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Greece: EPLO Role and Projects Professor Vasso Artinopoulou And Mrs Iro Michael, MA, Ph.D. Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Greece: EPLO Role and Projects Professor Vasso Artinopoulou And Mrs Iro Michael, MA, Ph.D. Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greece: EPLO Role and Projects Professor Vasso Artinopoulou And Mrs Iro Michael, MA, Ph.D. Student

2 Project Objectives for Greece Produce practical results that will be used by policy makers and practitioners in Greece and elsewhere in the EU, Contribution to general RJE objectives: Contribute to literature review, data collection, evidence-based results and fieldwork, focusing on the existing material mainly in Greece.

3 Workstream 1: Literature Review & Theoretical Development Literature review (focusing on the existing material mainly in Greece): legislation, research findings, projects’ outcomes, academic literature, capacity building/training material, methods of stakeholders to inform their services and other professionals working with victims, etc. Target groups: Victims, Offenders, External stakeholders, Public, Academia, Policy makers, [Particular attention: vulnerable victims (due to their age, gender and type of crime), and high risks contexts such as the prison environment and its effect to the victims]. Deliverables: National report of the review of Greek literature (and Summary of literature review) Project Methodology

4 Workstream 2: Action Research & New Data Qualitative research project through fieldwork Sample: (a) victims and offenders who had experienced restorative justice practices in the core or in the boundaries of the criminal justice system (20 interviews), (b) Key-practitioners who are involved in the process of delivering restorative justice to victims and offenders (10 interviews). Deliverables: Phase 2 report of the findings of the interviews Project Methodology

5 Workstream 4: Pilot & Implementation Conduct pilots using (a) the evidence based victim safeguards, protocols etc and, (b) the training and capacity building material for criminal justice professionals working with victims and offenders in the context of restorative justice Sample: contexts including (a) prisons (b) prosecution (c) police (d) the community Deliverables: Report of the findings of the pilots Project Methodology

6 Workstream 5: Dissemination - awareness raising and policy development Inform and disseminate the results of the project to: (a) Local Greek authorities and other stakeholders (b) Members of the European Group of Public Law (i.e. academics, justice reforms experts, members of international organizations and justice professionals in Europe and the rest of the world) (c) Libraries and other institutions (subscribers to the European Review of Public Law) (d) Dissemination through EPLO activities (i.e. conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings) (e) The production of articles in scientific journals Final conference in London Project Methodology

7 Key project staff European Public Law Organisation Prof. Vasso Artinopoulou, Professor of Criminology, Panteion University Ms. Iro Michael, PhD student, Panteion University

8 Background cooperation with IARS Establishment of International Symposia on Restorative Justice : 1 st International Symposium on Restorative Justice and Human Rights (2-7 June 2012, Skopelos island, Greece) Academic cooperation, publications: Gavrielides, Th. And Artinopoulou, V. (eds.), Reconstructing the Restorative Justice Philosophy: Greek Philosophy and Human Rights, Ashgate publications, to be published 2013. Artinopoulou, V. & Gavrielides, Th. (2012), Restorative Justice and Violence against Women: Comparing Greece and United Kingdom, Asian Journal of Criminology, DOI 10.1007/s11417-011-9123-x Artinopoulou, V. & Gavrielides, Th. Human Rights-Based Restorative Justice for Violence against Young Women; Experiences from Greece and the UK. In Th, Gavrielides (ed) Rights and Restoration within youth justice. DeSitter Publications, Canada, 2012. Artinopoulou, V. Preface in Gavrielides, Th. Waves of Healing; Using Restorative Justice with Street Group Violence. IARS Publication, UK, 2012. Artinopoulou, V. Restorative Justice and Young Females in custody in Greece. In Gavrielides, Th (ed) Rights and Restoration within youth Justice. DeSitter Publications, Canada, 2012.

9 Thank you for watching!

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