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New Brunswick Climate Change Hub Advisory Committee Meeting October 7 th, 2009 Killarney Lake Rotary Lodge.

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Presentation on theme: "New Brunswick Climate Change Hub Advisory Committee Meeting October 7 th, 2009 Killarney Lake Rotary Lodge."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Brunswick Climate Change Hub Advisory Committee Meeting October 7 th, 2009 Killarney Lake Rotary Lodge

2 Roles / Responsibility Kurtis Knappe – Registration, Time, Notes Nadine Ives – Co-Chair, Facilitator, Notes Eddie Oldfield – Co-Chair, Facilitator, Notes Table Group Facilitators: –Alycia Morehouse, City of Fredericton –Tim Vickers, ACAP Saint-John –Alex Good, One Tree Orchard –Lauren Kennedy, Enbridge Gas NB –Greg Leblanc, Falls Brook Centre –Devin Causley, Federation of Canadian Municipalities –Nadine Ives, NB Climate Change Hub –Kurtis Knappe, NB Lung Association Reflections Catering, Shelley Vachon PSAV Audio Visual

3 Group Discussion 1 Please share your current activities and your approach to public education and behaviour change. Discuss how you: A: Communicate on climate change and taking action B: Remove barriers and change perceptions for example, overcome the perception that taking action is costly, difficult, or insignificant; promote awareness of co-benefits and how taking action can improve quality-of-life. C: Measure Sustained Behaviour Change (individual, community, and corporate-wide) and Evaluate Impact. All Groups will present during plenary.

4 Scan CopenhagenAll roads lead to and from Copenhagen Global Climate Change Thresholds / Impacts Cost of Action vs Costs of overshooting 2 Degrees Celsius (inaction) Intense Mitigation / Adaptation Scenarios Waxman-Markey Bill / ACES – North America Low Carbon Pathways, Regulations and Offsets, Regional Economic Development (energy, transportation, buildings and infrastructure), Federal / Provincial Programs Active Communities, Integrated Community Sustainability Planning, Participatory Engagement, GHG reduction initiatives

5 Hub Structure / Funding / Goals Mandate: Public Education, Capacity Building, Motivating Action Location: Offices at the New Brunswick Lung Association Funding: –NB Environmental Trust Fund –Receipt of membership donations (industry) –Receipt of donation on behalf Green Award Recipients (Enbridge Gas NB) Staff: –2 Core Staff: Director, Community Coordinator –Additional support staff: Website, IT, Database, Communications, Administrative, Financial and Senior oversight, Board of Directors, volunteers. Hub Advisory Committee, Membership, and Partnerships Community Outreach, Clearinghouse, Thematic Workshops Web Resources and Interactive Maps

6 Current Hub Activities 2 Advisory Committee meetings (Oct. ‘09, Feb. ‘10 / post-Copenhagen) 5 Municipal Teleconferences (guest speakers and knowledge exchange) Development of Guidance Briefs + Resource Kit Assistance with 2nd Mayors’ EcoChallenge Update of Active Community Profiles (online) Weekly Newsmonitoring / Website updates Survey of Stakeholder groups + Canadian Hubs Clearinghouse services & Workshop participation Fostering support for policies, programs, projects, that aim for CO2 reductions Enhance communication, collaboration, and identification of gaps / opportunities Three-Year Strategic Planning

7 Other Canadian Hubs / Centres Item:# of Hubs/Centres Have Advisory Committee: 4 yes, 2 no Funding: –from Federal Government: 3 yes, 3 no –from Provincial Government: 5 yes, 1 uncertain –from Private Sector: 3 yes, 3 no Priorities: –Conduct Public Education and Outreach: 5 –Build Capacity, Inform Policy, Motivate Action: 4 –Support Adaptation Efforts: 3 –Support Mitigation Efforts: 3 Key Barriers: –Cost-Sharing / Funding: 4 –Stakeholder Participation: 2 –Human Resources: 2 –Public Awareness: 2 –Policy Coherence: 2 –Translation: 2 –Other: 2 All Hubs were interested in a quarterly teleconference to share information, hosted on a rotating basis by each Hub. 6 of 8 Hubs completed the survey

8 NB Stakeholder Survey Ranked by Order of Importance (statistically speaking) 1.Advisory Committee 1.Facilitate Dialogue, Promote Leadership, Move toward Climate Change Goals 2.Augment Capacity, Identify Barriers, Enable stakeholders to exchange knowledge 3.Bring together diverse stakeholders, foster understanding of policy, standards, regulations 4.Explore new / emerging technologies, best practices, and policies 2.Clearinghouse 1.Exchange Information with Hub Network, Hold Workshops (local & provincial) 2.Distribute weekly newsmonitoring, maintain website resources, invite experts 3.Develop Guidance Briefs, Table Top Display 4.Conduct Surveys, Distribute Wallet Cards 3.Build Capacity of Municipalities 1.Provide Access to resources/templates, Collaborate with organizations at community-level 2.Conduct Community Workshops, Presentations to Municipal Council / Staff 3.Facilitate Quarterly Teleconferences, Promote PCP / Energy Smart, Develop Community Profiles 4.Public Education and Outreach 1.Raise Public Awareness / Motivate Action, Identify Barriers, Collaborate with Stakeholders 2.Facilitate Outreach & Community Engagement, Share Methods to Measure Carbon Footprint 3.Utilize Media 5.Support Climate Change Plan 1.Stakeholder Facilitation, Support Community Plans for GHG reduction 2.Foster support for low-carbon economy, map environmental-health information 3.Inform, educate, motivate action; and conduct surveys to inform policy

9 Opportunities for 2010 + Public Education: Climate Science, Mitigation, Adaptation Clearinghouse for Reports, Science, Policy, and public education materials Stakeholder Facilitation and Information Sharing / Dissemination Commitments & Action to reduce GHG emissions – (individual, organization, community, province) Greening Cities / Infrastructure: Community and Regional Approaches to Sustainability Greater Efficiency, Cleaner Fuel & Energy Technologies, Building Codes & Policy Advancement Opportunities for new business, training, and technology (e.g. solar, biomass, wind, tidal, hydrogen, automotive, etc) Waste Stream Diversion & Methane/Carbon Sequestration Water Conservation, Capture, Storage, Recycling Offsets – for all types of projects for which CSA protocols exist Collective Carbon Footprint Measurement

10 Group Discussion 2 How could the NB Climate Change Hub support the Climate Change Plan and engage stakeholder community? –Identify Opportunities for Collaboration / Action + their impact –Identify Gaps in public education, mitigation, adaptation –What should the Hub focus on for the next three years? Build Consensus on Foci –How could the Hub meet these goals / deliver activities? We also welcome suggestions for: –Helping communities achieve 5 milestones (Partners for Climate Protection) –Topics / Methods for public education, community workshop, stakeholder survey, or conference to inform policy. –Activity that might delivered by the Hub and partners –Improvement for future Advisory Committee meetings

11 Plenary / Voting Organize Ideas on the Wall Each table can take a minute to identify their ideas Participants will vote on the ideas by placing stickers – this helps us to rank priorities among the group.

12 Post-Meeting Note Taking / Compilation / Report Distribution Follow Up Actions Communicate with Stakeholders & other Canadian Hubs Website Update / Maintenance Guidance Briefs / Resource Kit Mayors & Councilors’ EcoChallenge / Community Meetings Development of Three Year Strategy

13 Sold Out! Empire Theatre, Regent Mall 6 pm Open / 6:15 pm Screen Time / 8:00 pm Discussion

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