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Review of NE Division Developments Leadership Changes and Billet Opportunities –Per the MOI, Chief USAF MARS makes billet appointments in October of odd-numbered.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of NE Division Developments Leadership Changes and Billet Opportunities –Per the MOI, Chief USAF MARS makes billet appointments in October of odd-numbered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of NE Division Developments Leadership Changes and Billet Opportunities –Per the MOI, Chief USAF MARS makes billet appointments in October of odd-numbered years for Regions 1, 3, and the NE Division –Leadership changes are likely –This is an opportunity to step forward and volunteer! I am proud of the work of your NE Division leadership team, but it is always good for an organization to inject new blood into leadership positions –A list of NE Division billets is available – let me know ASAP if you would like to be considered for a billet position

2 Review of NE Division Developments New NE Division Nets –Joint Service Interoperability Net (JSIN) Meets each Wed evening at 0200Z NCS is AFA1IR; but NCS duties may rotate among Services A great way to foster interoperability! –NE Division Mission Support Net (MSN) Meets each Sat morning NCS is AFN2XC/AFA2CM Provides understanding of MSN operations for stations interested in joining –Digital Training Net (DTN) Meets each Tue evening at 0100Z NCS is AFE3EC/AFA3RH Provides excellent training on all types of digital modes

3 Review of NE Division Developments Interoperability – critically important to success of the MARS mission –With sister MARS Services Information sharing (e.g., frequency matrices, net schedules, etc.) Joint MARS exercises (e.g., Pacific Endeavor-13, National- level COMEX, etc.) Digital standards vary among MARS Services JSIN is a key forum for exchange of information –With “customers” (i.e., DoD, Active/Reserve/Guard forces, civil agencies) Voice, digital, and WL2K proficiency are all important –Many civil agencies use WL2K –NMC MARS is taking lead on licensing civil agencies as MARS stations

4 Review of NE Division Developments Communications (not just something we do over the radio) – it is essential to our effectiveness! As a volunteer organization, we must make a conscious effort to communicate with each other –Difficult at times because we have about 200 members geographically dispersed over 13 states and the District of Columbia Communications is a two-way street –Use the chain of command; let your SMD, RMD, or DMD know of any issues Personal information changes must be communicated to your leadership –DMD has circulated over 40 messages to all NE Division members since Jan of this year The free flow of information makes us feel connected and better able to fulfill our mission

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