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Successful Commissioning - The People Approach April 24 th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Commissioning - The People Approach April 24 th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Commissioning - The People Approach April 24 th, 2008

2  Who had a Success?  What made it work and why? Successful Commissioning  Who had a Nightmare?  Why was it that way?  What Was the ‘People’ Impact  Who were the Positive Players  Who was the baggage

3  You ‘Gotta’ Wanna  Or it Ain’t Gonna! Commissioning Plan  The People Stuff is the Tough Stuff!  Equipment doesn’t talk back

4  Self Awareness  What are our emotions and their impacts Cx - Your People Stuff  Self Management  What I do in the Cx process influences All.  Relationship Management  The way we interact with others matters  Positive relations avoid the negative results

5  Emotional Awareness  What impact do they have?  Gut’s and Instinct to guide decisions SELF AWARENESS  How are you handling the issues?  What’s your Attitude  Demonstrate an ‘Energy’ level  What are your Limits?  You bring Strength to the Project!  Are their things you cannot do?

6  Emotional Self Control  We set the limits of emotional allowance  What level of emotion is acceptable SELF MANAGEMENT  Displaying Expectations  Honesty, Integrity, Trust-Level  Motivation, Initiative  Readiness to grab opportunities  Drive to improve performance  Optimisim  Seeing the upside in all activities

7  Inspirational Leadership  Guiding and Motivating the Cx vision  Influencing others through persuasion RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT  Developing Others  Our Team Members - Retention  Business peers unfamiliar with Cx  Teamwork  You will be more successful!  No One Man Bands

8  Emotional Awareness  What impact do they have?  Gut’s and Instinct to guide decisions SELF AWARENESS  How are you handling the issues?  What’s your Attitude  Demonstrate an ‘Energy’ level  What are your Limits?  You bring Strength to the Project!  Are their things you cannot do?

9  Meetings are Critical  Activity of the Cx Process The Commissioning Meeting  They Can Be Painful  Frustratingly Long  Pointless

10  Death By Meeting!  What was the ‘People’ stuff The Commissioning Meeting  The People Stuff is the Tough Stuff!  Equipment doesn’t talk back

11  Establish the Relationship  Identify & Introduce  Tell them who you are  Make yourself human RELATIONSHIP MANAGMENT  Finding Common Ground  Seek a Solution  Agree to Disagree  Building Rapport  Coffee & Donuts matter  Talk about painful experiences


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