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NCSLMA Winston Salem Oct. 4 4-6 PM Supervisors’ Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSLMA Winston Salem Oct. 4 4-6 PM Supervisors’ Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSLMA Winston Salem Oct. 4 4-6 PM Supervisors’ Meeting

2 We will be monitoring the back channel during the meeting. After the meeting, we will follow up on questions that were not answered in the presentation. Back Channel: Presentation Link:

3 Agenda AMTR: Melanie Honeycutt Opportunities For SLMC: Kathy Parker Evaluation Rubric: Jackie Pierson/Kathy Parker NC WiseOwl: Dan Sparlin Thinkfinity: Ouida Myers Intel Teach: Deborah Goodman IIS Update: Dan Gwaltney “Table Talk”

4 AMTR Update

5 Basic Information AMTR is open year-round NCID Account passwords will expire. Be sure to log in and keep your account up to date. Visit to locate your local NCID Administrator – they are the only ones who can reset passwords. If you have a report request, please contact Melanie Honeycutt at AMTR Information can be accessed at This includes registration information, timelines, data and reports.

6 A look at AMTR Data Personnel In Place –21% of the 115 districts have a Full Time Media Supervisor – same as 2011 –91% of the 2447 reporting schools have full time Media Coordinators – down 1% from 2011 – down 4% from 2010 –33% of those schools have full time Media Assistants – down 1% from 2011 – down 6% from 2010 –19% of those schools have full time Technology Facilitators – no change from 2011 – down 3% from 2010

7 Average Age

8 Books per Student

9 Flexible Scheduling for Instruction

10 Changes to the AMTR Addition of eBook subscription question Addition of iPad and Tablet question Addition at the district level for eBook district wide subscription Addition of Destiny to Library Automation choices

11 Information on the AMTR AMTR Homepage AMTR Data AMTR FAQs AMTR Live Link AMTR Registration Information

12 Opportunities For SLMC

13 Opportunities For School Library Media Coordinators Professional Standards which correlate with other national and state standards and guidelines Evaluation Rubric Pilot CCSS and ITES Standards Implementation

14 21 st Century Library Media Programs Let’s capitalize on this time of transformation!

15 About Media Coordinators and CCSS “Please don’t let the absence of the words ‘school librarian’ in the standards dissuade them - or you- from recognizing the librarian's critical role in bringing these standards to life in the library, in classrooms, and in learning”(Morris 11).

16 Media Coordinators and CCSS/ITES Implementation Media Coordinators are certified teachers and librarians –Collaborates, co-instructs on projects across disciplines –Instructs content area teachers on literacy skills (multiple literacies such as reading and digital) –Partners with teachers to redesign activities that are research driven and that integrate ITES

17 Media Coordinators and CCSS/ITES Implementation Media Coordinators are leaders in their libraries, their schools, and beyond –PLCs, PLNs, SIT, CC/ITES implementation teams, etc. –Actively participates, contributes, problem solves as a leader in the school –Provides PD for school faculty, instructional support for teachers –Guides teachers in selection of instructional materials to effectively implement new standards –Advocates for the media program –Aligns media collection, esp. informational texts, with new standards

18 Are your media coordinators involved in planning, implementing, and/or participating in regional, LEA, and school CCSS/ITES professional development? Do your media coordinators have the tools that they need to be effective 21 st century school library media coordinators? Are your media coordinators enabled to pursue “nontraditional” PD such as webinars, listservs, PLNs, etc.? What barriers prevent your media coordinators from reaching their full potential? Reflection: Questions to Consider

19 Resources to Consult Articles –Morris, Rebecca. "Find Where You Fit in the Common Core or the Time I Forgot About Librarians and Reading." Teacher Librarian. 39.5 (June 2012): 8-12. –Gewertz, Catherine. "Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role." Education Week. 32.3 (September 11, 2012): 1, 18-19. Web. 25 Sep. 2012.. –Hill, Rebecca. "All Aboard!:Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians an Opportunity to Take the Lead." School Library Journal. (April 1. 2012): n. page. Web. 25 Sep. 2012.. Webcasts/Webinars –Cox, Tamara, Kristen Hearne, and Monique German. "Your Common Core Secret Weapon With the Librarians in the Middle." TL Virtual Cafe. Blackboard Collaborate, 01 Oct. 2012. webinar.. –Arsonson, Marc, and Sue Bartle, perf. "Part I On Common Core- Getting Real." School Library Journal, 18 Oct. 2012. web.. (Part 1 of a 3 part series)

20 Credits Morris, Rebecca. "Find Where You Fit in the Common Core or the Time I Forgot About Librarians and Reading." Teacher Librarian. 39.5 (June 2012): 8-12. Gewertz, Catherine. "Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role." Education Week. 32.3 (September 11, 2012): 1, 18-19. Web. 25 Sep. 2012.. Hill, Rebecca. "All Aboard!:Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians an Opportunity to Take the Lead." School Library Journal. (April 1. 2012): n. page. Web. 25 Sep. 2012..

21 Jackie Pierson and Kathy Parker NCSLMC Evaluation Rubric

22 SLMC Evaluation Rubric Status The piloted rubric was approved by SBE.rubric The rubric and standards will be piloted and validated this year. (see timeline)timeline

23 NC WiseOwl: Dan Sparlin


25 ETS Study 52% of college students and high school seniors could determine if content on a Web site was objective

26 ETS Study Only 4 out of 10 knew that multiple terms in a Google search would yield better results

27 Subscription Resources vs. Internet Focused, non-commercial search results Grade-level organization of resources Associated tools and special features







34 Graphic used under Creative Commons License: Atherton J S (2011) Learning and Teaching; Bloom's taxonomy Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy



37 Students employ technology thoughtfully.... They tailor their searches online to acquire useful information efficiently, and they integrate what they learn using technology with what they learn offline. They are familiar with the strengths and limitations of various technological tools and mediums and can select and use those best suited to their communication goals.

38 Pick the right tool! Teach resource evaluation Policy: require multiple sources Recommend specific tools

39 Dan Sparlin NCDPI Copyright in the Classroom A Dilemma of the Digital Age

40 Dan Sparlin All images used in this presentation are in the public domain

41 ThinkfinityThinkfinity: Ouida Myers

42 Intel Teach: Deborah Goodman

43 Intel Teach F2F Courses Essentials and Thinking with Technology Online “free” tools and resources support NC’s initiatives such as RttT and Future Ready Educators Intel Teach

44 Elements Courses Project-Based Approaches Inquiry in the Science Classroom Assessment in 21 st Century Classrooms Collaboration in the Digital Classroom Thinking Critically with Data Educational Leadership in the 21 st Century

45 Accessing courses Apply for license to host on LMS Facilitated by online trainer Intel website Aligned to Common Core and North Carolina Essential Standards Intel/Thinkfinity Partnership Intel Teach


47 IIS Update Dan Gwaltney

48 Table Talk

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