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2014 Team Captain Training.  Established by Governor Jim Hunt in 1984  Only authorized charitable campaign in the state employee workplace  No state.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Team Captain Training.  Established by Governor Jim Hunt in 1984  Only authorized charitable campaign in the state employee workplace  No state."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Team Captain Training

2  Established by Governor Jim Hunt in 1984  Only authorized charitable campaign in the state employee workplace  No state monies used to run the campaign  More than $95 million raised for charities serving NC residents since 1985  2013 Campaign raised over $3.8 million

3 The SECC is designed and run by North Carolina’s state employees. It offers a wide range of diverse nonprofits serving our state. They must apply annually and meet stringent criteria to be eligible. More than 1,000 charities are eligible for your donation! You choose where your gift goes – or doesn’t go – by designating your gift. The State of NC is required to contract with a nonprofit organization to manage administrative needs of the SECC, and this allows gifts to be tax deductible. The United Way of North Carolina has served in this role since the SECC was created. NO. The SECC is different…

4 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Develop and implement a plan to make your campaign a positive, team-building experience for everyone at your office. Coordinate and guide others who serve on your volunteer team. Educate your co-workers about the SECC and its participating charities. Promote the SECC throughout your organization. Ensure that everyone is asked to consider a pledge. Stress the benefits of giving through the SECC and using payroll deduction. Return completed pledges along with signed Summary Report Forms during your campaign, and the final report prior to your deadline. Thank your employees for contributing to the campaign. Your Role as a Team Captain You are Important! YOU are the Team Captain of your organization’s campaign and so much is up to you...

5 Develop and showcase your leadership and project management skills. Work closely with colleagues at various levels of your organization. You (and others at your office you enlist to help you in your role) will MAKE THE DIFFERENCE for hundreds of charities that are eligible for donations this year. More than 1,000 charities are eligible this year!

6 to a successful campaign While each campaign is unique, these 10 steps are the building blocks for an effective approach and should be followed as closely as possible. Your Department Executive, University Chair and your SECC campaign staff will help you to develop a plan that works best for your organization.

7 to a successful campaign  DEVELOP A PLAN By looking at where you have been, you can better determine where you are going. Analyzing past campaigns will help reveal areas of opportunity and provide clues for improvement. Build a solid foundation with these first steps: Review your organization’s giving history and analyze campaign data Establish a campaign timeline (See pre-campaign section of campaign timeline) Implement strategies to meet your campaign goals

8 to a successful campaign  ESTABLISH SUPPORT FROM THE TOP Work with your top managers to … Help determine campaign goals and objectives Endorse the campaign through an email or speak at an appropriate meeting Attend campaign events Provide thank you recognition to volunteers and donors

9 to a successful campaign  SET YOUR CAMPAIGN GOAL Your campaign goal should be … Based on past campaign results Realistic yet challenging A source of motivation for your campaign team/volunteers Backed-up by a plan to increase awareness, promote/improve the “ask,” and expand on employee participation

10 to a successful campaign  RECRUIT A CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE You do not have to do it alone! The campaign committee/team will help you organize efforts to educate fellow employees about the campaign. They build excitement, answer questions and ensure that everyone is asked to give.

11 to a successful campaign  DECIDE YOUR STORY  Consider why YOU care about the SECC, and which charities are closest to you.  Ask your managers and campaign team members to do the same. This campaign is so much more than meeting a goal or winning an award. It can help a neighbor who is struggling with a chronic disease. It can ensure a child has enough food to eat. It can give shelter to those without a home. With more than 1,000 eligible charities, you and your co-workers have an opportunity to connect with your passion and make a difference by giving through the SECC! What‘s Your Passion?

12 to a successful campaign  PROMOTE & PUBLICIZE Education and information are keys to reaching your campaign goals. Create an atmosphere of enthusiasm as you inform employees about how their contributions improve lives in our community. Campaign Tools Strategies That Work Sample Presentation

13 Campaign Volunteer Toolkit Additional Training Blank Forms Email Templates Thermometers Logos

14 Charity Fairs & Speakers We make it easy for you to request & arrange a charity fair or speaker at any location across NC!

15 to a successful campaign  EDUCATE & MAKE THE ASK This is by far the most important step. The major reason people do not give is because they were never asked, so ask everyone! Giving is a personal decision — but please be sure to allow everyone the opportunity to contribute. Provide your team with a list of employees they are responsible for speaking with, delivering and collecting paper forms from. Educate through employee meetings within department / division workgroups. Follow up with one-on-one communication. Make Your Pledge First!

16 * Don’t presume that anyone can’t or won’t give. * Educate and Inform – Teach & Present Opportunity vs. Solicit. * Involve employees who care about the SECC. * Keep the Asking and Collecting Timeframe short, highly energetic and informative. * Make sure volunteers know they are appreciated by you and managers. The #1 reason for NOT giving is NOT BEING ASKED… Most donors said they received their pledge forms in their mailbox!


18 to a successful campaign TIPS WHEN ADDRESSING QUESTIONS & CONCERNS: Objections are not personal. They are not directed at you. Objections are often based on incorrect information. You must try to identify the real issue. Show that you care. Listen carefully to help identify the employee’s concern. Don’t argue. Instead, offer information about how the SECC helps people or offer to discuss the issue further after the group meeting. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know. Let those with questions know you’ll get back to them with answers or they can call the SECC office.

19 to a successful campaign  REPORT YOUR RESULTS Regular reporting allows the team to monitor the progress of the campaign, while keeping you from having to hold cash, checks and pledge forms. D evelop a plan to collect and mail/deliver pledge forms weekly. Ensure the pledge forms and report form(s) are filled out completely, signed and that the math is accurate. Provide weekly progress reports to leadership and campaign staff. Report the final campaign total to the entire organization.

20 2014 Giving Guide Give this to all employees, along with the pledge form, when you are ready to make “the ask.” Don’t just put it in their mailbox!

21 2014 Pledge Form

22 2014 Report Form Complete and send weekly with all collected paper pledge forms & payments.

23 2014 Event Form Complete and submit this along with any monies raised through events, bake sales, etc.

24 to a successful campaign  SAY THANK YOU The importance of thanking everyone who helped you cannot be over-emphasized. During your campaign, share appreciation for donations and volunteer support at existing staff meetings and events. Provide updates and thank you messages within existing staff emails, newsletters and on Dept./Division intranet sites. Post thank-you messages BOLDLY in highly visible areas. Host a campaign-ending event with free refreshments, entertainment and any awards. Recognize significant achievements by volunteers, groups or departments within the organization.

25 to a successful campaign  EVALUATE RESULTS & PLAN FOR NEXT YEAR Be sure to keep the momentum of your campaign and learn from your experience to improve future campaigns. Hold a debriefing session to evaluate your campaign’s plan and results with the campaign committee and coordinators. Solicit feedback on the campaign from top management. Identify next year’s lead campaign team captain. Establish a timeline for next year’s campaign planning.

26 As an SECC volunteer, you touch the lives of many state employees and help them connect with causes they care about. Your efforts will impact countless individuals whose lives will be improved through the charities receiving SECC donations. Thank You!

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