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PTO General Membership Meeting Thursday, May 22 nd, 2014 Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. Henry.

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Presentation on theme: "PTO General Membership Meeting Thursday, May 22 nd, 2014 Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. Henry."— Presentation transcript:

1 PTO General Membership Meeting Thursday, May 22 nd, 2014 Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. Henry Ford

2 Prayer and Opening Statements Father Del – Opening Prayer – Gospel Reading & Discussion – Introduction/Opening Statements


4 Christ is at the center of everything we do. Worship, Academics, Outreach, Fellowship, Everything! We Live, Proclaim and Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

5 Father Del (Shepherd) Parish Council (Advisory Board) Faith Formation Commission Stewardship Commission Education Commission Finance Commission Worship Commission REP VBS Bible Study Nursery RCIA Rosary Makers Young Adults Youth Ministry Sacramental Preparation Hospitality/Greeters Families Helping Families Holy Name Society Seniors Outreach 1 st Sunday Fellowship School Administration PTO Athletic Boosters Fine Arts Boosters Boy/Girl Scouts Baptism Marriage Ministry Marriage Prep Bereavement Eucharistic Adoration Lectors Ushers Music Ministry Prayer Ministry Etc. Parish Budget Oversight Fiduciary Compliance Archdiocese of Cincinnati


7 Part of a Church or Parish Responsive to the Archdiocese Guided by Religious beliefs Exceptional faith-based Educational Experience Families with similar beliefs and moral values Tuition off-set by Parish donations for BOTH Parish and Non-Parish families Benefits of a “Parish” School

8 Tonight’s AgendaJennifer PTO 2014-15 Managing the PTO Crisis ( Cindy ) Mission/Vision ( Jennifer) New Structure: Board Introduction (Penelope) Goals and Objectives (Penelope ) Financial Perspective (Grant) Survey/Next Steps(Jennifer) Questions/Discussion (All) Closing Prayer (Father Del )

9 PTO 2014-2015

10 Managing the PTO CrisisCindy Critical Issues  PTO President Resigned  No President Elect in Place  Consistently Poor/Low Attendance at PTO meetings  Low Volunteerism  Generally Poor Communication (across all channels)  Generally Lethargic feeling towards PTO and it’s endeavors

11 Managing the PTO Crisis Crisis Management  Vet Potential Board Candidates/Volunteers  Appoint Volunteers to Critical Positions  Similar Attitudes about Moving PTO Forward  Shown willingness to take on projects and work well as leaders and team members  Willing to commit an extraordinary amount of time to the PTO’s new mission and objectives Three (3) Planning meetings held from April 30- May 14 (Meeting minutes to be posted)

12 PTO Mission/VisionJennifer Our Mission Our Mission: The St. Veronica PTO is a Parish Ministry committed to establishing a close relationship between home and school encouraging all to live, teach and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Vision: The PTO is an inclusive, faith-based ministry that provides opportunities for all parents and staff to work together to strengthen the St. Veronica School community and foster the learning and spiritual growth of our children and families. This ministry strives to support the school, the students, the teachers and all parents of St. Veronica as they work together to promote Catholic and Academic excellence and encourage fellowship.

13 President President Elect Vice President Events Volunteer Coordinator Recording Secretary Co-Treasurers Public Relations PTO StructurePenelope Vice President Fundraising Communications Coordinator

14 President President Elect Volunteer Coordinator Recording Secretary Co-Treasurers Public Relations Notable Change to Structure Communications Coordinator Vice President Events Vice President Fundraising More frequent and family-focused events More inclusion between parish/school More purpose-driven fundraising Adopting a Less is More attitude

15 President Jennifer Highfield President Elect Penelope Frigon Volunteer Coordinator Recording Secretary Co-Treasurers Public Relations PTO 2014-2015 Board Members Communications Coordinator VP-Events Michelle Trefz VP-Events Michelle Trefz VP – Fundraising Berta Velilla VP – Fundraising Berta Velilla Laura Wolfram Lisa Frye Grant Dibert and Open Seat Lisa BernardOpen Seat

16 Increase TRANSPARENCY Improve COMMUNICATION Provide more opportunities for INPUT AND FEED-BACK (i.e. survey) Promote FELLOWSHIP among all families Establish PURPOSE-DRIVEN FUNDRAISING PTO 2014-15: Our goals and Objectives

17 PTO – Finances by School Year Grant


19 Please tell us about your PTO membership status :

20 Please describe your PTO meeting attendance:

21 What is important to you about PTO? (check all that apply):

22 What is important to you about PTO? (Additional comments) Be an example to my children about volunteerism, friendship and community Supporting the teachers' needs in the classroom. Most teachers supplement materials from their own pockets. To build upon all of the things/attitudes that makes St. Veronica such a great school Support teachers and kids

23 What current fundraisers do you enjoy the most? (check all that apply):

24 What fundraisers would you like to see take place? (check all the apply):

25 Fundraising...Some thoughts from our members! St. Veronica 5K Run/Walk Cookie dough fundraiser sale Parent's night out (activities at school for the children like a babysitting program....would be great at Christmas time!) Mother-Son dance Would rather pay higher dues with fewer fundraisers

26 What would encourage you to attend more PTO meetings? (check all that apply):

27 Out of the current PTO funded events, which would you support most? (check all that apply) :

28 Additional PTO Funded Events Extras that are not provided to teachers. Things above and beyond the regular running of the school. Everybody Counts and other similar programs. School Directory

29 Additional Comments Friendlier vibe : a Welcoming environment Update on current fundraisers while in the process of “building” Post meeting minutes A different meeting space : Meeting somewhere other than cafeteria Hearing directly from the principal

30 Which PTO communication do you find most effective?

31 Action Steps based on Survey Results Changing PTO meeting space : 2014-2015 school year general meetings will now be held at the Parish Ministry Center, alternating days. Social hours prior to meetings : We want to provide a welcoming atmosphere to all St. V families! Please come and socialize prior to meeting start times. This is a chance to get to know different families within the parish school. Communication: We are currently working to better address getting communication out consistently, updating the PTO website, making sure approved minutes are on website, and items are shared in a timely manner. Events and Fundraisers : We are working on determining new events and replacing fundraisers for the 2014-2015 school year.

32 PTO – Next Steps Events/Fundraisers for next year Touch-base with new Principal!! More family/parish-inclusive events for next calendar year and what we hope to achieve Change structure of fundraisers: – Less is More: 1-2 strong and successful fundraisers – Purpose-Driven Fundraising: Clearly established fundraising objectives

33 QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION Cards on tables !!


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