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Preparing the Next Generation of Computational Scientists Scott Lathrop TeraGrid Director of Education, Outreach and Training University of Chicago and.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing the Next Generation of Computational Scientists Scott Lathrop TeraGrid Director of Education, Outreach and Training University of Chicago and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing the Next Generation of Computational Scientists Scott Lathrop TeraGrid Director of Education, Outreach and Training University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory

2 HPCC Center Initiatives The NSF Centers offered education, outreach and training programs starting in 1985 to engage students, educators and the public in learning about and utilizing HPCC resources Training for faculty, postdocs, graduate students on HPCC tools, resources, and methods Education programs for students and teachers (e.g. SuperQuest, Adventures in Supercomputing) Collaborations with museums and science centers Campus outreach and affiliates programs

3 Call to Action The 1991 workshop report “Computational Science and Education: Workshop on the Role of HPCC Centers in Education” urged NSF to establish a vigorous, coordinated program to integrate high performance computing and communications (HPCC) technology with general science and mathematics education: to provide an effective and wide ranging mechanism to increase the number of people engaged professionally in science, mathematics, and engineering and to improve general scientific literacy.

4 Twenty Years and Counting… The 2003 NSF Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure [Atkins Report] acknowledges that there are significant education challenges to meeting the demands of the new SMET (science, math, engineering and technology) research agenda that require blended expertise in disciplinary science and engineering, mathematical and computational modeling, numerical methods, and visualization. 2005 PITAC Report - Universities and the Federal government's R&D agencies must make coordinated, fundamental, structural changes that affirm the integral role of computational science in addressing the 21st century's most important problems, which are predominantly multidisciplinary, multi-agency, multisector, and collaborative. 2006: Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future - This congressionally requested report makes four recommendations along with 20 implementation actions that federal policy-makers should take to create high-quality jobs and focus new science and technology efforts on meeting the nation's needs, especially in the area of clean, affordable energy.

5 National, Regional and Local Programs National Computational Science Institute Krell Institute CS&E Graduate Fellowships Maryland Virtual High School modeling resources SCxx Education Program Computational Science Education Reference Desk - an NSDL Pathways Project TeraGrid and Open Science Grid EOT TeacherTECH Computational science education survey of graduate and undergraduate courses conducted by Chuck Swanson –

6 Recognizing CS&E Talents UCES - Undergraduate Computational Engineering and Sciences Award for undergraduate faculty - sponsored by Krell Institute Mary Ellen Verona Computational Science Award for K-12 teachers Robert M. Panoff Computational Science Award for students Student competitions at SC07, TeraGrid ‘07, etc. HPC Fellowships from SC, Krell Institute, etc. Many others….

7 And yet…. ….only a small fraction of educators around the country have been engaged in professional development opportunities to adapt computational science into K-20 classrooms throughout the country. … quantitative reasoning skills are inadequately addressed among K-12, college and university courses. … we need to do more to reach under-served communities (rural and urban schools, MSIs, EPSCoR schools, two-year colleges), emerging communities (humanities, arts, social science), as well as traditional Research 1 Departments.

8 NSF’s Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery Cyberinfrastructure Vision Four broad areas –High performance computing –Data, data analysis and visualization –Cyberservices and virtual organizations –Learning and workforce development

9 TeraGrid - 11 Resource Providers

10 Acceleration of CI Resources Computing Resources Expanding –Over 250 Tflops today and growing –500 Tflop system comes on-line in January at TACC –U Tennessee system to come on-line in 2008 –10-20 Petaflops by 2010 Data Explosion –TeraGrid has over 100 Scientific Data Collections –A critical area for management and analysis in all areas of study

11 Science Gateways Broadening Participation in HPC usage Increasing investment by communities in their own cyberinfrastructure, but heterogeneous: Resources Users – from expert to K-12 Software stacks, policies Science Gateways –Provide “TeraGrid Inside” capabilities –Leverage community investment Three common forms: –Web-based Portals –Application programs running on users' machines but accessing services in TeraGrid –Coordinated access points enabling users to move seamlessly between TeraGrid and other grids. Workflow Composer Source: Dennis Gannon (

