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Genetic Resources and Possible Role of Botanic Gardens in their Conservation, Access and Benefit Sharing – Czech Republic Milena Roudná, Consultant – UNEP/GEF.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Resources and Possible Role of Botanic Gardens in their Conservation, Access and Benefit Sharing – Czech Republic Milena Roudná, Consultant – UNEP/GEF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Resources and Possible Role of Botanic Gardens in their Conservation, Access and Benefit Sharing – Czech Republic Milena Roudná, Consultant – UNEP/GEF Project Coordinator Ministry of the Environment Vršovická 65 100 10 Praha 10 Czech Republic Phone : ++420-2-6712-2769 E-mail:

2 Project UNEP/GEF (Biodiversity Enabling Activities) Assessment of Capacity-building Needs: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Important for Agriculture, Forestry and Research – Czech Republic The Project started in August 2004 and ended in December 2005. Main goal: To support the CBD implementation in the Czech Republic, especially in areas not so far fully supported from other sources - third CBD objective, Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing, and related ex situ conservation.

3 Main objectives: To assess capacity building needs in priority areas for access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, and for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity important for agriculture and forestry. To assess capacity building needs and to define country priorities in developing strategies and adopting measures for ex-situ conservation (specialized collections) and sustainable use. Two Working Groups (WG) of experts representing different sectors (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of the Environment, Academy of Sciences) were established to provide more detailed inputs and advice on each key theme of the assessment, and to lead consultations with stakeholder groups. Implementing Agency: Ministry of the Environment

4 Surveys on genetic resources of the Czech Republic and analyses of their status: Agricultural and garden crops Farm animals Forest tree species Botanic Gardens Zoological Gardens Fungi

5 Results Valuable genetic resources both in situ and ex situ exist in the Czech Republic. Differences between groups as to character of genetic resources conserved, species and intraspecies variability and number of conserved individuals, institutional and legislation status, technical conditions, safety of conservation, evaluation and documentation, regeneration measures, skilled staff and funds available, as well as awareness of genetic resources importance. Bonn Guidelines implementation analyses revealed differences with respect to general measures adopted, role and responsibility of users and providers, participation of stakeholders, measures taken in ABS implementation and other measures.

6 Common problems and measures required Status of genetic resources and their accessibility Enhance effectiveness in management and use of genetic resources collections. Better control and monitor collections health status. Ensure regeneration of genetic resources. Improve evaluation and characterization of genetic resources in collections through investment to and use of new technology (DNA methods, cryo- conservation, etc.). Develop systematic inventory and monitoring of genetic resources, with special attention to local breeds, landraces (farm animals, agricultural crop), clones and races. Enhance role of gene banks, repositories and collections in conservation and reproduction of endangered and valuable genetic resources (as to BG consider institutionalization of “National Collection”).

7 Intensify research and monitoring in nature protected areas. Amend national legislation in line with development in corresponding global conventions and European regulation. Develop research projects both at national level (coordination with related institutions and National Programme), as well as through participation in regional and international projects. Develop wider international cooperation and exchange of genetic resources, experience and information. Improve sectoral and central databases and registers, as well as their interlinks (genetic resources, projects, supportive programmes and funds, in Botanic Gardens digitalisation of data). Stabilize financial resources, guarantee valorisation due to inflation and appropriate form of providing funds. Promote information, education and awareness on genetic resources and their importance (school curricula, publications, workshops, media, communication between stakeholders, etc.).

8 Common problems and measures required Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources Enhance reciprocal services both at national and international levels (esp. genetic resources samples, information and experience sharing). Extend “in kind” contribution (access to databases, conservation of genetic samples, lectures, courses, workshops and conferences, expertise). Intensify participation in international activities. Focus the Czech Republic Development Assistance to genetic resources, their conservation, access and benefit-sharing (so far very restricted). Consider extension of existing nomination of National Competent Authorities of the Czech Republic (to the CBD Secretariat) – newly proposed the Union of the Czech Botanical Gardens and Union of the Czech and Slovak Zoological Gardens / Prague ZOO.

9 Strategy for Mobilizing Funds Funding regarding genetic resources and connected activities differs greatly not only between different described groups but also within these groups, depending on institutional status, supervising institution, governmental body etc. This regards especially Botanic and Zoological Gardens and some specialized collection e.g. for research (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Universities). Proposals to change these discrepancies and enhance availability of funds: Establish central databases of genetic resources according to main thematic groups and their interlink. Establish national central register of funds distributed according to their recipients (which enables re-allocation if necessary). Enhance awareness of responsible bodies and officers on importance of genetic resources and need of their conservation and sustainable use. Enhance communication between different responsible bodies and institutions. Enhance education and public awareness in this respect. Intensify wise use of European funds for given purposes and enhance Czech competitiveness. Intensify global international cooperation and focused Development Assistance.

10 Botanic and Zoological Gardens – important role Conservation of biological variability (endangered species, old and local varieties and races, neglected species). Research and documentation of plant/animal variability. Contribution to landscape character study and protection. Education and public awareness. Professional education. Czech Republic participation in international cooperation and programmes on conservation and re-introduction of endangered species - examples: Przewalski Horse (Equus przewalskii) – Dr E. Kůs, Zoological Garden, Prague Tarout cypress (Cupressus dupreziana ) – Dr J. Dobrý, Botanical Institute, Průhonice

11 Photo Ch.Walzer Herd of the Przewalski Horse in acclimatization centre Tachin Tal, Mongolia Photo J. Dobrý Planting of Tarout Cypress in Tassili

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