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INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS Brent Wilton Deputy Secretary-General International Organisation of Employers.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS Brent Wilton Deputy Secretary-General International Organisation of Employers."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS Brent Wilton Deputy Secretary-General International Organisation of Employers

2 International Framework Agreements  Negotiated by a Global Union federation and an MNE  Purports to cover the MNE’s operations around the world  Nearly 70 of them – primarily European MNEs  Earliest late 1990s  Built on dialogue models common In European Works Councils

3 International Framework Agreements  Are regarded by trade unions as industrial relations instruments  Not always seen as that by companies Public relations Informal communications Statement of principles  Global Compact companies commonly approached

4 International Framework Agreements  Content can vary but usually includes Incorporation of core ILO standards ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Union recognition provisions in operations worldwide Linkages to suppliers

5 International Framework Agreements Affirmation of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Health and Safety “Fair” competition / “reasonable” working hours  New areas being included Training rights

6 International Framework Agreements  Global Unions see IFAs as: Useful re communication with affiliates allowing them to recoup influence Having a multiplier effect through supply chains Having a “locomotive” effect with competitor companies An industrial relations approach Aid to membership growth

7 International Framework Agreements  Signatory companies see IFAs as: Helping develop better trade union relationships A tool to help deepen dialogue A communication rather than industrial relations tool Reinforcing existing company approaches Helping overcome “issues” before they become crises Improve company image on key issues of concern to stakeholders

8 International Framework Agreements  Key issues: Should not be seen as a public relations issue Legal status uncertain Who signs / who is bound Ability to commit suppliers Term of agreement; Renewal? Referencing of labour standards

9 International Framework Agreements  Key issues : Relationship to national law / national situations Language usage – vague / uncertain How does the IFA fit into a company’s industrial relations strategy? Minority / multiple unions-status / multiple union IFAs? Sectoral push – now emerging

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