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Heather Reynolds, PBIS Consultant October 1, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Heather Reynolds, PBIS Consultant October 1, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heather Reynolds, PBIS Consultant October 1, 2010

2 What is PBIS?

3 What is Positive Behavior Intervention & Support? Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) refers to the application of positive behavioral interventions and systems to achieve socially important behavior change. (OSEP, 1999)

4 How does PBIS work?

5 School Approaches to Behavior  Traditional Discipline: - Focused on the student’s problem behavior - Goal was to stop undesirable behavior, through the use of punishment.  Positive Behavior Intervention & Support: - Replaces undesired behavior with a new behavior or skill. - PBIS alters environments, teaches appropriate skills, and rewards appropriate behavior.

6 KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF PBIS  Administrative Leadership  Team-Based Implementation  Define Behavioral Expectations  Teach Behavioral Expectations  Acknowledge & Reward Student & Adult Performance  Monitor and Correct Behavioral Errors  Use Data for Decision Making  Build Parent Collaboration

7 WHAT’S THE PAYOFF?  More instructional time  Improved attendance from staff and students  Increased student proficiency  Increased parent participation and partnerships  Improved community involvement and support  Lower staff attrition rates

8 PBIS in NC

9 PBIS Family Tree

10 Schools Implementing PBIS in NC

11 PBIS Schools in NC 2007-082008-092009-10 Preschool234 Elementary423502560 Middle/Jr175169189 High596776 Alternative293537 K-(6-8)-1231417 Total691790883

12 NC PBIS Recognition Recognition07-0808-0909-10 Green Ribbon458384 Model16 6296 Exemplar15 3852

13 Suspensions/100 Students by Year

14 ODRS/100/Day by Grade Level

15 ODRS/100/Day by Year

16 SET Scores by Year

17 SET Data

18 Implementation Inventory and AYP

19 NC PBIS Schools: ODR and AYP

20 Suspension Rate and EOC/EOG Reading



23 For more information… PBIS Consultant Heather Reynolds 919.807.4059

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