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Objectives for the Annual TBTEAM Meeting 1.Examine why the Global TBTEAM data base is effective in coordinating TA at country level – Review and explore.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives for the Annual TBTEAM Meeting 1.Examine why the Global TBTEAM data base is effective in coordinating TA at country level – Review and explore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives for the Annual TBTEAM Meeting 1.Examine why the Global TBTEAM data base is effective in coordinating TA at country level – Review and explore reasons for TBTEAM TA trends and action to address these. – Understand the importance of entering (and uploading) missions, updates, mission reports, experts. – Explain the quarterly feedback mechanism and possible uses by partners of the database for management. 2.Understand the key elements of a National TB Strategic Plans (NSP) with comprehensive Technical Assistance Plans. – Review Global Fund TA plan strategies: How to compromise 3.Understand the grant renewal processes and importance for funding and reprogramming. – Review the provision of TA tailored to the Global Fund cycle – providing effective TA – Review the evidence linking TA to global fund grant performance.

2 1) Progress to date Annual TBTEAM meeting 20 - 21 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland

3 Outline of the presentation 1) Progress since the last Annual TBTEAM meeting TBTEAM strategic objectives – Country capacity building to develop TA plans strategic plans – Global Fund: informing provision of quality TA Achievements & successes 2) TBTEAM website trends How can we improve/disccussion points

4 TBTEAM's strategy Objective 1: To strengthen the capacity of NTPs to better plan the TA needs and establish a platform to coordinate TA among relevant partners (including for GF supported activities) National Capacity building to ensure TA is country driven – Recruit and train National TBTEAM coordinators/ focal persons – Develop annual technical assistance plans – Engaging with all technical partners & donors and the NTP in the driving seat. – based on updated strategic plans and external reviews. Objective 2: To provide strategic and systematic analysis of GF grant performance, technical area priorities and available TA funding to inform the provision of quality TA TA supporting Global Fund processes Raise it: Support to Round 11 and subsequently TFM processes Spend it well: removal of bottlenecks CPs and implementation of programme. Fullfilling performance framework objectives Retain it: Support to phase 2 renewal processes with consultants, conference calls and a Pre phase 2 implementation workshops

5 Achievements Development of technical assistance plans and strategic plans supported through: 1.Regional workshops (AFR, EMR, SEAR to date planned in EUR, AMR, WPR) 2.Direct country technical assistance provision (also developed and updated as a result of Round 11 preparations) 3.Monitoring by sharing of TA (32) and strategic plans (28) on TBTEAM website TA planning framework disseminated Online training of 53 country TBTEAM coordinators on the first TBTEAM Module : Education on TBTEAM (resulting in more knowledge, increased website use, advanced TA planning Framework on guidance to strategic plan review (in process and results from regional workshops) Example: Consultant to a country to help with R11, but after it was canceled, country took the opportunity to have the consultant expand the plan into an NSP.

6 Successes TBTEAM and Global Fund every Thursday to discuss issues related to Global Fund grant implementation, including upcoming grant renewals. This approach is improving communications at all levels relieving bottleneck implementation, securing disbursements to countries and avoiding drug stock outs. Results:  GF grant disbursements being rapidly processed following clarification of information provided by the country or the provision of required plans (e.g. MDR scale up plan);  First and/or second line drug orders being processed after clarification of quantifications or other requirements for the GF to make a direct disbursement;  Development of TA plans and missions being conducted in support of grant implementation;  Joint GF and partner missions and submission of sound requests for phase 2 continued funding.  Plans to address difficulties in Round 10 grant signing.

7 Round 11 preparation: consultant workshop in Geneva consultant and country webinars on technical areas regional preparatory workshops AMRO EMRO SEARO AFRO Teleconference calls & TA provision to 16 priority countries TFM preparation (21 countries): regular webinar calls consultants continued in countries already supported Desktop reviews offered to all Mock review workshop Collaboration through: Global, consultants, Regional staff Global fund: support in raising new funding

8 60 countries expressed interest to apply for round 11 TB. 21 countries applied to TFM/TB requesting 130 million US (20% of a total of 615 million for all three diseases) This is 1/3 rd less per country/year on average than in round 10. Only essentials were covered. TRP is meeting this week to review Result

9 Global Fund grant support: spend it well and retain it (Phase 2 renewals) TBTEAM has – Supported countries successful round 10 grant negotiations. – Regular weekly face to face contact with GF portfolio managers to discuss performance, bottlenecks as identified – Teleconference calls with country and regional TBTEAM partners to discuss grant TA needs – Better prepare for renewals – Provide TA to countries in support of Phase 2 CCM applications – Support to Reviews and Strategic plan updates synchronized with Phase 2 renewals. (Nigeria and Lesotho) – Workshops for countries in Phase 1 (Harare 19 countries) – WHO representation through STB & Partnership attendance on the Phase II panel giving increased input

10 2) TBTEAM Trends The global picture Coordination Collaboration

11 Global trends in tuberculosis missions By purpose by end of 2011 2938 completed missions The number of events entered peaked in 2009 (at around 66 missions per month) and by 2011 this has fallen back to 50 missions per month. For technical areas such as MDR/XDR TB and laboratory capacity strengthening, mission numbers peaked in 2010. Paediatric TB, and operational and basic science research and infection control, show a recent continuing upward trend.


13 Global trends in tuberculosis missions By partners The major contributors to the TBTEAM database have all had reductions in number of missions between 2009 and 2011 For KNCV, this fell from 123 to 63 missions/yr the Union from 100 to 87 the GDF from 86 to 44 However new partners getting active CDC, GMS and ICN all increasing in last 2 yrs. Reasons?

14 How can we improve? Why is there a downward trend? Is there a decrease in TA being provided? Is there no need? Are there no funds? Is restructuring and decentralization affecting TA? Misconstrued ideas on sharing reports? Funding secrets?


16 Geographical distribution of missions quantity The proportions of missions carried out in the different regions match the burden of disease except South East Asia which appears underrepresented Europe which is over represented. This is likely due to India which has much internal TA not captured on the website and the additional focus on laboratory and MDR missions in Europe.


18 Many missions are Global Fund related


20 Mission reports to help inform future missions TBTEAM offers an opportunity of ensuring storage and controlled but ready access to previous mission reports by experts/agencies who need them. Only 11% of missions resulted in a mission report in 2011. (either confidential or public) This is slightly better than in previous years, but nowhere near to what we need to make the TBTEAM website There is great variation in partners putting up reports with Project Hope leading with 79% of all their reports on the website. Overall only 39 % of USAID/TBTEAM funded missions were uploaded by partners in 2011.

21 Data for 2011 uploaded reports by completed mission by Funding source Data for 2011 uploaded reports by completed mission by Partner

22 Easily see if a mission report exists and accessible through TBTEAM or contact

23 Next steps TBTEAM will provide regular quarterly feedback from data in TBTEAM to partners and donors on TB TA for quality control TBTEAM will submit annual data to Global TB report to provide a measure of reported TB TA TBTEAM will be more proactive with partners to follow up on TA data entry. (Ideas of improving data on database?)

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