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Ns-3 review meeting1 ns-3 review Tom Henderson January 11, 2007.

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1 ns-3 review meeting1 ns-3 review Tom Henderson January 11, 2007

2 ns-3 review meeting2 Purpose of meeting Discuss project priorities and how we plan for first half of 2007 Any broader issues that people would like to discuss among the whole team

3 ns-3 review meeting3 Agenda News/Announcements Development Status and Processes Roadmap and Priorities Collaborations and External

4 ns-3 review meeting4 News/Announcements Craig Dowell joins UW ns-3 project on January 16 George has also hired a developer Other news?

5 ns-3 review meeting5 Development status and processes Status: very good initial push (largely thanks to Mathieu), then has slowed substantially –build system, infrastructure at Ga. Tech, core simulator, scheduler, event API and time object, packet, callbacks lately, some unfinalized code proposals: –node architectures, mac/network interface, sockets, smart pointer, node factories, user- space thread API

6 ns-3 review meeting6 Development status and processes Processes: these have been poor, IMO –consensus forming difficult, missing milestones, inconsistent decision making processes –I'm very unhappy about this and want to fix (but can't do so unilaterally) –in 2007 (starting next week) more people getting involved-- need to fix –Discussion

7 ns-3 review meeting7 Roadmap I believe we want four software releases this year –Feb, ~May, ~August, ~December We need to agree on priorities for these releases, delegate responsibilities, and work together February release goal is set: replicate majority of ns-2 “simple.tcl” –still, a lot of holes to fill –I think we have to make it happen

8 ns-3 review meeting8 Priorities My priorities for 2007 (strawman): May refinement of simple.tcl and basic 802.11/Ethernet/Serial simulations with routing continued ports of GTNetS/ns-2/yans capabilities wrap existing ns-2 TCP code in ns-3 ? August network simulation cradle support some kind of abstraction library akin to NRL protolib December fairly functional simulator satisfying a few niches, with growing user base start to serve one community (e.g., MANET, HS-TCP) well researchers start having incentives to use ns-3

9 ns-3 review meeting9 Priorities Other things of interest to me (I would like to facilitate): –XORP/Click –Emulation –Validation –Python bindings –Animator –wrap all of ns-2 within ns-3? It will take many people to do all of the above What about priorities of others?

10 ns-3 review meeting10 Collaborations These have been slow to take because there is nothing for external people to work with yet Here is a listing of people who we've made contact with regarding collaboration/use of ns-3 –Jeremy Grossman (ns-3 GUI configurator, python) –Motorola WIMACS simulator –Emulab –Jennifer Rexford –ORBIT (Rutgers) –Re-Si European research group –Anders Nilsson (Lund student)

11 ns-3 review meeting11 Collaborations (cont.) –Nick Feamster (VINI) –Nick Weaver (Sally's contact) –Charlie Perkins and other kickoff attendees –Jim Martin (WiMax) who else? –Mathieu's ns-3 wireless PHY subproject –Need to start suggested projects on wiki, once we get a release –How to get more people involved, and when? Google summer of code (wistful thinking?)

12 ns-3 review meeting12 2007 Calendar ns-3 and ns-2 releases NSF annual report (May) PI meeting (Snowbird? June?) –poster session Should we consider Mobicom/Mobihoc free half-day seminar (September)? Other items?

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