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GGF Telco-CG and TMF. Newly formed Telco-CG within the Global Grid Forum Chairs: –Frank Falcon, British Telecom –Pramila Mullan, France Telecom –Franco.

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Presentation on theme: "GGF Telco-CG and TMF. Newly formed Telco-CG within the Global Grid Forum Chairs: –Frank Falcon, British Telecom –Pramila Mullan, France Telecom –Franco."— Presentation transcript:

1 GGF Telco-CG and TMF

2 Newly formed Telco-CG within the Global Grid Forum Chairs: –Frank Falcon, British Telecom –Pramila Mullan, France Telecom –Franco Travostino, Nortel

3 Agenda Telco CG: Review of Charter, Discussion of Milestones Review of the Whitepaper on Role of Telco in the Global Grid Discussion

4 Review - Telco Community Group Charter focuses on how network providers and the Grid community can seek to create common approaches in dealing with significant changes in the offering of services and applications, as well as using infrastructure that will support grids and their evolution. will seek advice and opinions from customers, network providers, network equipment vendors, Grid middleware and applications vendors and technologists.

5 Objectives Explore the 3 Telco roles in the Grid ecosystem: –How network providers (carriers, PTOs) will need to evolve their networks and support services in order to support large-scale grid traffic and other novel requirements posed by Grids? The goal of this roadmap is to facilitate the deployment of large-scale, dependable Grids. –How can network providers use Grid technologies to improve their own internal operations (e.g., billing, events' analysis, and modeling)? –How can network providers become suppliers of Grid managed services and adopt new business models that are profitable? Develop a Roadmap which also explores the inter-relationship between the 3 roles Identify network and other requirements that these roles have in terms of standards, architecture, inter-provider agreements, etc. The scope of the telco-cg will consider both the technical and policy viewpoints (including business drivers). Both aspects are of crucial importance to the work of this research group. The telco-cg will serve as a focal point for outreach and liaison activities between the GGF and other networking communities (inclusive of standard bodies).

6 Join the email distribution list email distribution list for this group – it is the To subscribe, please send a message to "" (the subject is ignored) with the following line in the TEXT of the message: subscribe telco-cg

7 Telco Networks - generic Telcos provide connectivity infrastructure –Geographically and User ubiquitous –Fundamentally provides “shared” assets on a “time-division” basis to any user –Keeps costs very low compared to dedicated connection (since actual usage rate is small) –Providing dedicated connectivity impacts the ubiquity and raises costs considerably

8 Whitepaper: Telco Role in Global Grid Explores 3 Roles of a Telco –Telco as an enabler (of networking) to Grid providers –Telco as a user of Grid computing –Telco as a Managed Services Provider

9 Role 1 – Enabler to GRID providers Fundamentally role is the provision of high-bandwidth connectivity on a point/point basis Promoting Factors –Managed performance, QOS and reliability –Existing support infrastructure –Ability to flex bandwidth on some systems (ATM & Optical lambdas) Blocking Factors –Pressure on costs could make provision uneconomic GRID owners want to only pay for bandwidth/time used Majority of connectivity infrastructure provides fixed bandwidth –Dedicated Point/Point uses up infrastructure and lowers ubiquity –Value of Telco support not recognised at early stages

10 Role 2 – User of GRID internally Role is to improve the management of the Business through use of GRID technology in the telco's IT division Promoting Factors –Massive number of stand-alone overlays of management systems can be virtualised and operate on Grid –Data Centre virtualisation provides significant performance improvements –Huge improvements in TCO and ROI Blocking Factors –Investments in existing systems –Multiple Operating Systems (OSs) in use –“Use what we Sell” mandatory link into Role 3.

11 Role 3 – Managed GRID Services provider Three potential Roles: –Managed Service: Telco creates/manages the grid but customer owns the assets –Utility Computing: Telco manages grids and owns the assets –Combination of the above Promoting Factors –Overcomes the ultimate weakness of other GRID models in their inability to cost-effectively flex geographic connections and bandwidth employed –Provides economically viable services based upon network-centric IT virtualiser engines and label-switched IP connectivity Blocking Factors –Stand-alone Grid owners still influenced by academia model in that recognition of economic reality of commercial world not in place yet –“Use what we sell” for Telcos needs to be built into investment plans –Multiple OS’s in use by customers –Standard business application not yet entirely suited to GRID use Mainly benefits parallelizable/distributable applications Most business applications are mainly serial (though their performance can be improved even as they stand- but is it enough?)

12 DISCUSSION On Link with TMF

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