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May 24, 2009 New Possibilities Advancing Access to Care A Sustainable Health System Great Teams Healthy Work & Practice Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "May 24, 2009 New Possibilities Advancing Access to Care A Sustainable Health System Great Teams Healthy Work & Practice Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 24, 2009 New Possibilities Advancing Access to Care A Sustainable Health System Great Teams Healthy Work & Practice Relationships

2 May 24, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 09) Coming soon: nurse practitioners in anesthesia care to help alleviate surgical wait times and improve access to patient care In a Canadian first, Bloomberg Nursing advances unique role on anesthesia care team

3 May 24, 2009 Goal: To have NPs as one member of an IPP team, contributing to patient care within the context of anesthesia service delivery Model: Collaborative Practice Model Nurse Practitioners on Anesthesia Care Teams

4 May 24, 2009

5 4 NPs – 4 ACT Phase 2 Pilots Mary – Mt. Sinai – high risk pregnancy Jiao – UHN – pain team + & faculty Natasha – SickKids - MRI Lynn – Sunnybrook – orthopedic

6 May 24, 2009

7 Certificate in Anesthesia Care for NPs – University of Toronto This series of courses have been designed to provide advanced education for nurse practitioners interested in developing their knowledge and skill related to in the care of patients along the continuum of anesthesia care including pre-operative, peri-operative, post-operative, and ambulatory care. Completion of these courses will promote the development of skill and knowledge in the clinical care of patients in pain and/or receiving sedation and anesthesia.

8 May 24, 2009 Education UT only -1 st Cohort started January 2009 Post NP 4 courses –Pain Management, Principles of Anesthesia Care for NPs, 2 Clinical courses 700 clinical hours Collaborative with Michener Institute

9 May 24, 2009 Competence 700h preceptor clinical hours Individual, team & institution factors Evolving role so continued growth in terms of knowledge, skill, clinical judgment is expected – specialty population focus Nursing and physician oversight RN(EC) standards CNPI & CNA APN National Framework

10 May 24, 2009 RN(EC) Competencies “Expected to demonstrate competence in health assessment & diagnosis, health care management & therapeutic intervention (pharmacology, complementary & counselling), health promotion, prevention of illness, injury & complications, professional roles & responsibility.”

11 May 24, 2009 RN (EC) … also expected to Assess & provide services to clients from pre- birth to death, and to families & communities Treat episodic illness & injury Diagnose & manage the care of clients with acute &/or chronic physical &/or mental disease, disorder or condition Provide specialized health services in acute illness and/or conditions Identify, manage & monitor chronic conditions

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