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Neglected Diseases: Student-driven efforts to address the innovation gap UAEM International Conference October 9, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Neglected Diseases: Student-driven efforts to address the innovation gap UAEM International Conference October 9, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neglected Diseases: Student-driven efforts to address the innovation gap UAEM International Conference October 9, 2010

2 What are Neglected Diseases?

3 Neglected Tropical Diseases Disabling and Disfiguring – DALYs vs. mortality Stigma Diseases of Poverty Biblical Diseases Economic toll – Poverty-promoting Ascariasis Trichuriasis Hookworm Schistosomiasis Lymphatic filariasis Onchocerciasis Trachoma Leprosy Buruli ulcer Chagas disease HAT Leishmaniasis Dengue Fever Worms Bacteria Tissue protozoa Virus

4 What’s the problem? The Innovation Gap: From 1975-2004 only 1.3% of all new drugs were for NTDs (or TB), even though these account for 11.4% of global disease burden

5 Human Rights Civil and Political Rights Social and Economic Rights Health Benefits of Scientific Progress Expression, Religion Life, Liberty, Property

6 What’s happening in ND R&D?

7 Recent Initiatives G-FINDER Study – Annual report on R+D funding since 2007 Patent Pool for Open Innovation Against NTDs – Established by GSK in Feb 2009, administered by BVGH – Contributors: Alnylam, MMV, MIT DNDi/TB Alliance collaboration – Nitroimidizoles being tested against NTDs Global Atlas of Helminth Infections –

8 In (or through) the Pipeline African Sleeping Sickness: – NECT – faster and safer therapy Chagas: – Pediatric benznidizole – K777 - first new compound for Chagas in 35 years TB: – GeneXpert – rapid benchtop TB diagnostic device Dengue: – Tetravalent live-attenuated vaccine developed by NIAID/Hopkins, entering Phase I trial Leishmaniasis: – iCo Therapeutics – oral liposomal formulation of amphotericin B – iOWH/DNDi – paromomycin trial completed

9 What can we do to help?

10 Education Must train the next generation of ND leaders – Scientists – dedicated fellowships – Advocates – Policy-makers – Physicians – Public health professionals Partnerships with LMIC students/universities Scientific symposia on NDs ND curricula Engage professors and administrators!

11 Schistosomiasis Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, S. japonicum, S. mekongi, S. intercalatum What is it?  A chronic, parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematode worms) of the genus Schistosoma, via 5 main species.  Over 207 million infected worldwide, with 85% in Africa;  700 million estimated at risk in 74 endemic countries;  Mostly in poor communities without access to safe water;  Acquired via drinking contaminated water or through the skin. Symptoms of Infection  Caused by body’s reaction to the worms, NOT by worms;  Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, blood in the urine/stool;  Rash or itchy skin can occur within days of infection;  Fever, chills, cough, muscle aches within 1-2 months;  Enlarged liver/spleen; Populations/Countries Affected Diagnosis  Egg presence in stool or urine.  Blood testing for certain species are available but requires waiting of 6-8 weeks after the last exposure. Treatment  Praziquantel is the drug of choice for all species.  Oxamniquine has been found to work for S. mansoni in areas where Praziquantel is less effective. Prevention & Control Based on preventive treatment, snail control, improved sanitation and health education; WHO strategy focuses on reducing disease via periodic, targeted drug treatments – which involves regular treatment of all people in at- risk groups; Targeting school-aged children, at-risk adults, and/or entire communities in endemic areas – depending on prevalence.


13 GHEC Collaboration Development of educational modules Distribution to partners in LMICs – Modules loaded onto USB sticks – Continued feedback is key Planning on working abroad? – Join the team!

14 ND and Global Health Education Develop dedicated ND curriculum And/Or Integrate ND into existing curriculum What’s out there already at schools? – Google doc to keep track

15 Current Projects: Chagas’ Disease Outreach - Started by Catee Lalonde (summer internship with DNDi) - Reasoning: - Lack of knowledge amongst physicians - Lack of knowledge amongst general population (both Latino and non-Latino) - Currently in pilot phase - UAEM hosted seminars for Latino community in Vancouver (November) - Presenting at community clinics to the medical staff/general staff (November) - Distributing Chagas’ Disease awareness pamphlets - Grand rounds also a possibility - Upon completion of pilot phase: - Toolkit to be assembled and distributed to all UAEM chapters

16 Upcoming 2010-2011 Project: Researcher Database Goals: Researcher outreach, and ND drug/vaccine/diagnostics pipeline surveillance Database will evolve over time with contributions from UAEMers Content: Researchers’ names, grant size, research details, UAEM’s relationship with researcher(s), and more! Will be useful in identifying key researchers and potential UAEM allies Will be in collaboration with Academics for Access website

17 Upcoming 2010-2011 Project: PDP Information Booklet for TTOs Goal: Provide TTOs with easy-to-refer-to information packets To include: lists of diseases and respective PDPs Will familiarize TTOs with current PDPs Will assist in facilitating positive relationships between TTOs and PDPs, which in turn could fuel development of PDPs

18 Upcoming 2010-2011 Project: Compound Library Development Goal: creating compound libraries with mass screening applications Method: contacting/collaborating with medicinal chemists and having them “share” their compounds PDP-NGOs will have access to compound libraries

19 Upcoming 2010-2011 Project: NTD Awareness Campaign International cross campus initiative attempting to raise awareness and understanding of Neglected Tropical Diseases – Methods: education video clips on NDs, op-eds, blog, etc. – Can tie in with curriculum development

20 Upcoming Event: ND Symposium: Washington, DC November 20, 2010 Conference Focus: Open Innovation and the Role of Universities Goal: facilitate discussion between key academic, industry, university players Panels: – Universities and OS methods – Emerging Innovation models and the University – Universities, ND and collaborating with PDPs

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