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1 February 23, 2011 Pre-Proposal Conference Mental Health RFP.

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1 1 February 23, 2011 Pre-Proposal Conference Mental Health RFP

2 3 MISSION Provide leadership, advocacy and resources to eliminate barriers and promote quality health for uninsured and underserved in our service area. Provide leadership, advocacy and resources to eliminate barriers and promote quality health for uninsured and underserved in our service area.

3 3 Service Area ● Kansas City, MO ● Cass, Jackson and Lafayette counties in Missouri ● Allen, Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas

4 64 Foundation Defined Grants  Based on Foundation’s determination of need: –Healthy Lifestyles –Mental Health –Safety Net Health Care  Request for Proposals  1 proposal per RFP (2 for universities, hospitals and cities) allowed as lead organization  Reviewed by staff & outside reviewers – recommended to program committee – final approval by Board

5 5 Mental Health RFP To provide support for programs, projects and services that improve access to effective mental health care and improve overall mental health status of individuals and communities who are indigent and underserved. Areas of Emphasis (across the lifespan) Depression Co-Occurring Disorders Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

6 Mental health proposals will be accepted for general mental health and substance abuse services utilizing best practice/promising practice treatment models. 6 Direct Services

7 Special Emphasis School-based services at all educational levels Early intervention Community-based services; delivering services where people live Integration of physical & behavioral health services 7

8 8 Mental Health RFP Process 1. Letter of Intent March 16, 2011 (at 12pm) 2. Full Narrative Proposal April 20, 2011 (at 12pm) 3. HCF Board Review/Approval August 10, 2011 We prefer that all LOIs and proposals are submitted electronically but they may be hand delivered to HCF by Noon on the deadline date or by mail if postmarked no later than the day PRIOR to the due date.

9 9 STEP 1: STEP 1: LETTER OF INTENT Due: March 16, 2011

10 10 Letter of Intent (LOI) Letter of Intent (LOI) Includes the following information: 1. Electronic Application Form:  Organization Profile  Contact Information  Project Summary 2. Attachments (Upload): a.Letter of Intent Template:  Need or Case Statement that discusses the problem or need to be addressed by your project or program.  Grant Purpose Statement that explains the project/program that the proposed grant will fund, followed by a brief description of project/program activities.  Amount of Funding to be requested and the proposed grant period. b.IRS Determination Letter

11 11 New Website Address:

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18 18 Acknowledgements After Submitting the LOI Applicants will receive: An automated e-mail indicating the application was received & you should proceed with full proposal. Electronic link to access your application. Application can be accessed easily using this link – Save it. After staff pulls electronic application into our grant system we will also send an acknowledgement. If you do not receive an email acknowledgment confirming receipt of your submission, please contact our offices.

19 19 STEP 2: STEP 2: FULL PROPOSAL Due: April 20, 2011 by NOON

20 20 2. Full Proposal =Online Application + Proposal Narrative & Attachments The proposal narrative Includes the following information: A. Abstract - Not to exceed 250 words ( e.g.’s can be found on website) B. Problem or Need Statement (20 pts) C. Project Overview (70 pts) D.Diversity Statement (10 pts) E. Proposal attachments: Budget Worksheet & Narrative, Letters of Commitment, Fiscal Agent or Sponsor, Most Recent IRS Letter of Determination, IRS 990 & Audit for your organization.

21 21 Project Overview Includes the following information : 1.Brief history of organization including current programs & services. Fit with proposed project. 2. Target population/communities 3.Proposed project activities 4.Outcomes evaluation (Logic Model & Outcomes Measurement Framework-optional) 5.Staffing & capacity 6.Collaboration 7.Sustainability

22 22 Goals of Evaluation ● Purpose is to assess or improve a particular program. In other words, how will you know if your program is successful? ● How will you use the data you collect? If it is only to report to HCF, it probably isn’t the right data.

