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California Common Core State Standards
KWL Chart What I already KNOW about the Common Core State Standards
What I WOULD like to learn about the Common Core State Standards What I LEARNED about the Common Core State Standards TIME: 15 minutes (for Slides 4 to 8) INTENT: To provide a reflection of what participants know and would like to learn about CCSS ___________________________________________________________________________________ Ask participants to locate the CCSS KWL Chart handout. Explain the KWL Chart: K stands for what participants already Know W stands for what participants Would like to learn L stands for what participants have Learned Ask participants to complete the first two columns on their own. You may want to ask participants to share what they would like to learn with the whole group. This will let you, as the Instructor, know the needs of your group and be able to best address them during the presentation. HANDOUTS: CCSS KWL Chart 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards for Reading
Locate the CCSS for ELA: CCR Anchor Standards handout. Briefly scan the CCR Anchor Standards for Reading (first tab in CA Common Core State Standards Overview) Locate the Eight Math Practices © Copyright National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. TIME: 15 minutes (for Slides 11 to 12) INTENT: To provide an opportunity to briefly scan the CCR Anchor Standards and to reflect on how a few of them “play out” in the real world of college and careers ___________________________________________________________________________________ Have participants locate the CCSS for ELA: CCR Anchor Standards handout and read the anchor standards for Reading (p. 10). Inform participants that because California has not adopted the CCR Anchor Standards, they are not technically K-12 standards in California. However, the writers of the standards used the anchor standards as the “end” of their “backwards mapping” process. In addition, the anchor standards will inform the writing of the new framework in ELA and the content areas. Thus, the CCR Anchor Standards provide teachers with valuable content. HANDOUTS: CCSS for ELA: CCR Anchor Standards California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Part 1: Standards for Mathematical Practice
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them …start by explaining the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution Reason abstractly and quantitatively …make sense of quantities and their relationships to problem situations Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others …understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments Model with mathematics …can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace TIME: 7 minutes (for Slides 44 to 46) INTENT: To understand the Standards for Mathematical Practice as outlined in the CCSS ___________________________________________________________________________________ Have participants locate the CCSS for Mathematics handout and turn to the Standards for Mathematical Practice found on pp.1-2. Briefly discuss each of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. HANDOUTS: CCSS for Mathematics 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Part 1: Standards for Mathematical Practice
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them …start by explaining the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution Reason abstractly and quantitatively …make sense of quantities and their relationships to problem situations Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others …understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments Model with mathematics …can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace TIME: 7 minutes (for Slides 44 to 46) INTENT: To understand the Standards for Mathematical Practice as outlined in the CCSS ___________________________________________________________________________________ Have participants locate the CCSS for Mathematics handout and turn to the Standards for Mathematical Practice found on pp.1-2. Briefly discuss each of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. HANDOUTS: CCSS for Mathematics 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
CCR Anchor Standards Stand Up / Hand Up / Pair Up
Read and reflect on the CCR Anchor Standards and Math Practices card. How would these standards “play out” in a career? Stand Up, put your Hand Up, and Pair Up with someone in the room. Discuss each card. When done, put your Hand Up and Pair Up with someone else in the room. Repeat 3 times with different partners. TIME: 15 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 11 to 12) INTENT: To provide an opportunity to briefly scan the CCR Anchor Standards and to reflect on how a few of them “play out” in the real world of college and careers ___________________________________________________________________________________ Have participants locate the CCR Anchor Standards cards. Make sure each participant has a card to read. Review the slide. If needed, model the Stand Up / Hand Up / Pair Up with another instructor or participant. Be sure participants understand that they are to discuss the ways in which the anchor standard on their card may be utilized in college and in the world of work. ACTIVITY MATERIALS: CCR Anchor Standards cards (copy and cut cards in advance) California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Lexile Framework © for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures
Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%) 1600 1400 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 20 to 24) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Click through the Lexile measures for the various text types. [click] High School Literature [click] College Literature [click] High School Textbooks [click] College Textbooks [click] Military [click] Personal Use [click] Entry-Level Occupations [click] SAT 1, ACT, AP Point out that some career and personal use texts have a higher lexile than college texts. Note for participants the readability level for entry level positions. (Provide examples from personal experience.) [click] Tell participants 1200 is considered the minimum lexile reading level needed for every citizen to achieve. 1000 800 600 High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Domains Distribution (K-8)
