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Meaningful Use and the EHR Incentive Program
NIHB Annual Consumer Conference
EHR Incentive Program The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs will provide incentive payments to eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals (EHs) and critical access hospitals (CAHs) as they adopt, implement, upgrade or demonstrate meaningful use of certified EHR technology. EHR Incentive Program rewards providers/hospitals for achieving MU.
Meaningful Use Eligibility Certified EHR Meaningful Use Measures
Clinical Quality Measures Components of MU: - Eligibility: requirements for providers/hospitals within Medicare/Medicaid. - Certified EHR: RPMS is now certified – all patches and applications are released/available - MU Measures – how you are utilizing the EHR’s functionality. - Clinical Quality Measures: no targets – simply report performance. In general, an EP/EH will demonstrate MU in Stage 1 by utilizing certified EHR technology to: - Meet the applicable MU measures, and - Report on the applicable clinical quality measures. Satisfying each of these requirements will qualify the EP/EH for an incentive payment.
Provider Eligibility To be eligible for the Medicaid incentive program, a provider must have a Medicaid patient volume of 30%.
Meaningful Use Eligibility Certified EHR Meaningful Use Measures
Clinical Quality Measures Certified EHR: RPMS EHR is certified for both inpatient and outpatient facilities. EPs/EHs will use same system.
Certified RPMS EHR Requirements
Name Space Package or Application Version Patch Release Date AG Patient Registration 7.1 9 12/3/10 APCL Export 3.0 27 11/10/10 APSP Pharmacy MOD-ePrescribing (eRx) 7.0 1010 4/29/11 BGP Clinical Reporting System (CRS) 11.0 3 6/22/11 BJMD C32 1.0 1 6/24/11 BJPC PCC Mgmt Reporting 2.0 6 6/2/11 BMC Referred Care Information System (RCIS) 4.0 7 5/12/11 BQI iCare 2.1 3/11/11 BRN Release of Information (ROI) 4/13/11 BYIM Immunization Exchange Message 01 2/24/11 BGO Electronic Health Record (EHR) 1.1 8 6/10/11 LR Lab 5.2 1027 or 372 or 334 12/07/10 PXRM EHR Reminders 1.5 1007 4/13/10 BPHR Personal Health Record (PHR) Central Ensemble 2011 GuardianEdge/ Symantec 8.0 3/31/11 IPSEC (Windows) 2010 VanDyke (AIX) WinHasher 1.6 Universal Client -Continuity of Care Record (CCR)* 4/27/11 * Universal Client -Continuity of Care Record (CCR) – now known as HIE Viewer is installed on the central servers so there is no installation needed at each facility. The URL to access the application is The logon username & password are D1 credentials so each user needs a D1 account and must be added to the Active Directory group that allows access to the HIE Viewer. The AD Group is “IHS NHINC GUI Users”. Contact the help desk to get this added. Current list of required patches/applications is always available at – look for “Application Checklist” link.
Meaningful Use Eligibility Certified EHR Meaningful Use Measures
Clinical Quality Measures MU Measures – how you are utilizing the EHR’s functionality. Most measures are same for EPs/EHs, some differences.
Meaningful Use Measures
Yes/No Measures Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy checks Generate at least one report listing patients with a specific condition Measures with Targets Record smoking status for more than 50% of patients Provide patient-specific education resources for more than 10% of patients MU Measures – how you are utilizing the EHR’s functionality. EPs required to meet 20 measures, EHs required to meet 19 measures. *Note: This slide includes brief descriptions of some sample measures. This is not a full list of all MU measures.
Meaningful Use Measures
EP Core Set Measures (15) EH Core Set Measures (14) Use CPOE for medication orders Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy checks Record demographics ePrescribing Maintain up-to-date problem list, medication list, medication allergy list Record and chart changes in vital signs Record smoking status Implement one clinical decision support rule Report clinical quality measures EPs/EHs must meet every measure in the core set. *Note: This slide includes brief descriptions of core set measures. This is not a full list of all MU measures; this does not list all requirements for each measure. Provide patients an electronic copy of health info upon request Provide clinical summaries for office visits Provide electronic copy of discharge instructions upon request Capability to electronically exchange key clinical information (perform test) Protect electronic health information (security risk analysis)
Meaningful Use Measures
EP Menu Set Measures (10) EH Menu Set Measures (10) Implement drug formulary checks Incorporate clinical lab test results into certified EHR Generate lists of patients by specific conditions Record advance directives Send reminders to patients Provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information Use certified EHR to identify and provide patient-specific education resources EPs/EHs must meet 5 measures in the menu set, including one public health measure. *Note: This slide includes brief descriptions of menu set measures. This is not a full list of all MU measures; this does not list all requirements for each measure. Perform medication reconciliation for patients referred to the EP/EH Provide summary of care records for patients referred to other providers/facilities Submit electronic data to immunization registries Submit electronic syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies Submit electronic data on reportable lab results to public health agencies
Meaningful Use Eligibility Certified EHR Meaningful Use Measures
Clinical Quality Measures Clinical Quality Measures – no targets, simply report performance. Different CQM sets for EPs and EHs.
