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R10 Executive Committee Meeting Name: Hang-Bong Kang Committee: Membership Development and Life Member 3, March 2012 Kolkata, India.

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Presentation on theme: "R10 Executive Committee Meeting Name: Hang-Bong Kang Committee: Membership Development and Life Member 3, March 2012 Kolkata, India."— Presentation transcript:

1 R10 Executive Committee Meeting Name: Hang-Bong Kang Committee: Membership Development and Life Member 3, March 2012 Kolkata, India

2 Membership Development & Life Member Objectives 1.Improve StM retention rate in India to 30 2.Achieve zero unauthorized formation of IEEE entity. 3.Design a new award to recognize the most innovative idea in R10. Projects / Tasks 1.Organize Section Membership Development Chairs Webcast Meeting 2.Membership Development Publicity Project 3.Develop Localized MD Strategic Plans 4.Life Member Affinity Groups Formation and Activity Support Project / Task Measurable Project 1 a.No. of Section MD chair Attendees. b.Outcome of event survey c.Local MD strategy Project 2 a.No of attendees b.Outcome of event survey c.Recruit number of new member Project 3 a.No of members b.Retention Rate c. No of New member recruit Project 4 a.No of New Affinity Group b.Outcome of activity reports Committee Structure 1.Chair: Hang-Bong Kang 2.Members: To Be Determined Budget 1.Project 1: $0 2.Project 2: $4000 3.Project 3: $1500 4.Project 4: $1500 Total Proposed Budget: $7000 Timeline 1.Project 1: Completion by May 2012 2.Project 2: Completion by Dec 2012 3.Project 3: Completion by Dec 2012 4.Project 4: Completion by Dec 2012

3 Appendices: Project 1 : Section MD chair Webcast Meeting o Organized Section MD chair Webcast meeting o Bidirectional Communication between Region and Section MDs o Build Local MD strategy o Project Measurable o No of attendees in MD webcast o Local MD strategy

4 Appendices: Project 2 : MD Publicity Project o Organize 3 MD Publicity Events o R10 IEEE Day Event o IEEE Promotion o Project Measurable o No of attendees in MD Event o Retention Rate o No of New recruited member

5 Appendices: Project 3 : Develop Localized MD Strategic Plans o India o Increase Retention Rate o Select two Sections to execute continual efforts to first year student members by forming a team with MD officers and SA officers o Promote e-membership o Select one Section to make and execute a localized MD strategic plan o Recruit New Members o Increase Retention Rate

6 Appendices: Project 4 : Life Member Affinity Group Support o Encourage new formation of LMAG and support LMAG activities o LMAG events o LMAG News letters o Project Measurable o No of new LMAG o LMAG activity reports

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