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Wrap-up and next steps Jacques Delsalle, Evdokia Achilleos DG Environment 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Wrap-up and next steps Jacques Delsalle, Evdokia Achilleos DG Environment 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wrap-up and next steps Jacques Delsalle, Evdokia Achilleos DG Environment 1

2 Main objectives for the CIS period 2013- 2015 To ensure an effective preparation of the next RBMPs, to be submitted by MS by end 2015, addressing the shortcomings identified in the Implementation Report To strengthen the knowledge base and tools that will support the further assessment of the RBMPs in 2016-18 and the review of the WFD by 2018. 2

3 New WG Economics Oct 2013: exchange of experience on update of economic analysis under WFD Article 5 + exemptions / CBA in 1st RBMPs On that basis, identify urgent needs for clearer methodological guidance complementing/updating CIS guidances on: assessment of costs and benefits of inaction/measures integration ecosystem services approach implementing WFD Articles 4 cost-recovery calculation, including environmental and resource costs link with Marine Framework Strategy Directive links with EU funding and financing instruments Guidance elements to be approved by Water Directors at the latest mid-2014 to ensure impact on the 2nd RBMPs Further work 2014-2015: Preparation of evaluation 2nd RBMPs and of 3rd cycle strengthening of knowledge to be used in the context of the European Semester (link between macro- economic and water policies). 3

4 Expectations on workshop Build analytical framework (do we forget any important step?) Detail clearly the links with WFD and FD implementation (why are we doing this?) Identify state of play knowledge, areas of consensus (let's not reinvent the wheel!) Discuss issues to be solved in the short term (how can we influence 2nd RBMPs and FRMPs?) Clarify the roadmap for further improvements (what can we learn e.g. from on-going research projects?) 4

5 Next steps Draft minutes + link to slides to be sent by COWI on 11/6 Feedback + written comments from participants on draft zero guidance by 18/6 Further discussions / internet platform project website: Revised guidelines by August WG Economics workshop (early oct 2013 tbc) 2 nd ES workshop tbc 5

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