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Worldwide Porc-Ex A/S in Europe2 Porc-Ex A/S was founded in 1998 by Holger B. Sørensen With export of piglets and slaughter pigs from.

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Presentation on theme: "Worldwide Porc-Ex A/S in Europe2 Porc-Ex A/S was founded in 1998 by Holger B. Sørensen With export of piglets and slaughter pigs from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worldwide

2 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe2 Porc-Ex A/S was founded in 1998 by Holger B. Sørensen With export of piglets and slaughter pigs from Denmark.Porc-Ex A/S was founded in 1998 by Holger B. Sørensen With export of piglets and slaughter pigs from Denmark. In 2001 certified by “Danish Pig Production” to export DanBred breeding animals.In 2001 certified by “Danish Pig Production” to export DanBred breeding animals. In 2008 Porc-Ex A/S was divided into 2 companies. Porc-Ex A/S. Business: Piglets and slaughter pigs.In 2008 Porc-Ex A/S was divided into 2 companies. Porc-Ex A/S. Business: Piglets and slaughter pigs. Porc-Ex Breeding A/S. Business: DanBred breeding animals. Today >20 employees in Denmark.Today >20 employees in Denmark. Today present in more than 15 countries all over the world.Today present in more than 15 countries all over the world.

3 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe3 Danish pig industry (2007) 1.158.000 sows (2009 prognosis – 1.090.000 sows)(2007) 1.158.000 sows (2009 prognosis – 1.090.000 sows) 2008: 5.514 Pig production farms. 62 % have 500 sows or more. 1998: 16.880 Pig production farms. 15 % have 500 sows or more. 2020: 1.000 Pig production farms. Avg. 1.000 sows.2008: 5.514 Pig production farms. 62 % have 500 sows or more. 1998: 16.880 Pig production farms. 15 % have 500 sows or more. 2020: 1.000 Pig production farms. Avg. 1.000 sows. 2009: 26,3 million slaughter pigs include piglets for export2009: 26,3 million slaughter pigs include piglets for export 2009: Export of 7 million weaners.2009: Export of 7 million weaners. 2 cooperative slaughterhouses2 cooperative slaughterhouses 87 % of production for export87 % of production for export

4 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe4 Organisation Danish farmers Other activities Other traders

5 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe5 Danish Pig Production is an expert organisation for the Danish pig producers. Board of directors for the breeding programme decides breeding structure and objectives Contracts with private breeders and multipliers Controls herd health status in the breeding programme

6 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe6 The Danish races

7 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe7 DANBRED PYRAMIDE 15.779 sows 52.664 sows 1.158.000 sows 26.300.000 slaughter pigs Pure breed GGP Danish Landrace Danish Large White Danish Duroc Cross breed GP Danish Landrace Danish Large White Production sows: P Danish F1 Hybrid Danish Duroc Slaughter pigs

8 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe8

9 9 Present breeding objectives Duroc

10 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe10 Present breeding objectives Landrace & Yorkshire

11 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe11 LP 5 (Live piglets at day 5): NEW GOAL With high potential.

12 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe12 Breeding progress in DanBred the last 4 years Effect of Breeding progress on the contribution margin per slaughter pig per year in average the last 4 years. Points Breeding progress per slaughter pig Value of the breeding progress € Daily gain (0-30kg) 1,1 gram per day 0,018 Daily gain (30-100kg) 11,6 gram per day 0,187 Feed conversion -0,027 FE/kg 0,478 Lean meat 0,09%0,104 LG5¹ 0,44 pigs² 0,768 Strength/Body conformation 0,03 points³ 0,050 Durability-0,011%²-0,126 Slaughter loss 0 kg 0,000 Average all races the last 4 years -1,479 ¹ Litter size (day 5) ² Yorkshire ³ Duroc

13 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe13

14 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe14 Breeding projects in DanBred Resistance against E.Coli 149-F4 The animal must be homozygote (RR) to be resistant. In 2003 was only 1% of the Landrace and 20 % of Large White genotype RR. In Duroc are 90 % resistant and there has only being found resistant Hampshire. The goal is to have resistant slaughter pigs. After 2 years of selection is Landrace increased to 11 % and Large White is 49 %. Durability Since 2001 there has being an investigation to see if there is a connection between durability and heredity. This can give the answer if the breeding target can be changed to achieve higher durability. Salmonella resistant A small group of animals (<5%) do never got infected with Salmonella. A trial will confirm if it is genetic for certain. Lung diseases First trial has shown that there is a difference in the level of lounge disease between the individual boars, and that there is a low validity for both known lounge diseases. This opens for the opportunity, to include resistant against lounge disease in the breed. Genom-project In 2005 started phase 4 of 5 in the giant project to identify and mapping groups of chromosome areas that have influence on economical important characteristics. Primary is to find resistance against diseases. Genetic cause of boar smell The purpose is to find the genes that are responsible for the smell of boar in pig meat. Hernia The purpose is to see if there are responsible genes involved in the hernia problematic.