TIME: 5 minutes (for Slides 48 to 49) INTENT: To understand how the domains build upon each other from grade level to grade level and the focus of each domain ___________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the big ideas of each domain. Counting and Cardinality (K only): Students count a number of objects to find the total number in set and compare numbers. Counting and Cardinality begin in Pre-K with the foundations and continues through Kindergarten. Number and Operations in Base Ten (K-5): Students learn to understand place value, beginning with decomposing and composing numbers in Kindergarten, and move on to understanding and becoming proficient with operations. Ratio and Proportional Relationships (6-7): Students develop and understanding of and apply proportional relationships; understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems in real world situations. Number and Operations in Fractions (3-5): Students develop an understanding of fractions, their equivalence, and their ordering. The Number System (6-8): Students apply and extend previous understanding of operations and fractions to perform operations on rational numbers. Operations and Algebraic Thinking (K-5): Students solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; students generate and analyze patterns. Expressions and Equations(6-8): Students create and solve algebraic equations and expressions. Functions (8): Students define, evaluate, and compare functions; use functions to model relationships. Geometry (K-5): Students reason with shapes and their attributes, draw and identify lines and angles, and graph points on the coordinate plane. Geometry (6-8): Students solve real world problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Measurement and Data (K-5): Students describe and compare measurable attributes, measure and estimate lengths, and solve problems involving measurements of time, volume, and mass, and convert measurements units within a measurement system. Statistics and Probability (6-8): Students use random sampling to draw inferences about a population; investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models. Findell & Foughty (2011) College and Career-Readiness through the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Focusing Attention Within Number and Operations
K-5 6-8 High School Operations and Algebraic Thinking Expressions and Equations Algebra Number and Operations - Base Ten The Number System TIME: 5 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 48 to 49) INTENT: To understand that the Standards for Mathematical Practice use mathematical progression to help ensure success as students progress through grade levels, practices, and content ___________________________________________________________________________________ The content of the K-5 domains and the 6-8 domains lead students to be ready for algebra. The big ideas have been backward mapped and build upon each other as students move up the grades. This is the critical nature of mathematical progressions. Number and Operations - Fractions Briars & Mitchell (2010) Getting Started with the Common Core State Standards California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
California Grade 8 Options
Goal for 8th grade students is Algebra 1. Two sets of standards for 8th grade Standards for Algebra 1 (CA addition to the CCSS) 8th grade Common Core Standards for Mathematics 8th grade Common Core Finalize preparation for students in high school. TIME: 5 minutes (for Slide 50) INTENT: To understand the CCSS grade 8 options ___________________________________________________________________________________ In California, the goal for 8th grade students is Algebra 1. The CCSS has standards for grades K-8 organized by domain, and the courses/clusters begin in grade 9. Each state was able to add an additional 15% to the original CCSS. California added a grade 8 Algebra 1 Course. As a result, there are 2 options for grade 8 students in California. While it is the goal for California 8th graders to take Algebra, students can take the grade 8 course as outlined by the national document or they can take the Algebra 1 course that California designed for 8th grade students. Each option will prepare students for college and career. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The grade 8 CCSS course is not a remedial course. It is a course that contains rich mathematics and is not aligned to the California Algebra Readiness Program currently designed for grades 8 and above. The SMARTER Balanced Consortium is creating assessments for the 8th grade CCSS Course and not the 8th grade Algebra 1 Course that was designed by California. K-7 standards as augmented prepare students for either set of standards. 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
High School Two Mathematics Pathways
Courses in higher level mathematics: Precalculus, Calculus*, Advanced Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning, or courses designed for career technical programs of study. Algebra II Mathematics III TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 51 to 54) INTENT: To understand two of the model course pathways for high school ___________________________________________________________________________________ There are two mathematics pathways: [click] Traditional Pathway: An approach typically seen in the U.S. that consists of two Algebra courses and a Geometry course, with some data, probability, and statistics included in each course [click] Integrated Pathway: An approach typically seen internationally that consists of a sequence of three courses, each of which includes Algebra, Geometry, Probability, and Statistics [click] Both pathways lead to courses in higher level mathematics Inform participants that the pathways can be found in Appendix A of the CCSS for Mathematics. Geometry Mathematics II HS Algebra I Mathematics I TRADITIONAL Pathway (Typical in U.S.) 2 Algebra courses, 1 Geometry course, with Probability and Statistics interwoven INTEGRATED Pathway (Typical outside of U.S.) 3 courses that attend to Algebra, Geometry, and Probability and Statistics each year adapted from 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Getting to Calculus Sooner: Two Compacted Pathways
