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Chapter 1 Criminal Justice Today

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1 Chapter 1 Criminal Justice Today
© 2011 Cengage Learning

2 Learning Outcomes LO1: Define crime and identify the different types of crime. LO2: Outline the three levels of law enforcement. LO3: List the essential elements of the corrections system. LO4: Explain the difference between the formal and informal criminal justice processes. LO5: Contrast the crime control and due process models. © 2011 Cengage Learning

3 Define crime and identify the different types of crime.

4 Learning Outcome 1 What is crime?
“a wrong against society proclaimed by law and, if committed under certain circumstances, punishable by society.” Different societies can have vastly different ideas of what constitutes a crime. © 2011 Cengage Learning

5 Learning Outcome 1 The Consensus Model
Assumes that a diverse group of people have similar morals and share an ideal of what is “right” and “wrong.” Crime are acts that violate this shared value system and are deemed harmful to society. © 2011 Cengage Learning

6 Learning Outcome 1 The Conflict Model
Assumes that society is so diverse that members do not share moral attitudes. The most politically powerful members of society have the most influence on criminal law and impose their value system on the rest of the community. Crimes are defined by whichever group holds power at a given time. © 2011 Cengage Learning

7 Learning Outcome 1 An Integrated Definition of Crime
Punishable under criminal law, as determined by the majority, or in some cases, by a powerful minority. Considered an offense against society as a whole and prosecuted by public officials, not by victims and their relatives or friends. Punishable by statutorily determined sanctions that bring about the loss of personal freedom or life. © 2011 Cengage Learning

8 Learning Outcome 1 Criminal behavior can be grouped into six categories: Violent crime Property crime Public order crime White collar crime Organized crime High-tech crime © 2011 Cengage Learning

9 Learning Outcome 1 Violent Crime Crimes against persons.
D our perspectives on crime. Includes: Murder Sexual assault Assault and battery Robbery © 2011 Cengage Learning

10 Learning Outcome 1 Property Crime
The most common form of criminal activity. The goal of the offender is some form of economic gain or to damage property. Includes: Larceny/theft Burglary Motor vehicle theft Arson © 2011 Cengage Learning

11 ABC Video: Cape Cod Murder
© 2011 Cengage Learning

12 Learning Outcome 1 Public Order Crimes
Behavior that is outlawed because it violates shared social values. Also referred to as victimless crime. Includes: Public drunkenness Prostitution Gambling Illicit drug use © 2011 Cengage Learning

13 Learning Outcome 1 White Collar Crime Business related offenses.
Illegal act(s) committed to obtain personal or business advantage. White collar crime costs U.S. businesses as much as $994 billion a year. © 2011 Cengage Learning

14 Learning Outcome 1 Organized Crime
Illegal acts by illegal organizations (often violent. Usually geared toward satisfying a public demand for unlawful goods and services. Implies a conspiratorial and illegal relationship among a number of people engaged in unlawful acts. Includes: Loan sharking Gambling Prostitution © 2011 Cengage Learning

15 ABC Video: US Tyco © 2011 Cengage Learning

16 Learning Outcome 1 High-Tech Crime Also referred to as cyber crimes.
Includes: Selling pornographic material online Cyberstalking Hacking © 2011 Cengage Learning

17 The Criminal Justice System
Learning Outcome 1 The Criminal Justice System The interlocking network of law enforcement agencies, courts, and corrections institutions designed to enforce criminal laws. © 2011 Cengage Learning

18 Learning Outcome 1 The Purpose of the Criminal Justice System
To control crime To prevent crime To provide and maintain justice © 2011 Cengage Learning

19 The Structure of the Criminal Justice System
Federalism – government powers are shared by the national government and the states. © 2011 Cengage Learning

20 ABC Video: Internet Crime
© 2011 Cengage Learning

21 Outline the three levels of law enforcement.

22 Learning Outcome 2 Local and County
County sheriff – chief law enforcement officer of most counties. Responsible for the “nuts and bolts”: Investigations Patrol activities Keeping the peace © 2011 Cengage Learning

23 Learning Outcome 2 State Federal State police Highway patrols
Fire marshals Fish, game, wildcraft wardens Federal Anti-terrorism FBI Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Almost every federal agency has some kind of police power. © 2011 Cengage Learning

24 Learning Outcome 2 Courts
The US has a dual court system – two independent judicial systems, one at federal level and one at state level. Criminal court responsible for determining guilt or innocence of suspects. © 2011 Cengage Learning

25 List the essential elements of the corrections system.

26 Learning Outcome 3 The Corrections systems includes: Probation Jails
Community-based corrections (halfway houses, residential centers, work-release centers). © 2011 Cengage Learning

27 Learning Outcome 3 The Corrections systems includes: Probation Jails
Community-based corrections (halfway houses, residential centers, work-release centers). © 2011 Cengage Learning

28 Explain the difference between the formal and informal criminal justice processes.

29 Learning Outcome 4 The Formal Criminal Justice Process
Functions as an assembly-line “a series of routinized operations whose success is gauged primarily by their tendency to pass the case along to a successful conclusion.” © 2011 Cengage Learning

30 Learning Outcome 4 The informal criminal justice process
Based on the use of discretion – the authority to choose between and among alternative courses of action. © 2011 Cengage Learning

31 The Wedding Cake Model © 2011 Cengage Learning

32 Contrast the crime control and due process models.

33 Learning Outcome 5 The crime control model
Law enforcement is necessary to control criminal activity. Control is difficult and probably impossible. The system must be quick and efficient. Police are in a better position than courts to determine guilt. © 2011 Cengage Learning

34 Learning Outcome 5 The due process model
Strives to make it difficult to prove guilt. Ultimate goal – fairness, not efficiency. Rejects idea of a criminal justice system with unlimited powers. Criminal justice system should recognize its own fallibility. Relies heavily on courts. © 2011 Cengage Learning

35 Crime Control Model versus Due Process Model Mastering Concepts
© 2011 Cengage Learning

36 ABC Video: Crime In America
© 2011 Cengage Learning

37 Sources: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Correctional Populations in the United States, 1995 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, June 1997), Table 1.1, page 12; and Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2008 (Washington, D.C.; U.S. Department of Justice, 2009), 2. © 2011 Cengage Learning

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