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Presented by Tia Coutroupis 1. Sharpen my skill set in order to …  render effective listening and communication  collaborate around solutions  promote.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Tia Coutroupis 1. Sharpen my skill set in order to …  render effective listening and communication  collaborate around solutions  promote."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Tia Coutroupis 1

2 Sharpen my skill set in order to …  render effective listening and communication  collaborate around solutions  promote positive involvement  increase BTU membership 2 The Work Site Leader The Communicator The Problem Solver The Union Builder

3 … a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result The officially designated agent of the Union in any work location or functional division or group. (BTU Contract) … conduct, behavior, demeanor in relation to others 3

4 Understanding …Application …  Cements learning  Allows processing time  Provides an opportunity to make sense of the material  Promoting reflection  Allowing participants time to make connections to their school community  Affording participants time to consider application 4

5  Recall a time when you observed someone effectively dealing with a difficult person. What did the person do?  Using the Dealing Effectively sheet and markers, list the common descriptors that came out during your table talk  Report out in 10 minutes (pick a reporter) 5

6 Most people are not difficult for the sake of being difficult. Even when it may seem that the person is just out to get you, there is always some underlying reason that is motivating them to act this way. Rarely is this motivation apparent. Try to identify the person's trigger: What is making him/her act in this manner? What is stopping him/her from cooperating? How can I help to meet his/her needs to resolve the situation? 6

7  Which type of person?  What are the AKA’s of this behavior?  What ticks us off about this behavior?  What are some possible reasons for the behavior?  What are some tips for effectively handling people with this behavior?  Where might you encounter this behavior in your work as a BR? Example …  TYPE: A NEGATIVE person  AKAs: pessimists, but-ters, dampeners  TICKS: They always see the glass half empty, what could go wrong, what won’t work  REASONS: Their brain is wired to see what could go wrong before seeing the other possibilities.  TIPS: Be an active listener by seeking out the real issues:  What is your exact concern?  What barriers will need to be removed to promote success?  What could go right with the current plan?  ENCOUNTER: During the union chapter committee meeting they could rain on every suggestion. 7

8 There are many different types of DIFFICULT people & The are different strategies to deal with each type 8

9 Treat the person with respect. Use the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Build a rapport. Re-instill the human touch by connecting with your colleagues and getting to know them as people. Focus on what is actionable. Choose not to harp on what you cannot change, focus on the actionable steps that can be taken. Be calm. Someone who is calm is seen as being in control, centered and more respectable. Understand the person's intentions. There is always some underlying reason that is motivating a person’s behavior. Let the person know where you are coming from. Let the person know your intentions behind what is being said, done, and/or sought. Get some perspective from others. Seek out and listen to colleagues who have successfully interacted with the difficult person. Trump Card! When all else fails, remain cordial and professional. Keep them informed and refrain from discussions that are likely to escalate. 9

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12 Session Title: SST for Dealing with Difficult People Session Times: [ ] 8:45 [ ] 10:30 [ ] 2:15 Facilitator: Tia Coutroupis Thank you for your participation! 12

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