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St. Andrew the Apostle/ Good Shepherd Mission 2011-2012 Annual Report (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

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Presentation on theme: "St. Andrew the Apostle/ Good Shepherd Mission 2011-2012 Annual Report (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)"— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Andrew the Apostle/ Good Shepherd Mission 2011-2012 Annual Report (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

2 2011-2012 A Year of Many Blessings  Our parish continued to grow  Parishioners generously supported parish operating needs  Donations stayed constant, in spite of the economic climate  Four men from our parish were ordained permanent Deacons  Four people became lay ecclesial ministers

3 Blessings…  Parishioners generously supported others  Annual Catholic Appeal  Local community: Catholic Community Services, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Food Bank, Good Neighbor Alliance, CareNet, and the Salvation Army Meal Program  Missionaries in Arizona, the United States, Haiti, Nepal, Costa Rica, Mexico, South Africa, and Senegal

4 Blessings…..  Parishioners gave of their time and talent: Sacristans, money counters, Ladies of St. Andrews, Knights of Columbus, hospitality ministers, Eucharistic ministers, RCIA teachers, religious education teachers, grounds keeping support, musicians, parish council and finance council, and much, much, more

5 Blessings…..  Community Outreach: St. Andrew’s parish sponsored and participated in many community programs:  Community Easter Sunrise Service  Community Ministry Fair  Annual Community Hymn Festival  Annual “Messiah” performance  Chiricahua Health Mobile Medical and Dental Clinic  Musical events: Cochise College Music Choirs, Cochise County Youth Orchestra, and local music student recitals

6 2011-2012 A Year of Many Challenges  Income: $783,600, Expenses: $803,000  Shortfall of $19,400 covered from limited parish reserves  Offerings and other income did not increase

7 2011-2012 - Challenges …… One-time Expenses:  Replaced outdated, non-working phone system *  Replaced church overhead projector system *  Replaced the Parish Center fire suppression system *  Upgraded church restrooms with handicapped door openers  Made repairs related to damage caused by winter storms * Paid in part or all by the Ladies of St. Andrew’s

8 Where Our Money Comes From Christmas/Easter 7% Other Income 4% Weekend Collections 89%

9 Where Our Money Goes Building Supplies and Maintenance* 22% Utilities 8% Chancery Assessment 7% Proclamation/ Education* 15% Liturgy* – 11% Administration* 33% Insurance – 4% *Includes salaries

10 2012-2013 Another challenging year  Operating budget expenses expected to increase  Must increase revenue to cover day-to-day operating expenses  At this point, expense projections are $25,000 over income projections  Need to fund other urgent one-time expenses, for instance:  Replacement of office copier  Church roof repair  Replacement of freezer in parish kitchen  Recoat and restripe the church parking lots

11 Parish Mission Goals  Participate in the Diocesan celebration of the Year of Faith to “awaken”, “discover “ and “inspire” our parishioners  Expand the mission focus of our parish by reaching out to more and more people  Expand and strengthen every parishioner’s involvement in ministries and mission

12 Parish Finance Goals  Be good stewards of all parish resources  Increase offerings to cover increased operating expenses  Support the parish mission goals  Payoff the new church loan  Build a reserve to cover capital expenses such as facility upgrades and major repairs

13 We ask….

14  That you prayerfully consider raising your weekly offering by $3 to $5

15 We ask….  That you prayerfully consider raising your weekly offering by $3 to $5  That you continue to fulfill your Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future capital campaign pledges and continue to make monthly donations to the building fund

16 We ask….  That you prayerfully consider raising your weekly offering by $3 to $5  That you continue to fulfill your Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future capital campaign pledges and continue to make monthly donations to the building fund  And that you continue to share your time and talents by participating in parish ministries OR that you consider joining in parish ministries

17 By the grace of God We have built our church; By the same grace, We are building our Church!

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