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CROSSROADS An Integrated Sixth-grade Learning Community.

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Presentation on theme: "CROSSROADS An Integrated Sixth-grade Learning Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 CROSSROADS An Integrated Sixth-grade Learning Community

2 What is Crossroads? Radnor Middle School’s Integrated Learning Program for Sixth Grade Click here to: Learn More about Integrated LearningLearn More about Integrated Learning We learn the skills and content of three core subjects: Language Arts Science Social Studies Around the theme of CULTURE We do not integrate: Mathematics or All Specials Subjects (Those classes are the same as they are for all other 6 th grade students)

3 Where and Who is Crossroads? 40 Students (20 boys and 20 girls) meet every day of the school year for three class periods in a double-sized classroom. Crossroads has TWO classroom teachers, Mr. Canny and Mr. Rendulich.

4 Goals of Crossroads Students learn all the same skills and content of the regular sixth-grade language arts, science, and social studies classes, but do so in an environment where they…. take greater responsibility for their own learning. experience learning that is cooperative, not competitive. recognize the connections between the ideas and skills they learn.

5 GETTING STARTED We spend the first week or two of school building our team and creating our community. We do this with cooperative games as well as classroom activities aimed at developing our guiding principles for the year. Define Culture and our Categories of Culture Create our Code for Community

6 Core Content Students will study the cultures that affect their own lives Four Key Units –FAMILY –SCHOOL & COMMUNITY –COUNTRY –WORLD

7 FAMILY 3-4 weeks Overview of Activities: Family Organization Project Novel: Tuck Everlasting Family vignette Family service project Introduction to scientific method labs

8 COMMUNITY 4-5 weeks Overview of Activities: Literature circles (4 leveled novels) Powering Up – Natural Resources group project Field Trips: Philly mural tour, Coal Mine #9 and Eckley Miners’ Village

9 NATION 6-7 Weeks Overview of Activities: American historical document study American Experiences group project and literature circle (8 different novels and immigrant cultures) Immigrant Perspectives – individual research project, essay, and presentation Crystal formation, minerals, geology Field Trips: U.S. Constitution Center, Tenement Museum

10 WORLD – January to June Overview of Activities: A focused study of the geography and cultures of four continents: South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia Pangaea, plate tectonics: Dynamic Earth project Weather – Group Project Astronomy and Rocketry Folktales Poetry World culture group study and literature circle Persuasive essay Trips: Goddard Space Center, Walters Museum, Performing Arts Experience (i.e. Romeo and Juliet performance) And much more that cannot fit here

11 Other Ongoing Learning Activities Unique to Crossroads Log Book – Students write responses to prompts that probe their understanding of various class topics of study. Done in Crossroads and All Sixth Grade Classes Reading Validations (One independent book/month) Vocabulary – Wordly Wise Grammar – Grammar Workshop

12 REPORTING STUDENT PROGRESS Self Assessments –About once/month –Student generated –Teachers respond Click Here to See Self Assessment Form Mid/End of Year Evaluations –Receive twice per year –7-page document written by teachers Click Here to see Sample Mid-year Eval. Open Houses –Two evening events per year Conferences -November parent teacher conference or -By appointment any time

13 Crossroads Comparison Some Similarities –Same Core Curriculum and skills are taught –All levels of math available –Specials classes are the same –Special Ed. And Gifted support –Lockers –Lunch Some Differences –L.A., Social Studies, and Science integrated around study of culture –Emphasis on projects, presentations, and writing (with fewer tests) –Many cooperative and group learning projects –Assessed but not graded –Greater need for parent involvement –Reduced chance of getting into a subsequent integrated program in 7 th or 8 th grades

14 Who is Crossroads Compatible? Most of the following should be true Crossroads is right for students if you…  Want to have more responsibility and independence when learning and presenting what you learn.  Like to “dig deeper” and explore answers to questions independently or as part of a group.  Enjoy working in cooperative groups and consistently do your fair share of work  Are not motivated to learn solely by grades, appreciate more extensive feedback about your work, and you’re willing to use that feedback to improve future work.  Want to be part of a community of learners who spend the year together, exploring who they are and how they fit into their world.  Want opportunities to get out of the classroom and explore the world around you.  Are interested in ideas of culture and community and how you fit into these groups. CROSSROADS IS FOR STUDENTS OF ALL ABILITY LEVELS (with few exceptions)

15 An Integrated Sixth-Grade Learning Community Have more Questions? See if they’re answered here: Crossroads Frequently Asked Questions Crossroads Frequently Asked Questions

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