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Alice Cann Subject Liaison Librarian, Academic Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Alice Cann Subject Liaison Librarian, Academic Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alice Cann Subject Liaison Librarian, Academic Support

2 Why this topic?  A common problem  There are potential solutions  I rarely solve this problem! 11 October 201411 October 201411 October 2014 2

3 The class  LIBT – London Institute of Business and Technology  International student course, like Level 1  Study skills module  2 hour class  Everything they need to know! 11 October 201411 October 201411 October 2014 3

4 Why too much content?  Have to do everything at beginning of the year  Only get one opportunity with students  Business students need to use lots of different resources  Basics and advanced information in one go  Too little content for some students 11 October 201411 October 201411 October 2014 4

5 Lesson plan TopicMethod Sources of information: advantages and disadvantages Discussion How journals are organisedActivity sheet Accessing individual journals and articles Follow along demonstration Database searchingHands up questions Individual practice Interactive demonstration Market research databasesDemonstration Practical activities Raw data databasesDemonstration Practical activities 11 October 201411 October 201411 October 2014 5

6 Question  Is it better to give just provide the basics or should I try and do a bit on everything? 11 October 201411 October 201411 October 2014 6

7 Contact me Alice Cann Subject Liaison Librarian Brunel Business SchoolLibrary Brunel University, Uxbridge Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK Tel +44(0)1895 267425 E-mail Web

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