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High School Graduation Network Meeting April 21, 2014 1.

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1 High School Graduation Network Meeting April 21, 2014 1

2 2 Agenda 10:00-10:05Welcome/Introductions 10:05-10:10Feedback Survey Results 10:10-11:50Action Planning 12:00Adjourn 2

3 3 Meeting Objectives 1.Finalize action plan activities and action steps 2.Begin to define and fill in other parts of the action plan


5 5 Survey Monkey Results Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Not Satisfied At All Total The format of the meeting 90.00% 9 10.00% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10 Presenter skills 100.00% 10 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10 The meeting overall 80.00% 8 20.00% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10

6 6 Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree nor Disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree Total I understand the purpose of the Action Plan 50.00% 5 50.00% 5 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10 I feel we are making progress 40.00% 4 40.00% 4 20.00% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10 I can see my role in collaborative actions being proposed 30.00% 3 50.00% 5 20.00% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 10 The value of the planning session was worth the time away from my job 44.44% 4 44.44% 4 11.11% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 9 Survey Monkey Results, Cont’d

7 7 Open-Ended Comments I felt like this last session was one of the most productive. Angelo did a great job facilitating and ensuring all points of view were heard. Focus in the discussion of possible activities that the collaborative was to implement to improve graduation rate. The greater community is closely watching the outcomes of Mission Graduate ad the High School Network. We may be missing a sense of urgency to move from the planning process to action.


9 9 Action Planning Next Steps Today – Finalize activities and action steps – Begin filling in other parts of the action plan, particularly the timeline and persons responsible May 2 nd – Joint Network Meeting to share action plans with and receive feedback from other Collaborative Action Networks May 19 th – Develop performance measures – Finalize action plans

10 10 For each activity, we need to determine: Action Step: Briefly describes the work in detail - TODAY Monitoring/Evidence Data Sources: Complete only when applicable (examples: sign-in sheets, data report, etc.) Person(s) Responsible: Names of members who are assigned to complete the action step - TODAY Implementation Start/Stop: Actual dates are needed (mm/yy) and “ongoing” is not a date; typically are not longer than 30 days - TODAY Actual Completion Date: Only filled in “after” the activity is completed, helps the team identify when ahead, on or behind schedule Resources Needed: Identify any resources that are or will be needed to accomplish the action step ACTION STEPS MONITORING EVIDENCE/DATA SOURCES PERSON(S) / RESPONSIBLE GROUP(S) IMPLEMENTATION DATE ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE RESOURCES NEEDED STARTSTOPEXISTINGNEW Identify the key measures that need to be collected related to long term and short term targets/measures. Team1/151/302/15 Refresher: Action Plan Elements

11 11 First-Year Projects 1.Truancy Reduction A.Coordinate with APS Truancy Pilot Project B.Conduct research on causes of truancy and best practices C.Conduct outreach to potential partners D.Raise awareness E.Engage families F.Create a more welcoming school culture G.Engage students 2.Middle School Innovation A.Research Best Practices B.Support the New RFK Middle School C.Participate in Planning Process for New APS Magnet Schools Note: At the last meeting, we decided to integrate activities pertaining to wraparound support services into each of the above projects, rather than create a new project. We need to have some discussion about appropriate year-one activities today.

12 12 Any Reflections Since Our Last Meeting?

13 13 Key Questions to Begin Group Discussions Looking forward to summer 2015, what has changed as a result of our collaborative work together? In other words, what counts as success? Will the list of activities and action steps you’ve proposed help us reach that vision of success? Are some action steps more important than others?

14 14 Upcoming Meetings Joint Network Meeting Friday, May 2 9:00-12:00 United Way of Central New Mexico High School Graduation Network TBD

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