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AuthorAID Workshop on Proposal Writing Ethiopia May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "AuthorAID Workshop on Proposal Writing Ethiopia May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 AuthorAID Workshop on Proposal Writing Ethiopia May 2012

2 Other Aspects Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH AuthorAID Knowledge Community Editor Professor, Texas A&M University

3 Overview Revising and resubmitting proposals Following up: preparing progress reports Some additional resources Looking ahead Wrap-up exercise

4 Revising and Resubmitting Proposals

5 Revising and Resubmitting a Proposal Note: For some funding sources, revising and resubmitting proposals is common. In revising the proposal, use the advice from the reviewers. Consider consulting the program officer. In general, accompany the revised proposal with a list showing, point by point, how the reviewers’ advice was followed. If appropriate, indicate the revisions typo- graphically (for example, using Track Changes).

6 Following Up: Preparing Progress Reports

7 Progress Reports: Some Functions For the funding source or supervisor: help see how the work is progressing and thus whether the plans or funding level should be adjusted For those doing the work: –Provide incentive to keep up –Aid in assessing one’s own progress and adjusting one’s approach –Provide material to use in presentations and publications

8 Preparing to Write a Progress Report Obtain any instructions or forms. If feasible, obtain relevant examples to use as models. Review your proposal or project plan.

9 Progress Reports: A Common Structure Background information –Summary of project plan Description of present status –Achievements thus far –Comparison of progress with that expected –Significant problems encountered, if any Conclusions –Overall assessment –Proposed modifications, if any

10 Writing a Progress Report In general, structure the progress report like the project plan. Be specific. Include numbers, names, and dates. If appropriate, include tables and figures. Consider using headings etc to guide readers.

11 Writing a Progress Report (cont) Strive to sound positive, competent, and confident. Do not hide problems. Say how they are being addressed. If you write a series of progress reports on a project, put each in the same format. Edit the progress report carefully.

12 An Example of a Series of Progress Reports June 2010 September 2010 December 2010 March 2011

13 Additional Resources

14 Some Resources Proposal Writing Short Course (from the Foundation Center; available in 6 languages): Writing Your [Grant] Application: Grand Challenges Canada Proposal Development Resource ( AuthorAID:

15 Looking Ahead

16 A suggestion: To maintain the momentum from this workshop, come up with—and follow—a plan for finishing and submitting your proposal. Another suggestion: Consider sharing materials from this workshop with others. A request: If your proposal is approved, please let us know. You can write to or

17 Wrap-Up Exercises

18 Exercise 1: Looking Ahead Start drafting a list of things you still need to do in order to bring your proposal to completion. Identify ways that you might be able to share content from this workshop, either formally or informally.

19 Exercise 2: Identifying Key Points List 5 of the most important points to remember from this workshop. List 3 pieces of advice from this workshop that you plan to use in preparing or revising your proposal. With others in your group, prepare a “master list” containing points and advice listed by various members.

20 Exercise 3: Proposing a 1-Day Workshop Propose a 1-day workshop on proposal writing. The proposal should include, but need not be limited to, the following: –The reason(s) that holding the workshop would be advisable –The potential source(s) of funding and why they were chosen –The workshop plan (attendees, activities, speakers, location, facilities, and timing, etc), with the justification for each choice –The budget (including the costs or ways to determine them) –A timeline for preparing for the workshop, holding the workshop, and following up –A plan for evaluating the workshop –A title for the proposal

21 Thank you!

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