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World War II On the Homefront. United States success in World War II required the total commitment of the nations resources. Public education and the.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II On the Homefront. United States success in World War II required the total commitment of the nations resources. Public education and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II On the Homefront

2 United States success in World War II required the total commitment of the nations resources. Public education and the mass media promoted nationalism

3 United States Resources

4 US Resources U.S. government and industry worked together to distribute resources Office of War Mobilization created to control resources

5 Economic Resources

6 Rationing maintained a steady supply of materials for war War bonds and income tax were used for financing the war

7 Economic Resources Business was retooled from peacetime to wartime production

8 Human Resources

9 More women and minorities entered the labor force Citizens volunteered in support of the war effort

10 Women Replaced men who went to serve in the military (e.g., Rosie the Riveter). They participated in non-combat military roles




14 African-Americans Double V Campaign –Victory in war and victory in equality at home –Demanded an end to segregation in military


16 Military Resources The draft/selective service was used to provide personnel for the military

17 Role of Media and Mass Communications

18 Role of the Media Media and communications assisted the govt in supporting the war U.S. government maintained strict censorship of reporting of the war –Censorship: blocking certain materials from being published

19 Role of the Media Hollywood produced movies, plays, and shows that boosted morale and patriotism Portrayed the enemy in stereotypical ways






25 Political, economic and social consequences of the war

26 Legacy Of WWII 1.Massive destruction and death 2.End of Allied cooperation and beginning of Cold War – political tensions

27 Legacy Of WWII 3.US and Soviet Unions are only superpower countries 4.Atomic fallout – all countries rushed to get atomic bomb

28 Legacy Of WWII 5.US troops permanently stationed around the world 6.US will maintain a standing army in peacetime

29 Legacy Of WWII 7.Germany (and Berlin) divided into 4 military zones each zone controlled by one of the 4 major Allied powers

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