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Sample Content Mastery Class

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1 Sample Content Mastery Class
Mrs. Dickey Clip art from Microsoft Office “clip art” and forms created by DFHS Sped Dept

2 Classwork 30-45 minute group assignment to strengthen skills in reading, writing, math or career exploration 25% of daily grade No homework or tests, but there will be assessments to determine weaknesses or progress

3 Individual Work Opportunity to receive help in homework trouble areas
There is NOT enough time to complete all homework from regular classes. Students should complete most homework at home and bring in problems they need additional help in (math problem or editing assistance). Do not save work to be completed in Content Mastery the day it is due. If there is no homework to complete, students will be assigned individual work based on their IEP goals. 25% of daily grade

4 Organization & Participation
“Organization” refers to coming prepared to work with supplies, assignments, agenda, etc. Students should not have to leave the room to retrieve assignments, etc. 25% of daily grade “Participation” refers to responding during classwork, following directions and working during individual work time. Students should ask for help when needed and not sit idle (make good use of time).

5 Sample Daily Work Log Due to individual assignments, grades will only appear in powerschool at the end of each interim/grading period. You will be contacted if work is below a B or C level.

6 Reporting In addition to report cards, student’s IEP goals will be updated every 4 ½ weeks Regular teachers will be asked to complete progress reports 3 times a year

7 Expectations Come on time, prepared to learn
Responsibility & independence encouraged Be proactive: ask for and use accommodations when needed, keep track of grades/assignments, ask for missed work when absent and attend teachers’ academic assistance All students/parents are encouraged to sign-up for Parent Portal (come to attendance with picture ID to receive password) where you can see teachers’ gradebooks for your student

8 Contact I check my email several times a day
ing a teacher of a class directly is best, but feel free to “cc” it to me so I am informed of any concerns Call the Special Services DF office or leave a message on my voic

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