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An Invitation from Moses, An Invitation that should come from Christians Today Scripture Reading: Num 10:29.

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1 An Invitation from Moses, An Invitation that should come from Christians Today Scripture Reading: Num 10:29

2  An invitation from Moses  To a member of his family  To go to the promised land  A fitting invitation for the Church to extend  “Come with us, and we will treat you well”

3  Those heading for a better land  They had been delivered from slavery  They were headed to the promised land  Christians are headed to heaven ( Jn 14:1-3 )  The promised land was a gift from God  The Lord said, “I will give it to you”  This was a future possession for former slaves  Heaven is a prepared gift for God’s people  “I go to prepare a place for you” ( Jn 14:3 )  Former slaves to sin are now citizens of Heaven ( Phil 3:20 )  The gift of eternal life includes Heaven ( Rom 6:23 )

4  This invitation was given to one who would be helped by accepting it  “Come with us, and we will treat you well”  An honest desire to do good for another person  God cares about all His creation ( Jn 3:16 )  All who accept the invitation to salvation will receive good things  They will journey with us to Heaven  They will share in God’s blessings along the way

5  “the L ORD has promised good things to Israel.”  Moses received promises for Israel from God  At the burning bush ( Ex 3&4 )  Israel’s future was as secure as God’s promises  The Lord guarantees our offer of salvation  He promises to save all who come to Him ( Heb 7:25 )  He promises to keep them all the way ( 1 Jn 5:13 )

6  As Christians let us extend this invitation to all  Let all know God loves them and desires to do them good

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