23 23 Grantees should consider the following: ● Be realistic about what you hope to accomplish ● Outcomes should make sense for a particular project ● Focus on lessons learned--what worked and what didn’t

24 24 PROGRAM LOGIC MODELS and OUTCOME MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORKS (encouraged, but not required)

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27 27 A. Budget Worksheet(s) & Narrative Budget Worksheet - Excel Template found on our website: –1 Year Grants Budget Narrative - Word Document created by applicant –Detailed explanation of each line item for 1-year grants.

28 28 One-Year Budget Requests Funding In-Kind Total From HCF Other Net Revenue HCF Grant 50,000 0 0 50,000 “X” Foundation 0 7,000 0 7,000 MH Levy 0 10,000 2,000 12,000 Total Revenue 50,000 17,000 2,000 69,000 Expense Salary 40,000 15,000 0 55,000 Benefits & Taxes 1,000 0 0 1,000 Total Compensat. 41,000 15,000 0 56,000 Equipment 2,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 Supplies 0 0 0 0 Other Direct Expense 3,000 1,000 0 4,000 Sub-total 46,000 17,000 2,000 65,000 Indirect Expense (10%) 4,000 0 0 4,000 Total Expense 50,000 17,000 2,000 69,000

29 29 Budget Narrative (example) Net Revenue: We are asking for funds from HCF in the amount of $200,000. Funding from other sources includes $20,000 from “X” Foundation and $30,000 from the MH Levy. Expenses: Salaries for three positions (Program Director, Coordinator and a full-time therapist) will be $165,000. Responsibilities will include the coordination of all program activities and collaboration with school personnel and the Community Mental Health Center. Benefits and taxes are based on 25%. Equipment: Equipment necessary for the program consists of a laptop computer and a cell phone. Supplies: Office supplies and play therapy items. Indirect Expenses: Foundation will pay no more that 10% of the direct expense sub-total.

30 30 Proposal Attachments Supporting Documents

31 31 B. Supporting Documents Non-Profit Applicant Organizations –Certificate of incorporation –IRS non-profit determination letter –Most recent IRS 990 Report (copy of nonprofit tax return) –Most recent audit –Roster of Board of Directors w/ demographic composition related to race, ethnicity & gender –Current Board-approved operating budget Organization that will carry out fiscal management: -Certificate of Incorporation -IRS non-profit determination letter -Most recent IRS 990 Report -Most recent financial audit For governmental entities that are the applicant or fiscal sponsor. –Enabling statute/legislation or official description of the entity’s responsibility or purpose –Most recent financial audit –List of elected and/or appointed officials who oversee the entity’s performance (not required of fiscal sponsor)

32 32 Proposal Attachments Letters of Commitment

33 33 Letters of Commitment Each organization that will receive a portion of the grant funds must provide a Letter of Commitment on the organization’s official letterhead. The letter must state the organization’s commitment to the project, indicate the specific role it will fulfill, and state its share of the grant proceeds. In-kind resources also require a Letter of Commitment (e.g. the value—salary and benefit expense—of staff time contributed to the project, the value of office space, equipment or training that is donated, or the value of volunteer time or other forms of direct or indirect support such as the cost of utilities and supplies.

34 34 HCF Grant Support Services Small organizations may apply for assistance as follows: No-Fee Grant Writing Technical Assistance (up to 8 hours) from members of the HCF TA Cadre. No Fee Fiscal Agent Services for Organizations without annual financial audits.


36 36 Grant Approval Process  Staff review of applications - Upon Receipt of Full Proposal with All Required Supporting Documents. -Conduct Due Diligence as requested by Outside Reviewers  Outside Reviewers -Propose slate of recommendations  Program Committee review and recommendations - July 12, 2011  Final Board Approval and Grant Award Announcements - August 10, 2011

37 37 All grant proposals, financial information and other reports submitted to HCF are subject to public review and consideration.

38 38 Key Dates Letter of Intent Due: March 16, 2011 ( by NOON) Full Proposal Due: April 20, 2011 ( by NOON ) Grant Awards Announced: August 10, 2011

39 39 CONTACT Mary Kettlewell Program Officer Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City 2700 East 18th Street, Suite 220 Kansas City, MO 64127 Ph: 816.241.7006 Fax: 816.241.7005

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