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B USINESS P ROFESSIONALS OF A MERICA Running for a State Office Katrina Wilhelm, Montana State Secretary Sidney BPA Parliamentarian Mariah Turner, Sidney.

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Presentation on theme: "B USINESS P ROFESSIONALS OF A MERICA Running for a State Office Katrina Wilhelm, Montana State Secretary Sidney BPA Parliamentarian Mariah Turner, Sidney."— Presentation transcript:

1 B USINESS P ROFESSIONALS OF A MERICA Running for a State Office Katrina Wilhelm, Montana State Secretary Sidney BPA Parliamentarian Mariah Turner, Sidney BPA Vice President

2 W HY R UN FOR A S TATE O FFICE ? Leadership Experience Opportunity to Meet New People Confidence Builder Travel Experience

3 W HERE D O I B EGIN ? Ask yourself the following questions: Do I have the time to commit? Will I be able to attend all required functions? Am I organized? Can I multi-task? Do I enjoy being involved? Do I see myself as a leader?

4 M ONTANA BPA O FFICES AND D UTIES President Chief Officer Presides at all meetings Vice President Fills in for President if necessary Takes charge of Torch Awards for Montana Secretary Maintains meeting agenda Takes minutes at meetings

5 M ONTANA BPA O FFICES AND D UTIES ( CONT ’ D ) Communications Director To assist the Membership Director by coordinating Buddy Chapter correspondence To work with the Public Relations Director and Executive Secretary to provide regular and consistent communications in managing information for the website To assist the Public Relations Director in completing the State Officer Newsletter Membership Director To develop recruitment programs for chapters and regions including: Buddy Chapter Program Participation in Regional Activities Membership Public Relations Director To complete the newsletters and update the website To provide input for the development of the Corporate Sponsor Program.

6 W HAT I S I NVOLVED IN R UNNING FOR O FFICE ? Montana BPA Website Application Materials Object Short Speech Campaign Rally Longer Speech Interview

7 A PPLICATION Required Forms: State Officer Candidate Application Cover State Officer Candidate Application Form & Worksheet School District Approval Form State Officer Code of Ethics Web Site Release Form Letter of Application Resume

8 S TATE O FFICER A CTIVITIES Leadership training camp @ Bigfork with other CTSO’s in June Officer planning meetings and conference calls Meeting with Governor in Helena State Conference planning and activities Serve as Voting Delegate at National Leadership Conference Newsletters Buddy Chapter Letters

9 Q UESTIONS ? Eric Swenson Montana BPA State Advisor Montana Office of Public Instruction PO Box 202501 Helena, MT 59620 Staci Auck Montana BPA State Officer Coordinator Hobson High School PO B410 Hobson, MT 59452 State Officer Page of the Montana BPA website Details to Consider for Potential State Officer Candidates

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