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2 2 Introduction to Business Management In this Unit you will learn about The importance of good organisation What a business is What businesses have in common

3 3 Why be organised? We all need to be organised to get the most from our lives. The more people involved in an activity the more important it is to be organised. For a business to succeed it must be well organised

4 4 Personal organisation Think how you would get organised for: Getting to school in the morning Meeting your deadlines – homework etc Meeting a friend to go to a dance Going on holiday

5 5 What is organisation? When people work together to achieve something this is called ORGANISATION eg a swimming club

6 6 What is a business? A business is a particular type of Organisation. It involves people and resources in the making of a particular Product or provision of a Service.

7 7 What do businesses or organisations have in common? All business have a number of things in common: A name Aims ( or things they want to achieve) A set of rules or procedures Resources needed to achieve their aims An image

8 8 Your school is an organisation It has a name It has aims It has an image It uses resources It works with set of rules Oban High School Provide best possible education and opportunity to every pupil How the school is viewed by pupil, parents and the community Buildings, desks, books, staff School Rules, timetable etc

9 9 Marks & Spencer is an example of a business It has a name It has aims It has an image It uses resources It works with set of rules Marks & Spencer plc Provide wide range of good value products throughout the country Reliability and good quality Buildings used as stores and offices, Display units, shelve, computers, staff Staff have agreed ‘start’ and ‘stop’ times; people doing the same work get paid on the same wage scale etc

10 10 YOUR TASK TASK 3 – time allowed 20 minutes Log onto the internet Access site Click on – Our Core Purposes

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