Clinical Quality Measures: EPs
Core/Alternate Core Set (6) Hypertension Tobacco Use Assessment/Cessation Intervention Adult Weight Screening/Follow-up Weight Assessment/Counseling for Children Adult Influenza Immunization Childhood Immunization Additional Measures (38) Breast Cancer Screening; Cervical Cancer Screening; Colorectal Cancer Screening EPs report rates for 6 CQMs. May report zero denominators, but those do not count as rates. EP measures look like GPRA measures (e.g., hypertension, tobacco use assessment and cessation intervention, influenza immunization for adults), BUT - have slightly different logic (e.g., different age range), - and are calculated/reported for each provider, not facility aggregate like GPRA.
Clinical Quality Measures: EHs
Emergency Department (2) Median time from ED arrival to ED departure for admitted patients; median time from admit decision time to ED departure time for admitted patients Stroke (7) Anticoagulation for A-fib/flutter, discharge on statins, stroke education, etc. Venous Thromboembolism (6) Anticoagulation overlap therapy, discharge instructions, etc. EHs will report rates for 15 CQMs in three areas: ED, stroke, and VTE.
Medicare Incentive Program
Requirements and Amounts for EPs who begin in 2011 or 2012 Year Requirement Incentive 1 Demonstrate MU for 90-day period $18,000 2 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $12,000 3 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $8,000 Must begin by 2014 to receive incentive payments. For EPs beginning in: 2011 or 2012 – up to $44,000 available over 5 years. 2013 – up to $39,000 available over 4 years. 2014 – up to $24,000 available over 3 years. Demonstrating MU means meeting targets/goals over the reporting period, for example: Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy checks Generate at least one report listing patients with a specific condition Record smoking status for more than 50% of patients Provide patient-specific education resources for more than 10% of patients 4 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $4,000 5 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $2,000
Medicare Incentive Payments
Payment Year First Year EP Demonstrates MU 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CY 2011 $18,000 CY 2012 $12,000 CY 2013 $8,000 $15,000 CY 2014 $4,000 CY 2015 $2,000 $0 CY 2016 Total $44,000 $39,000 $24,000 Must begin by 2014 to receive incentive payments. For EPs beginning in: 2011 or 2012 – up to $44,000 available over 5 years. 2013 – up to $39,000 available over 4 years. 2014 – up to $24,000 available over 3 years. Demonstrating MU means meeting targets/goals over the reporting period, for example: Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy checks Generate at least one report listing patients with a specific condition Record smoking status for more than 50% of patients Provide patient-specific education resources for more than 10% of patients
Medicaid Incentive Payments
Requirements and Amounts for EPs Year Requirement Incentive 1 Adopt/Implement/Upgrade to certified EHR technology $21,250 2 Demonstrate MU for 90-day period $8,500 3 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $8,500 4 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $8,500 Must begin by 2016 to receive incentive payments. Total of $63,750 available over 6 years. Demonstrating MU means meeting targets/goals over the reporting period, for example: Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy checks Generate at least one report listing patients with a specific condition Record smoking status for more than 50% of patients Provide patient-specific education resources for more than 10% of patients 5 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $8,500 6 Demonstrate MU for full calendar year $8,500
EHR Incentive Program Registration
All EPs/EHs will begin registration on CMS website. If participating in the Medicaid program, will continue registration process on the state Medicaid site.
EHR Incentive Program Registration
Screenshot of Registration page on CMS website: 1 – Register for the Medicare and/or Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs 2 – Registration User Guides and Webinar 3 – General information about registration requirements – NPI, NPPES (CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System), TIN, I&A (CMS Identity and Access Management) 4 – State Medicaid program launch dates and info 5 – Attestation page
EHR Incentive Program Registration
Medicare EPs: Register with CMS Medicaid EPs: Register with state Medicaid program Hospitals: Register as dual-eligible With CMS for Medicare With state Medicaid program for Medicaid Certified EHR is not required for registration!