15 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe15 Results from the commercial livestock

16 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe16 IX. Warentest (German dam line test) 7 breeding companies: DanBred, PIC, Topigs, JSR, BHZP, Hülsenberger og LRS Same Pietrain sires on different sow lines Test for sow- and finisher traits 104 pigs from each company tested on station

17 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe17 Production traits – live weight Carcass weight (kg) Avg daily gain (g) Feed conversion (kg/kg) Company Ave- rage Dan- Bred

18 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe18 Sow productivity - Number born per litter Danbred Avg = 12,05

19 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe19 Lean Meat % (autoFOM) DanBred

20 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe20 Sow productivity - piglet mortality per litter Company Dan- Bred Avera ge All litters

21 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe21 Complete evaluation CompanyBHZPDanbred Hülsen- berger JSRLRSPICTopigs sire:Pietrain dam:db. Naima DanHybrid (LY) (LWxLL) JSR Hybridsau Rhein- Hybrid Cam- borough 23 Topigs 20 ADG goodvery goodgood+satisfact.+good FCR goodvery goodgood +good Carcass goodgood + very goodgood +goodsatisfact. Stress- resistance goodvery goodgood satisfact.goodvery good Meat Quality very good -good +very good -satisfact.+goodvery good Sow- productivity good -very goodgood - satisfact.good -good Customer rating good good +good -good +goodgood +

22 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe22 Total evaluation and economic value (DKK) 488519502 498488473 Company Dan bred Profit over feed costs (DKK) Days to slaughter Sow productivity Meat Quality -293-5-2 -929-5-9-10-1511 33 34293235

23 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe23 Financial performance

24 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe24 Conclusion ”The 9th Warentest for finishers clearly demonstrates one winner: ”DanBred” (with grade 1,3) - and whether or not sow productivity and customer evaluation is included” Wochenblatt Westfalen-Lippe

25 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe25 The Danish health system

26 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe26 Denmark is general free from the following diseases: Classic and African Swine fever Classic and African Swine fever Foot-and-Mouth disease Foot-and-Mouth disease Swine vesicular disease (SVD) Swine vesicular disease (SVD) Aujeszky´s disease Aujeszky´s disease Teschen disease Teschen disease Brucellosis Brucellosis Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Trichinellose Trichinellose

27 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe27 SPF = Specific Pathogen Free Fundamental is SPF herds declared free from: –Lice / Mange –Rhinitis (atrophic) –Dysentery Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (B. hyo) –Mycoplasma hyopneumonia/enzootic pneumonia –Pleuropneumonia APP, Type 1-15 (AP) –PRRS EU/US. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. Health control through blood samples and monthly visit by Veterinary. Health control through blood samples and monthly visit by Veterinary. Red System – Pure Breeders / Cross breeders.Red System – Pure Breeders / Cross breeders. Blood samples every month.Blood samples every month. Blue System - Production.Blue System - Production. Blood samples one time a year.Blood samples one time a year. Declaration codes (can be combined):Declaration codes (can be combined): –SPF –SPF + MYC –SPF + MYC + AP12 –SPF + MYC + AP12 +AP6 –SPF + MYC + AP12 + AP6 + AP2 –SPF + MYC + AP 12 + AP 6 + AP 2 + PRRS EU / US –Conventional

28 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe28 MAINTAINING HEALTH STATUS SPF RULES 1. Distance of the unit in relation to other pig units. – Demand minimum 800 meters out of the common wind direction. 2. Protection against rats. 3. Protection against birds. 4. Facilities for receiving feed. 5. Visitors quarantine 12 – 14 hours (Also includes vets.). 6. Entrance room for dirty and clean area – build by the right regulations. 7. Information and working system to secure that all people working at all levels know how to work by the rules. 8.Receiving facilities for bought pigs / gilts / boars. 9. Delivering facilities for piglets / slaughter sows / dead animals.

29 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe29 Which possibilities do you have in Porc-Ex 10-30 kg Piglets. In contract or pool. Breeding animals: F1 sows, Boars and GP animals. Nucleus management contracts. Multiplier contracts. Porc-Ex is active in the whole Danish Pig market. Therefore it’s possible for us, any time, to fulfil our customers wishes into material and quality.

30 Porc-Ex A/S in Europe30 Final Word Quality Flexibility Personal advice and visit. Management and production advising. Delivery on time.

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