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Brian DeGennaro Physical Properties- Molecular Weight: 200.59 Chemical Formula: Hg Atomic Number: 80 Appearance: Silver-white, heavy, mobile, liquid metal.

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Presentation on theme: "Brian DeGennaro Physical Properties- Molecular Weight: 200.59 Chemical Formula: Hg Atomic Number: 80 Appearance: Silver-white, heavy, mobile, liquid metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brian DeGennaro Physical Properties- Molecular Weight: 200.59 Chemical Formula: Hg Atomic Number: 80 Appearance: Silver-white, heavy, mobile, liquid metal Odor: Odorless Solubility: Insoluble in water

2  Mercury has been a well known pollutant for decades mentioned as early as the 3000 years ago by the Babylonians  Mercury emissions have been seen on wild ecosystems effecting the health of many inhabitants  Fish mainly from poor nutrient lakes and often in very remote areas, commonly have high levels of mercury in them, and these fish are then consumed by humans  33 states have issued fish consumption advisories because of mercury contamination

3  Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers, manometers, sphygmomanometers, float valves, some electrical switches  Also used in dental restoration  Mercury is used in many lights sources because it can have short ultra violet wave lengths that illuminate

4  Mercury is very toxic  Acute effects-  exposure to high levels of elemental mercury in humans results in central nervous system effects such as tremors, mood changes, and slowed sensory and motor nerve function  Chronic effects-  exposure to elemental mercury in humans also affects the CNS, with effects such as erethism (increased excitability), irritability, excessive shyness, and tremors.

5  Release of naturally occurring mercury from rock and soil allows mercury to seap into our water supply  Burning of coal and oil that contains small amounts of mercury  Release of mercury from metal smelters  Incineration of materials that contain mercury, such as batteries.  Inorganic mercury compounds are the most common forms of mercury found in drinking water

6  U.S. EPA uses a RfD of 0.1 µg/kg body weight/day as an exposure without recognized adverse effects

7  Mercury is naturally occuring in rocks and soil which can leak into water supplys

8  Mercury is a naturally occuring element there is no way to reduce it in our water supply

9  "Mercury (element) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2010..  "Chemical - Mercury (Hg)." Chemical - An Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. <  "Mercury (element) - New World Encyclopedia." Info:Main Page - New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2010..

10  Is Mercury odorless?  Is Mercury a solid?  Mercury is used in thermometers

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