP/CQEC 31 March 2014 AUXILIARY SAR SUMMARY.

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Presentation on theme: "SABOT Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training Ninth District - Eastern Region COMO. Lew Wargo, Sr. DSO-OP/CQEC 31 March 2014 AUXILIARY SAR SUMMARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 SABOT Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training Ninth District - Eastern Region COMO. Lew Wargo, Sr. DSO-OP/CQEC 31 March 2014 AUXILIARY SAR SUMMARY

2 SABOT Auxiliary SAR Summary CG-4612

3 SAR SUMMARY (CG-4612) Instructor pass out blank copies of the Auxiliary SAR Incident and MISLE Case Data Entry Report to all students. This should assist the student to follow along with this explanation.

4 HEADING MISLE CASE NUMBER: If available enter the Coast Guard’s MISLE Case Number. ACTIVITY NUMBER: (Optional – not used in every area) Enter the Activity Number if used. UNIT CASE NUMBER: If available, enter the Unit Case Number, (if not, enter any number into the AUXDATA section of AOMS).

5 HEADING DATE: Enter the date for the case. MEMBER NUMBER: Enter the coxswain’s member number. MEMBER LAST NAME: Enter the coxswain’s last name. INITIAL: Enter the coxswain’s first and middle initial.

6 SECTION I INITIAL NOTIFICATION DATA TIME INCIDENT OCCURRED: Enter the time the incident occurred. BODY OF WATER: Enter the body of water where the incident occurred. TIME USCG NOTIFIED: Enter the time of initial CG notification. If an Auxiliary “Come Upon” it would be the time the Auxiliary facility discovered the incident. CAUSE OF DISTRESS: Enter the cause of distress (mechanical, Operator Error, Electrical, etc.)

7 SECTION I INITIAL NOTIFICATION DATA NATURE OF DISTRESS: Enter the reason that the involved vessel asked for assistance (Flooding, Engine Won’t start, Grounded, etc.) PERSONS ON BOARD: Enter the number of adults and children onboard the distressed vessel. GENERAL NOTIFICATION METHOD: (Check one), Direct, Third Party, or Happened Upon. SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION METHOD: Check one), Phone, 911, Dispatcher, Walked into unit, VHF-FM (w/channel number).

8 SECTION I INITIAL NOTIFICATION DATA GENERAL LOCATION: General geographic area (if provided) LATITUDE: Enter the Latitude received from the distressed vessel. LONGITUDE: Enter the longitude received from the distressed vessel.

9 SECTION II REPORTING SOURCE DATA NAME: Enter the name of the reporting source. REG/DOC NUMBER: Enter the registration or documentation number of the reporting vessel. ADDRESS: Enter the address of the reporting party. PHONE: Enter the 10 digit phone number of the reporting party.

10 SECTION III ON SCENE WEATHER SKY: Check the type of sky conditions (Clear, Scattered, Broken, Overcast, or Other - specify other). VISIBILITY: Enter the visibility in Nautical Miles. PRECIPITATION: Check one of the choices (if applicable) WAVE HT: Enter the wave height in fee t SWELL HT: Enter the swell height in feet. WIND DIRECTION: Enter the wind direction in degrees true.

11 SECTION III ON SCENE WEATHER WIND SPEED: Enter the on-scene wind speed in knots. WATER TEMPERATURE: Enter the water temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. OTHER COMMENTS: Enter any other comments regarding the “On-scene” weather.

12 SECTION IV SORTIE DATA RESOURCE: Enter Facility Number of the Auxiliary Resource (ex: AUX241204 ) PILOT/CXSN: Enter the last name of the pilot or Coxswain on the Auxiliary Resource. GAR COLOR: Circle the GAR color for the responding Auxiliary Resource at the time of the response. CREW: Enter the last names of the crew on the responding Auxiliary Resource.

13 SECTION V CASE INFORMATION DATA UNDERWAY TIME: Enter the local time that the Auxiliary resource responded. LAT/LONG: Enter the LAT/LONG of the Auxiliary resource at the time responding. ON-SCENE TIME: Enter local time “On-scene”. LAT/LONG: Enter the “On-scene” LAT/LONG. DEPART SCENE TIME: Enter the local time the responding Auxiliary resource departed scene.

14 SECTION V CASE INFORMATION DATA LAT/LONG: Enter the LAT/LONG if different from “On- scene”. END SORTIE TIME: Enter the local time the responding Auxiliary resource ended sortie. LAT/LONG: Enter the LAT/LONG where sortie ended. OTHER COMMENTS: Enter any other information pertaining to times and location.

15 SECTION VI INVOLVED VESSEL DATA VESSEL NAME: Enter the name of the involved vessel (If more than one vessel, enter additional on another DATA ENTRY REPORT (CG-4612). REG/DOC NUMBER: Enter the state registration or documentation number of the involved vessel. USE: Check the use of the involved vessel (Pleasure, Commercial, Fishing, Other – spell out other). YEAR: Enter the year of manufacture of the involved vessel.

16 SECTION VI INVOLVED VESSEL DATA MAKE: Enter the manufacture of the vessel involved. MODEL: Enter the manufacture’s model of the involved vessel. LENGTH: Enter the overall length of the involved vessel.

17 SECTION VII OWNER NAME: Enter the name of the involved vessel’s owner as shown on the registration or documentation) SEX: Indicate the sex of the owner. DOB: Enter the owner’s date of birth. ADDRESS: Enter the address of the owner. PHONE: Check the phone type of the owner, (Home, work, cell). PH NO: Enter the 10 digit phone number of the owner.

18 SECTION VII OWNER TYPE ID: (Optional) Enter the type of identification used by the owner (ex: registration, driver’s license, etc.). ID NO: (Optional) Enter the identification number for the document used to identify the owner.

19 SECTION VIII OPERATOR NAME: Enter the name of the person operating the involved vessel. SEX: Indicate the sex of the vessel operator. DOB: Enter the date of birth for involved vessel operator. ADDRESS: Enter the address of the operator of the involved vessel. PHONE TYPE: Check the phone type of the involved vessel operator (home, work, cell).

20 SECTION VIII OPERATOR PH NO: Enter the 10 digit phone number of the operator of the involved vessel. TYPE ID: (Optional) Enter the type of identification used to identify the operator of the involved vessel (registration, driver’s license, etc.) ID NO: (Optional) Enter the number of the document used to identify the operator.

21 SECTION IX CASE OUTCOME PROP VALUE: Enter the assisted vessel’s estimated value. ASSISTANCE: Check the type of assistance rendered by the responding Auxiliary resource (Tow, Dewater, Stood-bye, Escort, Removed from Danger, First Aid, Communications Assistance, Other (specify )). LIVES SAVED: Enter the number of lives saved. (The number of lives that would have been lost w/o Auxiliary assistance.)

22 SECTION IX CASE OUTCOME PERSONS ASSISTED: Enter the number of persons assisted. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Enter the names and addresses of the passengers on the assisted vessel along with any additional comments concerning this case on the back of this page or on a separate sheet of paper.

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