Regional Extension Center
The RECs will support and serve health care providers to help them quickly become adept and meaningful users of EHRs. RECs are designed to make sure that primary care clinicians get the help they need to use EHRs. Provide training and support services to assist providers in adopting EHRs Offer information and guidance to help with EHR implementation Provide technical assistance RECs are designed to support providers in achieving MU. State RECs vs. NIHB REC. NIHB REC is working in collaboration with IHS to provide support. REC funding supports the work of EHR deployment team, clinical consultants providing ongoing EHR training, development of resources, etc.
REC vs Incentive Program
Regional Extension Center EHR Incentive Program EHR certification rule Meaningful use rule Support providers and hospitals in achieving MU Reward providers and hospitals for achieving MU
Regional Extension Center
Eligible Providers Regional Extension Center EHR Incentive Program Physicians (MDs and DOs) Family Practice General Practice Internal Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine Geriatrics Physician Assistants Nurse Practitioners Certified Nurse Midwives Alaska CHA/Ps Medicare EPs Physicians (MDs and DOs) Dentists Podiatrists Optometrists Chiropractors Medicaid EPs Certified Nurse Midwives Nurse Practitioners Physician Assistants* Definitions of eligible providers come from different pieces of legislation: HITECH Act, Public Health Service Act, Social Security Act, etc. Funding for REC based on the number of providers who sign up and participate in the program. This funding supports REC participants and others who are working to achieve MU.
Provider Responsibilities
Regional Extension Center EHR Incentive Program Sign up with REC Go live with certified EHR Achieve MU Register with CMS/State Achieve MU Attest/submit each year Completing Milestone = REC Funding Demonstrating MU = Incentive Payment Have discussed REC and CMS responsibilities: - support you in achieving MU - reward you for achieving MU Each milestone/step/goal is critical for each provider: - Funding for the REC is dependent upon each provider achieving each milestone Incentive payments to EPs/EHs are dependent upon the EP/EH demonstrating MU Important to sign up so the REC receives enough funding to accomplish its mission.
Regional Extension Center
EHR Incentive Program ONC CMS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ IHS NIHB AI/AN REC EPs/EHs NIHB REC vs. State RECs: - RPMS-EHR expertise - Clinical consultants - Supporting work in Indian Country 1. Provider signs up with NIHB AI/AN REC 2. Provider “goes live” with certified EHR 3. Provider achieves meaningful use
NIHB REC M1: Sign Up
Download and complete form, send completed form to NIHB. We will contact you with questions if needed.
NIHB REC M2: Go Live We will send you a form – just complete it and return it. We will verify data using Site Tracker (Site Checker) tool – please install BNP and BCER on your system if you haven’t already!
NIHB REC M3: Achieve MU Medicare EPs Medicaid EPs and others
Provide CMS Attestation ID Medicaid EPs and others Provide attestation data from RPMS-EHR reports To qualify for M3 grant credit, NIHB must (in general) enter numerators/denominators, responses to yes/no measures, and exclusions. We are still looking at this process. Others would include all nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants – even if they do not meet the 30% Medicaid patient volume requirement.
Things to Do Now Sign up with the NIHB REC
Designate a Meaningful Use Coordinator Install RPMS EHR patches and other required software applications for certification Review MU Measures and redesign workflows Register for EHR Incentive Program (pending launch of State program for Medicaid EPs/EHs) An EP/EH’s 90-day MU demonstration period cannot begin until all required patches and software applications are installed! An EP/EH can register with CMS (and the State, if applicable) any time – prior to or during the 90-day MU demonstration period.
2011 Timeline Hospitals Providers
Medicare: Last 90-day period within FY 2011 to demonstrate MU is July 1 – Sept 30, 2011 Medicaid: Check with state about deadlines Providers Medicare: Last 90-day period within CY 2011 to demonstrate MU is Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2011 An EP/EH’s 90-day MU demonstration period cannot begin until all required patches and software applications are installed!
Frequently Asked Questions EHR Incentive Program Eligibility, Registration Status of State Medicaid Programs MU Listserv RPMS-EHR Certification Info
Contact Vicki French United South and Eastern Tribes
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