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MSRC FYs 2012-14 Work Program Presentation to Coachella Valley Clean Cities July 2013.

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1 MSRC FYs 2012-14 Work Program Presentation to Coachella Valley Clean Cities July 2013

2 Funding Investments in Clean Air  In 1990, the legislature authorized collection of $4 per vehicle surcharge  Revenues directed toward reduction of motor vehicle pollution  Within SCAQMD, 40% of fees collected are subvened to cities and counties  30% are allocated by the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC)  Approximately $14 million in Clean Transportation Funding from MSRC distributed annually

3 “Snapshot” of the MSRC Work Program Development Process  Work Program development kicks off with joint MSRC/MSRC-TAC Retreat  MSRC approves Work Program categories and directs MSRC-TAC to develop solicitation materials/evaluation criteria, as needed  MSRC approves solicitation materials and sends to AQMD Board for approval  MSRC-TAC reviews, scores, and ranks projects; forwards recommended project list to MSRC  MSRC deliberates on proposed work program and approves awards  MSRC forwards final work program to AQMD Governing Board for approval/disapproval

4 Local Government Match Program  Implemented in Two Waves…  Recommended Program Structure:  Consistent with previous Local Match categories (Alt-Fuel Infrastructure, EV Infrastructure, Medium & Heavy-Duty Vehicles, & Street Sweeping in the Coachella Valley)  Addition of Bicycle Programs Category (including but not limited to bike lanes, etc.)

5 Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Program  Retains Key Features of Most Recent Infrastructure Program:  Broad based incentive “matrix” offers something for almost every entity – public/private, new & expanded, etc.  Sliding scale for public versus private entity, multiple fuels & public accessibility  Increases funding increment for L/CNG station construction

6 On-Road Vehicle Programs  Incentives for New Alternative Fuel School Bus Acquisitions  “Per bus” incentive levels will be lowered to reflect actual incremental costs  Incentives for the Purchase of “Zero-Emission” & “Near Zero” Emission Medium Heavy-Duty Trucks  Provide incentives for the purchase of zero & “near-zero” emission trucks in the 14,001 – 26,000 pound GVWR weight categories.  Near Zero Vehicle Purchases will be Required to Demonstrate the Early Retirement (i.e., scrapping) of Older Diesel or Gasoline Vehicles in Order to Qualify for an MSRC Incentive.  Scrapping Requirement would not be Applicable to the Purchase of New Zero-Emission Vehicles

7 Off-Road Vehicle Programs  Advanced Low-emission Off-road Construction Equipment Technologies  Potential to partner with the California Air Resources Board AQIP Advanced Technology Demonstration Program  Off-road Construction Equipment Technologies include, but are not Limited to, Hybrid-Electric, Hybrid-Hydraulic, & Zero- Emission Off-Road Equipment  Zero-Emission Ground Support Equipment at Major Airports (eGSE)  Provide incentives to Airlines & Cargo Handling Facilities at Major Southland Airports to Acquire Zero-Emission Ground Support Equipment, Primarily Battery Electric (eGSE), & install Charging Infrastructure on the Airfield

8 Off-Road Vehicle Programs, cont.  Zero-Emission Cargo Handling Equipment for Goods Movement  Provide incentives to marine terminal operators & distribution facility operators to purchase zero-emission cargo handling equipment  Opportunity to partner with SCAQMD & potentially ARB in the electrification of rubber-tired gantry cranes (eRTGs).

9 Transportation Control Measures Programs  Event Center category already “on the street”  Signal Synchronization Program  Partner with Transportation Commissions, Local Governments to implement signal synchronization projects  Goal is to leverage other sources of funding – Measure funding, CMAQ, etc.  “First Mile-Last Mile” Transportation Options at Transit Centers (with a Bicycle Focus)  Addresses public transit users, especially rail, & offers options for commute end transportation  Works at “both ends” of a commute – scale of facilities may differ depending on need

10 FYs 2012-14 MSRC Work Program Categories Local Government Match Program$11,000,000 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Infrastructure$7,500,000 Alternative Fuel School Bus Buydown$2,000,000 Medium-Heavy Duty Advanced Technology Vehicles$3,500,000 Advanced Low-Emission Off-Road Construction Equipment$1,500,000 Zero-Emission Ground Support Equipment$3,500,000 Zero-Emission Goods Movement Cargo Handling Equipment$2,000,000 Event Center Transportation Services$4,000,000 Signal Synchronization Program$5,000,000 “First-Mile/Last-Mile” Transportation Options$2,500,000 Total$42,500,000

11 Next Steps  Several solicitations anticipated to be released in September 2013  Visit website for more information on RFPs and to sign up for automatic notifications of funding opportunities

12 AB 118 Infrastructure Funding Programs and Opportunities Dean Saito, South Coast AQMD

13 Approved 2007 Established: ARB Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) - $50 million /year (statewide) CEC Alternative and Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVT) - $100 million/year (statewide) BAR Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program (EFMP) - $30 million/year (statewide)

14 Develop/Deploy Alt and Renewable Fuels and Advanced Transportation Technologies Attainment of State Climate Change Policies Infrastructure Development Expand Fuel Infrastructure, Fueling Stations and Equipment Expand Infrastructure for Existing Fleets, Public Transit and Transportation Corridors

15 Electricity Natural Gas Biomethane Propane Hydrogen Gasoline Substitute Fuels Diesel Substitute Fuels

16 Electric Vehicle Charging $17.4 Hydrogen Fueling $18.7 E85 Fueling $5.0 Upstream Biodiesel $3.9 Natural Gas Fueling $5.1 Propane Fueling --

17 Electric Vehicle Charging $7.5 Hydrogen Fueling $11.0 E85 Fueling $1.5 Upstream Biodiesel -- Natural Gas Fueling $1.5($9.6)* Propane Fueling -- * Remaining Funds from previous FY’s, California Energy Commission 2012- 2013 Investment Plan Update, Statewide

18 FirstCNG$300,000 City of Santa Clarita$300,000 Murrieta Valley USD$300,000 Waste Management $300,000 City of Anaheim $292,760 California Clean Fuels $83,000 (R.F. Dickson)

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