12 Gateways are Expanding 10 initial projects as part of TG proposal >20 Gateway projects today No limit on how many gateways can use TG resources –Prepare services and documentation so developers can work independently Open Science Grid (OSG) Special PRiority and Urgent Computing Environment (SPRUCE) National Virtual Observatory (NVO) Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) Computational Chemistry Grid (GridChem) Computational Science and Engineering Online (CSE-Online) GEON(GEOsciences Network) Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) SCEC Earthworks Project Network for Computational Nanotechnology and nanoHUB GIScience Gateway (GISolve) Biology and Biomedicine Science Gateway Open Life Sciences Gateway The Telescience Project Grid Analysis Environment (GAE) Neutron Science Instrument Gateway TeraGrid Visualization Gateway, ANL BIRN Gridblast Bioinformatics Gateway Earth Systems Grid Astrophysical Data Repository (Cornell)

13 Broadening Participation in HPC Broaden awareness of HPC/CI – Campus Visits (coupled with CI Days) – Professional Society Meetings – Develop promotional materials Build human capacity for petascale research and education – In-depth consulting (5-8 consultants) –Fellowship Program for faculty and students – Mentoring Program – Campus Champions Enhance the usability and access of Science Gateways – Assess Science Gateway readiness and community requirements – Develop replicable strategies for integrating resources into SGs

14 Campus Champions Program Training program for campus representatives Campus advocate for TeraGrid and CI resources TeraGrid ombudsman for local users Quick start-up accounts managed by campus representative Direct contact with TeraGrid staff for quick problem resolution We’re looking for campuses interested in joining!

15 SC 07-09 Education Program Goals Multi-year, year-long, Education Program to provide continuity and broader, sustained impact in education Integrate HPC into high school and undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics classrooms –Foster High School - College partnerships Significantly expanded digital libraries of resources for teaching and learning Sponsors: ACM, IEEE, NCSI, CSERD, Intel, Wolfram Research, TeraGrid, etc. etc. Recruiting faculty and institutions wishing to innovate their courses and curriculum

16 “ HPC University” Advance researchers’ HPC skills –Catalog of live and self-paced training –Gap analysis of materials to drive development Work with educators to enhance the curriculum –Schedule workshops for curricular development (K-20) –Leverage good work of others –Scaffold Science Gateways to be accessible Offer Student Research Experiences –Enroll in HPC internship opportunities –Offer Student Competitions Publish Science and Education Impact –Publish education resources to NSDL-CSERD Multi-institution, multi-agency endeavor

17 CSERD and NSDL National Science Digital Library (NSDL) collection of computational science resources, lesson plans, mapped to K-12 learning standards Verification, Validation and Accreditation of resources for high school and undergraduate Special collections – Interactivate - math activities – Modeling and simulation activities – HPC University being added Materials for all fields of study

18 Education Systems Challenges National need for more well prepared STEM students –Prepare students in using authentic scientific tools Engage and retain more under-represented students –Engage through Excitement –Support them in gathering Experience –Offer opportunities to demonstrate Expertise Address vertical integration - K-12 to UG to graduate – Re-usability of resources and materials Mentoring for Educators and Students –Especially first year classroom teachers Provide evidence of improved problem solving skills Balance in-service and pre-service –Balance in methodology versus content of teacher preparation

19 Opportunities for Quantum Leaps Leadership role in engaging and preparing new generations of computational science professionals Create national model for excellent synchronous and asynchronous delivery of courses There are faculty ready to collaborate on offering on-line computational science and HPC courses Expand educational offerings of advanced courses and degrees at under-served institutions Federal funding for research and innovation to address learning and workforce development Collaborations with HPC centers

20 More Information

21 Education Programs CI-TEAM Informal Science Education Math Science Partnerships GK-12 NSDL

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