Traditional Compacted Pathway: complete content of 7th, 8th, and HS Algebra I in grades 7 (Compacted 7th Grade) and 8 (8th Grade Algebra I) enabling them to finish Algebra II by the end of the sophomore year. Integrated Compacted Pathway: complete content of 7th, 8th, and Mathematics I in grades 7 (Compacted 7th Grade) and 8 (8th Grade Mathematics I), enabling them to complete Mathematics III by the end of the sophomore year Both prepare students for Precalculus in their junior year and Calculus in their senior year. TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 51 to 54) ___________________________________________________________________________________ There are two ADDITIONAL mathematics pathways: [click] A “compacted” version of the Traditional pathway where no content is omitted, in which students would complete the content of 7th grade, 8th grade, and the High School Algebra I course in grades 7 (Compacted 7th Grade) and 8 (8th Grade Algebra I), which will enable them to reach Calculus or other college-level courses by their senior year. While the K-7 CCSS effectively prepare students for algebra in 8th grade, some standards from 8th grade have been placed in the Accelerated 7th Grade course to make the 8th Grade Algebra I course more manageable. [click] A “compacted” version of the Integrated pathway where no content is omitted, in which students would complete the content of 7th grade, 8th grade, and the Mathematics I course in grades 7 (Compacted 7th Grade) and 8 (8th Grade Mathematics I), which will enable them to reach Calculus or other college-level courses by their senior year. While the K-7 CCSS effectively prepare students for algebra in 8th grade, some standards from 8th grade have been placed in the Accelerated 7th Grade course to make the 8th Grade Mathematics I course more manageable. [click] Both pathways will prepare students for Precalculus in their junior year and Calculus in their senior year. California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Format of the Standards California’s 15% Addition
TIME: 8 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 55 to 57) INTENT: To understand how the standards that CA added to the CCSS are represented. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Each state was allowed to add 15% to the original CCSS. Notice that Standard 1.1 is bold, underlined, and italicized. [click] This is an example of a standard that California added to the CCSS document. All standards that California added are bold, italicized, and underlined. © Copyright National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
State Plan
Assessment: What We Know
Assessments will begin in California is a governing state in the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium. Assessments will include: Computer Adaptive Assessments (interim & summative) Performance Assessments (interim & summative) Selected Response Constructed Response Extended Performance Assessments TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 58 to 63) INTENT: To provide an overview of the broad features of SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium’s (SBAC’s) assessment plan ___________________________________________________________________________________ There are still many unanswered questions about what the 2014 assessments will look like. Here is what we know: Although originally associated with PAARC, California has recently signed on with SBAC and has opted to take a governing role. This means California educators will take a strong role in developing the assessments. Unlike current CST assessments, the new CCSS assessments will be computer-based and be adaptive. Adaptive means that the questions will adjust in difficulty level as the student answers. This will prevent frustration and burnout as students take the test—and thus give a more accurate read of their proficiency levels. In addition to end of the year summative assessment, SBAC will provide item banks and performance assessments for districts to locally administer benchmarks. Performance assessments will be both single period and extended—over several days and incorporating speaking and listening tasks. California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Common Core State Standards Implementation Considerations
All Teachers Scaffold comprehension of increasingly complex texts Integrate media sources into instructional activities Support/monitor informal talk ELA Teachers Teach more informational text Teach how a wide variety of forms fall into three overarching modes of writing: Argument, Expository, and Narrative Science and History Teachers Teach Reading and Writing skills in their content areas explicitly Mathematics Teachers Teach the habits of mind that students need to develop a deep, flexible, and enduring understanding of mathematics TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 58 to 63) INTENT: To provide a summary of the overview of implementation considerations ___________________________________________________________________________________ [click] ALL teachers will need to: Pay attention to text complexity – not just the reading levels, possibly learning new ways to determine the complexity of the text book and other supplemental readings that are assigned. Find ways in which video, computer animations, audio, and other technologies will add to lessons both in presentations and in how students share their learning. Create opportunities for students to talk to one another using academic vocabulary and develop ways to monitor these conversations and teach students to monitor their own conversations. [click] ELA teachers will need to figure out which genres fall into which “buckets” at which grade levels, and this will have to be agreed on at the school or district level. [click] Science and History teachers will need to learn how to incorporate reading and writing strategies into their content lessons. [click] Mathematics teachers will need to teach the habits of mind that students need to develop a deep, flexible, and enduring understanding of mathematics. California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
Reflection Locate the KWL chart you began earlier in the training.
Complete the third column. How can BTSA Induction support your teachers throughout the implementation of CCSS? Discuss with a partner. TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 58 to 63) INTENT: To reflect on the CCSS ___________________________________________________________________________________ Refer participants back to the CCSS KWL Chart they began earlier and have them complete the third column. Then, ask participants to discuss their KWL Chart with a partner. HANDOUTS: CCSS KWL Chart California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
For Further Investigation
California’s Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards Initiative TIME: 10 minutes (CONTINUED for Slides 58 to 63) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Review the slide. California’s Common Core State Standards: Toolkit | Overview
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