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Published byFrankie Frothingham Modified over 10 years ago
Koblerville Elementaty School August 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 123 Fair Labor Standard Act presentation 9- 11am BOE 45 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27 First Day of School for Teachers and Staff/Orientation 28 Unpacking the data: Know my students performances using achievements results 29 School Level PD 10:00 Senate Hearing 11:30-PIC 3:00- Multi Purpose Ctr. 30 School level PD: Student Center Activities Aligned to Common Core Standards (4-6) 31 Classroom Preparation Inspirational Quote: A leader is a dealer in hope. Napoleon Bonaparte
Koblerville Elementary School September 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 12 3 Commonwealth Cultural Day-NO SCHOOL 4 F irst Day of School First Quarter Begins 9/4 to 11/9 56789 1011 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m. PTSA Meeting 6:00pm 121314 KES Open House/Literacy Night 5:00 to 7:00 1:00 USERRA Mtng. BOE All forms due 1516 1718 School Level PD 3:00pm 1920212223 2425 Staff Meeting 3:00p.m. 2627282930 Peace Builder Theme: PRAISE PEOPLE Leader of the Month 4 TH Grade Virtue of the Month: RESPECT
Koblerville Elementary School October 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1234567 8 Commonwealth Cultural Day-NO CLASSES 9 State Level PD- NO CLASSES 1011121314 1516 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 1718192021 2223 School Level PD 3:00pm 242526 1st Quarter Mid Term Progress PTC Day 2728 2930 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 31 Peace Builder Theme: GIVE UP PUT DOWN Leader of the Month 5 TH Grade Virtue of the Month: COMMITMENT
Koblerville Elementary School November 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1234 5 Citizenship Day –No CLASSES 6 Election Day- No CLASSES 789 End of First Quarter (45 days) 1011 12 Veterans Day-No CLASSES 13 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 2 nd Quarter Begins (11/13-2/1) 141516 Due date to send CCLHS grades to Rediker 1718 1920 School Level PD 3:00pm 21 Education Day 22 Thanksgiving -NO CLASSES 23 Thanksgiving Break-NO CLASSES 2425 26 27Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 282930 1st quarter Report Card : Reports to be sent home with students Peace Builder Theme: SEEK WISE PEOPLE Leader of the Month 6 TH Grade Virtue of the Month: UNITY
Koblerville Elementary School December 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 12 34 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 567 Constitution Day- NO CLASSES 89 1011 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 121314 Teachers and Staff Christmas Party 1516 1718 School Level PD 3:00pm 192021 2 nd Quarter Mid Term Progress PTC Day 2223 24/31252627282930 Peace Builder Theme: HELP OTHERS Leader of the Month 3 RD Grade Virtue of the Month: SERVICE
Koblerville Elementary School January 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY-NO CLASSES 234 School Level PD 56 78 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 910111213 1415 SBA Proctor Training 3:00pm 1617181920 21 Martin Luther King Jr.-NO CLASSES 222324252627 2829 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 3031 Peace Builder Theme: NOTICE HURTS Leader of the Month 2 ND Grade Virtue of the Month: CARING
Koblerville Elementary School February 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 End of 2 nd Quarter (45 days) 23 4 3 rd Quarter Begins (2/4-4/16) 5 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 678 Due date to send CCLHS grades to Rediker 910 1112131415 2 nd Quarter Report card to be sent home with students 1617 18 President Day- NO CLASSES 19 School Level PD 3:00pm 2021222324 2526 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 2728 Peace Builder Theme: RIGHT WRONGS Leader of the Month 1 ST Grade Virtue of the Month: COURAGE
Koblerville Elementary School March 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 123 45 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 678910 1112 School Level PD 131415 3 rd Quarter Mid Term Progress PTC 1617 1819 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 202122 State Level PD- NO CLASSES 2324 25 Commonwealth Covenant Day- NO CLASSES 262728293031 Peaceful Solution: OWNERSHIP Leader of the Month KINDER Virtue of the Month: RESPONSIBILITY
Koblerville Elementary School April 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 12 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 34567 891011121314 1516 End of 3 rd Quarter (45 days) SBA Proctor Training-3:00pm 17 4 th Quarter Begins (4/17-6/20) 1819 Due date to send CCLHS grades to Rediker 2021 2223242526 3 rd Quarter Report Card to be sent home with students 2728 2930 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm Peaceful Solution: SELF CONTROL Leader of the Month STUCO Virtue of the Month: RESPECT
Koblerville Elementary School May 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m 12345 6789101112 1314151617 4 th Quarter Mid Term Progress PTC 1819 2021 Staff Meeting 3:00pm PTSA Meeting 6pm 222324 School Level PD- NO CLASSES 2526 27 Memorial Day-NO CLASSES 28 SBA Proctor Training-3:00pm 293031 Peaceful Solution: HONESTY/ DO NOT STEAL Leader of the Month CCLHS Virtue of the Month: ASKING
Koblerville Elementary School June 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 12 34567 Due date to send CCLHS grades to Rediker 89 10 ALL GRADES MUST BE SENT IN TO REDIKER 11 Flag / Peacebuilder Ceremony 8:10a.m Staff Meeting 3:00pm 12 Parent/ Community Appreciation Night 6:00pm 13141516 1718 6 th Grade Farewell Ceremony 19 AWARDS CEREMONY 4 th Quarter Report Card to be sent home with students 20 Last Day of School 21 SCHOOL LEVEL PD/LAST DAY FOR TEACHERS 2223 24252627282930 Peaceful Solution: BULLYING/ CHARACTER Leader of the Month GLEE CLUB Virtue of the Month: ACCEPTANCE
Koblerville Elementary School July 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1234 HOLIDAY 56 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031
Koblerville Elementary School August 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930
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