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1 Brief History & Accomplishments of People First of New Hampshire 1992 ~ 2012.

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1 1 Brief History & Accomplishments of People First of New Hampshire 1992 ~ 2012

2 2 The first self-advocacy group started in the Lakes Region in 1984 Other groups started soon after in Salem, Dover, Keene, Concord.

3 3 A steering committee was formed in 1990 and by 1991, People First of NH was established. It became incorporated with a board of directors by 1992.

4 4 The First conference was held in Manchester in 1991. Senator Tom Harkin joined us and encouraged us

5 5 We attended our first international self-advocacy conference in 1993 in Toronto, Canada. We have attended National Conferences every other year in: Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, Rhode Island, New York, California, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri. In 2001 we participated in an International Conference in England. In 2010, we presented in Missouri about our goal, Institutions: Close Them! with a panel of self-advocate experts from across the country!

6 6 We have had reading/discussion groups about Roland Johnson—A National Self-Advocacy Leader. From this is the creation of a presentation done across the country titled: “Find Your Passion & Voice”

7 7 Our published work includes: Large Pepperoni Pizza With An Advisor On The Side A book for self-advocates to hire, supervise and train their advisor, 1998 and revised in 2008 which has sold internationally. “I Got That Right” A Video about rights produced by People First of New Hampshire, 1994 “It’s My Life” - A Video Where Self-Advocates Discuss the Importance of Self-Determination, 1997 “Ten Years of Self-Advocacy in NH” – A video about the history of People First of NH, 2002 Now, we have a People First of New Hampshire You Tube Channel with over 20 videos including our new film: Institutions: Close Them!

8 8 In 1997, 2001 and 2010, Self-Advocates in NH join others throughout the country to March For Freedom to Close Institutions!

9 9 Self-Determination Whose Life Is It Anyway? Self-Advocates Survey Peers Using the “Who Decides?” Survey Who makes the decisions in your life? Then, based on the TV hit-show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” - we show audiences across the country that: We make decisions about driving, about getting married, living on our own, traveling, running our own meetings about our lives...and much more…

10 10 We speak often to others about our lives—and encourage everyone to be leaders

11 11 Drumming Performance Singing Exhibiting Our Painting Toasting Our Ten Years Together In 2002, People First of New Hampshire Celebrated Ten Years By Hosting a Harmony Through Arts Event

12 12 We’ve worked on issues such as: Changing the MR word in all of NH’s laws (Senate Bill 153) Getting Self-Advocacy Training Centers in the DD Act Participating on the Waitlist Committee to help improve the way our staff are hired and trained and paid. (Senate Bill 138) Planning a Presidential Candidate Forum with other state and national organizations Developed a plan to start putting stories together of people who lived at Laconia State School – to put in a book and a movie MR

13 13 We offer training & discussion events on the following topics: Voter Education Employment & Careers Find Your Passion & Voice Relationships Dreaming Of A Future Board Leadership Budgets Emergency Preparedness First Aid Sharing Stories Closing Institutions We promote our work through our website, blogs, chat rooms, Facebook, videos, email listserves, e-newsletters

14 14 Currently, our main goals include: We organize and host monthly events, meetings and activities by young adults for young adults.

15 15 We organize employment- related training events and planning meetings for people throughout the state with live online broadcasts. We have a team of peers, business owners, employment specialists, parents and family members as part of our alliance to promote employment for people who experience disabilities. Certificate of Achievement Awards given after completion of employment/career training.

16 16 The goal to help close institutions began in 2009. Some of the activities of this goal have included Virtual Rallies: The organization of virtual rallies in every corner of the world to coincide with a collection of video productions from those who took part. These can be seen on our You Tube Channel.You Tube Channel. Petitions: Institutions: Close hem!; Close Institutions In Texas; Close The Judge Rotenberg Center: Zapping Children is Torture Survey to determine states to focus on 10%20Institutions.pdf Facebook Page and Cause with over 2500 participantsFacebook PageCause Webpage with all of the goal details New Film Release with over 1,300 views since January 2012New Film Release

17 17 HSRI, The Riot!HSRI, The Riot!: Institutions: Close Them! is a timely and powerful film that reminds us of the terrible loss of life, happiness and human potential resulting from over 100 years of storing people away from their communities. It is clear that institutions have nothing to offer in the 21st Century. Rather, they are costly monsters that consume limited resources better spent on community-based services that support people to have real lives, real jobs, a home of their own, and real relationships with people they choose - just like anyone else. Michael T Bailey, Parent & Chair of the National Disabilities Rights NetworkMichael T Bailey, Parent & Chair of the National Disabilities Rights Network: With this film People First of New Hampshire has made a strong contribution to human rights. Segregation and isolation of any group is barbaric. It is past the time where institutions for persons with intellectual disabilities be placed where they belong - history's garbage dump. Thank you for your leadership. See all comments at new website dedicated to Institutions: Close Them! FilmSee all comments at new website dedicated to Institutions: Close Them! Film. Comments & reviews from our latest film release

18 18 We are People First of New Hampshire!

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