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 Dig out your values documents from last year.  Think:  What is a value?  Where do values come from?  How can writers express them? (hint: positioning)

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2  Dig out your values documents from last year.  Think:  What is a value?  Where do values come from?  How can writers express them? (hint: positioning)  Why do writers express them?  Pair: compare notes with a friend  Share: as a class…

3 1. As a group, make a list of 20-25 moments from the novel which you consider most important in Shelley’s exploration of values.

4 2. Get together with people who have the same edition of the novel and find those pages!

5 3. Write about 15 passages:  Brief summary  Key quotation  Values this reveals and how language is used to do so

6  Eg:  Creature develops affection for De Laceys  P115  “When they were unhappy, I felt depressed; when they rejoiced, I sympathised in their joys”  Cross ref: Letter 2, p19  Natural and admirable inclination to empathise; echos Walton’s letter in vocab and balanced sentences - “they” and “I” = evenness.

7  Safie’s lessons from her mother  Pp126-7  Mother had taught her freedom, religion, aspiration to “higher powers of intellect and independence of spirit forbidden to the female followers of Mahomet”; had also died.  Admiration of independence and intelligence in women and also rising above cultural mores.

8  Please hand in a document containing notes on your 15 passages on Tuesday Wednesday morning – there will be a box in student services.

9 1. Now repeat the exercise: by yourself or with a few friends, make a list of 20-25 moments from the film which you consider most important in Scott’s exploration of values.

10 2. find those moments in the film: get the chapter numbers and minute references

11 3. Write about 15 brief excerpts:  Brief summary  Key quotation  Values this reveals and how the language of film is used to do so

12  Deckard sits at piano and dreams of unicorn  40:30 – 41:30  LS of room pans left to Deckard in foreground, slouched on piano stool, playing one note repeatedly: symbolic of stagnation and frustration? Manuscript and faded sepia photographs, supposedly of family, on music stand suggest value of the arts and connection through relationships. Dissolve to unicorn galloping in slow motion (romanticised) towards the responder, shaking its head  freedom? : immediacy, call to join. Music: nondiagetic, choral – implication of religious music.  Frustration; desire for freedom; longing to trust photographs – desire for proof of personal history to make sense of the present.

13  Please hand in a document containing notes on your 15 passages on Monday morning – in class.

14  1. Frankenstein notes  2. Blade Runner notes  3. Contextual information on both composers.  Students who were on camp must take steps to catch up on the lessons they missed: study the chronology of MS’s life  Skim some research on RS’s context  View the 58 minute MS video online.

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